Working With Qorus in Docker

In this blog post, you will learn how to work with Qorus in Docker.

ℹ️ Note: Before you continue, make sure you have Docker installed. You can do that by running docker --version.

Qorus Integration Engine(R) Community Edition Docker Images

Qore Technologies offers three docker images for the Community Edition, one based on Ubuntu, and two based on Alpine Linux. All Community Edition images are multi-arch images, supporting amd64 (x86_64) and arm64 (aarch64) processors.  For details on each image, see Qorus Images in the Elastic Container Registry

Docker ImagesFeatures on Ubuntu with Java, Python, Oracle libraries + Firebird ODBC drivers on Alpine Linux with Java, Python, Oracle libraries on Alpine Linux with Python but without Java or Oracle client libraries

Qorus Integration Engine(R) Enterprise Edition Docker Images

Qore Technologies offers four docker images for the Enterprise Edition, two based on Ubuntu, and two based on Alpine Linux. As of Qorus v5.1+, all four images are multi-arch images, supporting amd64 (x86_64) and arm64 (aarch64) processors.   For details on each image, see Qorus Images in the Elastic Container Registry

Docker ImagesFeatures on Ubuntu with Java, Python, Oracle libraries + Firebird ODBC drivers + go and grpcurl on Alpine Linux with Java, Python, Oracle libraries on Alpine Linux with Python but without Java or Oracle client libraries

Running Qorus In a Docker Container

The quickest way to start Qorus and its database in a simple configuration is to use Docker Compose.
1. Clone the Qorus-docker repository to your machine with
git clone

2. Change directory to the Community Edition directory in the repository.

cd qorus-docker/qorus-ce

ℹ️ Note: This will start the Community Edition; use qorus-ee to start the Enterprise Edition

3. Use Docker compose to pull and run Qorus in a Docker container.

docker-compose up -d
ℹ️ Note: The -d flag launches the containers in the background

Understanding Docker Configuration and Organisation

The Docker configuration and organization is dictated by the docker-compose.yml file when you run ‘docker-compose up -d‘. In this section, you will understand the docker-compose.yml file and how each of the elements in this file affect Docker’s configuration.


The service element is a root element of any compose file. A service definition contains the configuration that is applied to each container started for that service. You will find the following service definitions inside the docker-compose.yml file.

1. For the Qorus image itself
    - "8011:8011"
      OMQ_DB_NAME: postgres
      OMQ_DB_TYPE: pgsql
      OMQ_DB_HOST: pg
      OMQ_DB_USER: postgres
      OMQ_DB_PASS: omq
      TZ: Europe/Prague
    restart: always
    - ./qorus-etc:/opt/qorus/etc
    - ./qorus-log:/opt/qorus/log
    - ./qorus-user:/opt/qorus/user
    - pg
        soft: 8192
        hard: 65536
        soft: 8192
        hard: 32768
2. For the PostgreSQL image 
    image: postgres:15
      TZ: Europe/Prague
      PGTZ: Europe/Prague
    - ./qorus-postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
Since Qorus needs a database to work properly, the docker-compose.yml file includes a service definition to set up a database. The database files are also mounted from a Docker volume in order to make the database persistent.

Service Definitions


The ‘image’ element specifies the image to start the container from. In the compose file above, the image element is set to a Qorus image based on Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish – 22.04 LTS (


The ports element exposes container ports. It follows the following format host_post:container_port.

    - "8011:8011"

In this example, the ports attribute exposes the Qorus instance on the local port 8011. To expose the Qorus instance on another local port, say, 10011 change the port attribute to “10011:8011”. This will open up the Qorus instance on the local port 10011.


The environment element defines environment variables set in the container. This is one of the ways to configure Qorus’s system DB. In the present scenario we have the following

      OMQ_DB_NAME: postgres
      OMQ_DB_TYPE: pgsql
      OMQ_DB_HOST: pg
      OMQ_DB_USER: postgres
      OMQ_DB_PASS: omq
      TZ: Europe/Prague

The OMQ_DB_PASS is the password to the PostgreSQL image’s database. Ensure that its value matches the password set for the PostgreSQL image above.

The TZ environment variable will set the time zone for the Qorus container. Make sure you use a valid timezone name.

ℹ️ Note: To set a custom admin password, add the QORUS_ADMIN_PASS environment variable option to the environment element. You can find the table describing all the environment variable that can be set when running the Docker container here.


The restart attribute configures the behaviour when the container exits, whether it be through an error, a normal exit etc. Since we usually want Qorus to run constantly, we set it to ‘always‘.


“volumes” mount host filesystem directories into the container. This is necessary to run Qorus and its database with persistent data. It follows the format VOLUME:CONTAINER:PATH. With the above attributes under the volume element, Docker will create three docker volumes – ‘qorus-etc‘, ‘qorus-log‘, and ‘qorus-user‘ on the host to which the container’s data is written for persistence. With Docker, the volume names will be prefixed with ‘docker_,‘ so on the host machine, the volumes will be as follows:

ℹ️ Note: To list all the Docker volumes on your host run ‘docker volume ls’

On the container, these volumes are mapped to the keys specified in the volumes element. i.e., to the ‘/opt/qorus/etc‘, ‘/opt/qorus/log‘ and ‘/opt/qorus/user‘ directories.

