Qorus Integration Engine® Enterprise Edition 7.0.0_prod
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This section will outline Qorus system, service, and workflow logging.
Log file names are created based on template strings that undergo variable substitution. The following is a list of the allowable variables in the template strings:
Log File Name Substitution Variables
Variable | Valid For | Description |
$instance | All | Gives the instance name of the Qorus server |
$pid | All | Gives the PID of the Qorus server process |
$host | All | Gives the hostname where the Qorus server is running |
$id | Workflows, Services, Jobs | Gives the ID number of the workflow, service, or job |
$name | Workflows, Services, Jobs | Gives the name of the workflow, service, or job |
$version | Workflows, Services, Jobs | Gives the version of the workflow, service, or job |
$type | Services | Gives the type of service ("user" or "system") |
If Qorus logger contains appenders then Qorus will use a system log directory to store log files (defined by the system option qorus.logdir) in append mode (and the file is created if necessary) with a filename based on the filename template saved in appender params as filename.
Each Qorus interface (workflow execution instance, service or job) has its own logger. System loggers are furthermore divided to audit, alert, monitoring, http, qorus-core, qorus-master and qdsp loggers.
If there is no specific logger for a system logger, the default system parameters will be used. All logger parameters can be modified through the REST API or the Qorus UI.
Default logger and appender params:
"DefaultSystemLogger" | "DefaultWorkflowLogger" | "DefaultServiceLogger" | "DefaultJobLogger"level:
falseTo know more about logger
Messages in the log file are prefixed by default as follows:
:The timestamp at the beginning shows the date and time the message was generated. The number after the "T"
gives the thread ID of the thread generating the message. This helps in identifying consecutive messages produced by one thread.
The default log message format can be customized for each appender; the information provided here about the prefix is the default log message prefix.
Additionally, any fatal errors generated by workflow processing will also be logged in the system log file as well as the workflow's log file.
Workflow execution instance log messages have the same format as system log messages, however the following fields are appended. Fields surrounded by square brackets are only output when data is available:
The fields have the following meanings.
Workflow Execution Instance Log Fields
Field | Description |
id | The workflow execution instance ID. |
wid | The workflow order data instance ID identifying the WORKFLOW_INSTANCE row in the Qorus database. |
sname | The name of the step being executed. |
sid | The step ID of the step being executed. |
Job log messages have the same format as system log messages with the following fields added:
Where jiid is the job instance ID.
Log files can be rotated by calling the REST API method PUT /api/latest/system?action=rotateLogFiles or the RPC API method omq.system.rotate-log-files(). Log file rotation is only supported by log appenders that support file rotation; the default file appenders do support rotation.
When log files are rotated, the current log file is closed and given a prefix of ".1". Any older backup files will be renamed with a digit one higher than the current one up to the system option qorus.max-log-files.
Log files whose suffixes would exceed the value of the system option qorus.max-log-files will be deleted.