Qorus VolumeMapped Directory in the ContainerDescriptionHost Machine Mounts
qorus-etc/opt/qorus/etcThe OMQ_DIR/etc directory is dedicated to storing the system configuration files. The system and client options can be set through the 'options' file contained in this directory. Here is a list of all the system options in the qorus option domain. (compose file directory)/qorus-etc
qorus-log/opt/qorus/logThe OMQ_DIR/log directory is for the the Qorus' runtime logs. Log file names are created based on template strings that undergo variable substitution.(compose file directory)/qorus-log
qorus-user/opt/qorus/userThe OMQ_DIR/user directory is for the Qorus user definition files, code objects, interface descriptions, release source.(compose file directory)/qorus-user
qorus-postgres-data/var/lib/postgresql/dataPostgreSQL 15 database for Qorus with a persistent volume for the database files(compose file directory)/qorus-postgres-data
ℹ️ Note: When the docker container is run for the first time, the environment setup script /opt/qorus/bin/ is executed, which exports the environment variable OMQ_DIR and sets it to /opt/qorus. Learn more about options file, system options and logs.

To get more information and to verify that the volumes were created and mounted correctly, run docker inspect container id and go the “Mounts” array.


links defines a network link to containers in another service. In the present scenario we link the PostgreSQL service in the Qorus service definition. This isn’t strictly necessary as Qorus can work with any supported database (PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, or Oracle) accessible from the network, however in this case to you need to set environment variables appropriately to connect to the local database. Additionally, in this case, the DB must already exist, and the DB user must have permissions to create all the required DB objects in the schema.

Ulimits / Resource Limits

ulimit is a Linux shell command used to monitor and control the resource usage of the current user. The user running Qorus Integration Engine must have minimum hard and soft limits for the number of descriptors available (nofile) and the number of processes and threads (nproc). In the compose file, above 

        soft: 8192
        hard: 65536
        soft: 8192
        hard: 32768

The soft limits for both, nproc and nofile are set to 8192 which is the recommended value for Qorus.

Running Qorus in Docker Manually

1. Pull the Qorus Docker image with:

docker pull
2. Pull the PostgreSQL image
docker pull postgres:15

3. Start the DB container first

docker run —name pg -v $HOME/qorus/postgresql-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=omq -e TZ=Europe/Prague -e 
PGTZ=Europe/Prague -d postgres:15
ℹ️ Note: The – e flags is similar to the environment element in the Qorus service definition in the docker-compose example.

4. Create persistent directories for Qorus:

mkdir -p $HOME/qorus/etc $HOME/qorus/user $HOME/qorus/log

5. Download and start the Qorus image in a Docker container:

docker run --name qorus \
    --link pg:postgres \
    --restart always
    -p 8011:8011 \
    --ulimit nofile=8192:8192 \
    --ulimit nproc=8192:8192 \
    -e OMQ_DB_NAME=postgres \
    -e OMQ_DB_TYPE=pgsql \
    -e OMQ_DB_HOST=postgres \
    -e OMQ_DB_USER=postgres \
    -e OMQ_DB_PASS=omq \
    -e TZ=Europe/Prague \
    -e QORUS_ADMIN_PASS=changeme \
    -e QORUS_UID=1000 \
    -e QORUS_GID=100 \
    -v $HOME/qorus/qorus-etc:/opt/qorus/etc \
    -v $HOME/qorus/qorus-log:/opt/qorus/log \
    -v $HOME/qorus/qorus-user:/opt/qorus/user \
ℹ️ Note: The -p, -e, -v flags are similar to the ports, environment and volumes elements in the docker-compose.yml file

Executing Qorus commands in the Docker container

Docker commands can be executed in the Docker container directly from the host container with:

docker exec [container-id] bash -l -c "[command]"

Example, to get a list of all the Qorus services, run – docker exec [container-id] bash -l -c “qctl ps”.To get the container-id run “docker ps“.

ℹ️ Note: we use bash -l -c “[command]” so that a login shell will be used that will set up the shell environment variables to execute Qorus commands in the container.

Getting Docker container's shell

To get a docker container’s shell, in the host machine, run:

docker exec -it [container-id] bash -l
ℹ️ Note: we use bash -l to get a login shell to set up the shell envionment variables so that Qorus commands can be correctly executed in the container

Enabling RBAC in The Container (Enterprise Edition Only)

RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) is only supported in the Enterprise Edition and cannot be enabled in the Community Edition, however it is disabled by default in a new Docker instance of Qorus Enterprise Edition. To enable it in the Enterprise Edition of Qorus, edit the qorus-etc/options file on the host ($OMQ_DIR/etc/options) file in the container and enable/uncomment the qorus.rbac-security option in the file:

Then restart qorus With manual docker configuration, in the host, run: docker restart [qorus-container-name]

With Docker compose, in the directory containing the cocker-compose.yml file, run: docker-

ℹ️ Note: To restart Qorus in a Docker container without restarting the container itself, the best way is to kill the qorus-core process with qctl kill qorus-core in the container, or from the host run docker exec [qorus-container-name] bash -l -c “qctl kill qorus-core

Qorus Admin Account (Enterprise Edition Only)

The Community Edition of Qorus does not support users and permissions and has no admin account.  This section applies only to Qorus Enterprise Edition.

If the QORUS_ADMIN_PASS environment variable is set when the Docker container is started for the first time, the account password will be set to the value of this environment variable.

If no password environment variables were set, then the random string used to set the admin user’s password is logged in the output during the container’s initialization.

To reset the admin password on subsequent runs of the Docker container, set FORCE_UPDATE_ADMIN_USER=1 and restart the container

ℹ️ Note: The FORCE_UPDATE_ADMIN_USER environment variable will update the admin user’s password. This will only work if the user has not deleted the admin user. This cannot be used to update the password of other users. To update the password for other users in the DB, the following command must be executed in the container: user-tool -d:pass=”[new password]”

Updating Qorus with a new image

1. From a manual Docker configuration

  • docker stop [qorus-container-name]
  • docker rm [qorus-container-name]
  • docker pull [image name]
  • docker run –name …

2. With Docker Compose from the directory with the docker-compose.yml file

  • docker-compose up –force-recreate –build -d

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