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Qorus Integration Engine® Enterprise Edition 7.0.0_prod
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The following options are all in the qorus
option domain and can be set in the options file as well as overridden on the command line when starting qorus.
Qorus System Options
Option | Type | Default | Description |
qorus.alert-fs-full | int | 85 | The percentage above which an alert will be raised due to a full filesystem |
qorus.alert-smtp-connection | string | - none - | The name of the user connection for the SMTP server for delivering alert emails |
qorus.alert-smtp-enable | bool | False | A flag allowing alert emails to be enabled or disabled at runtime |
qorus.alert-smtp-from | string | alert_noreply@$instance | Source/from email address for alert emails |
qorus.alert-smtp-interval | int | 60 | The interval in seconds for grouping and delivering alert emails |
qorus.alert-smtp-to | list of strings | - none - | List of email addresses for delivering alert emails |
qorus.allow-node-overcommit-percent | int | 0 | Percent of physical memory that qorus-master will tolerate on a node when launching new processes |
qorus.async_delay | int | 600 | Value in seconds: the amount of time a workflow in OMQ::WM_Recovery mode will wait before trying to recover a step with OMQ::StatAsyncWaiting status |
qorus.audit | list of strings | - none - | List of string auditing options, for possible values, see Audit Options |
qorus.auto-error-update | bool | True | If True, then adding new error definitions for workflows will automatically create or update workflow-specific or global error defintions (the default behavior); if False, then only new global error definitions will be created automatically and updates are never made automatically; updates can only be made manually when this option is False |
qorus.autostart-interfaces | bool | True | If True, then workflows, services, and jobs are started automatically when the system is started according to their configuration; if False, then no interfaces are started automatically when the system is started regardless of their configuration |
qorus.cache-max | int | 100000 | Maximum number of workflow order data instances to cache after a detach. |
qorus.compat-allow-returns | bool | False | If True then the deprecated returns keyword will be allowed in Qorus user code |
qorus.compat-broken-cast | bool | False | If True then NOTHING will be accepted by the cast<> operator by setting the %broken-cast option for backwards-compatibility |
qorus.compat-broken-int-assignments | bool | False | If True then runtime type checking for the int and softint type restrictions will be disabled globally in all Qore Program contexts by setting the %broken-int-assignments option for backwards-compatibility |
qorus.compat-broken-list-parsing | bool | False | If True then inconsistent and broken list parsing will be enabled globally in all Qore Program contexts by setting the %broken-list-parsing option for backwards-compatibility |
qorus.compat-broken-list-range | bool | False | If True then broken list range handling will be enabled globally in all Qore Program contexts by setting the %broken-list-parsing option for backwards-compatibility |
qorus.compat-broken-logic-precedence | bool | False | If True then broken logic precedence (the default before Qore 0.8.12) will be enabled globally in all Qore Program contexts by setting the %broken-logic-precedence option for backwards-compatibility |
qorus.compat-broken-loop-statement | bool | False | If True then support for broken break and continue loop statements (the default before Qore 0.8.13) will be enabled globally in all Qore Program contexts by setting the %broken-loop-statement option for backwards-compatibility |
qorus.compat-broken-operators | bool | False | If True then invalid extraneous whitespace will be accepted between the character of multi-character operators in all Qore Program contexts by setting the %broken-operators option for backwards-compatibility |
qorus.compat-broken-range | bool | False | If True then range() and xrange() will include the upper limit of the range in the result by setting the %broken-range option for backwards-compatibility |
qorus.compat-broken-references | bool | False | If True then reference and *reference type restrictions will have no effect in all Qore Program contexts by setting the %broken-references option for backwards-compatibility |
qorus.compat-broken-sprintf | bool | False | If True then sprintf() and related functions and method using print formatting will use the broken, pre-Qorus-4.0 behavior by setting the %broken-sprintf option for backwards-compatibility |
qorus.compat-broken-varargs | bool | False | If True then the variable-length argument flag will be set for all Qore abstract methods for backwards-compatibility |
qorus.compat-csvutil-force-empty-string | bool | False | If True then CSV parsers provided by the CsvUtil module will return an empty string instead of no value with missing string fields for backwards compatibility with Qorus 3.0 |
qorus.compat-http-utf8 | bool | False | If True then any HTTP text messages received will be assumed to be in UTF-8 encoding if no charset= entry is included in violation of the HTTP protocol |
qorus.compat-ignore-empty-order-key | bool | False | If True then empty workflow order keys are ignored instead of causing an exception to be thrown |
qorus.compat-jni-types | bool | False | If True then the more complete and robust automatic data type conversions supported in the updated version of the jni module are disabled |
qorus.compat-permissive-api | bool | False | If True then excess argument errors in service APIs will be ignored for backwards-compatibility |
qorus.compat-strict-bool-eval | bool | False | If True then the %strict-bool-eval parse option will be enabled for all user code |
qorus.compat-string-numbers | bool | False | If True then the "string-numbers" DBI option will be set on all datasources that support this option |
qorus.compat-wsdl-allow-any-header | bool | False | If True then Qorus SOAP message generation will allow for SOAP headers to be sent even when the WSDL does not allow for it for backwards compatibility with Qorus 3.0 |
qorus.compat-wsdl-empty-string-is-nothing | bool | False | If True then Qorus server SOAP services will return a blank value for a required string field when the associated XML element is present as no value instead of an empty string for backwards compatibility with Qorus 3.0 |
qorus.connection-modules | list of strings | - none - | List of user modules defining user-specific connection types |
qorus.cors-allow-credentials | bool | True | Set this option to True to allow CORS requests using credentials; only used if qorus.cors-enable is True |
qorus.cors-allow-headers | list of strings | Content-Type, content-type, Content-Language, content-language, Accept, Accept-Language, Authorization, Qorus-Token | This option provides a list of headers allowed in CORS requests; only used if qorus.cors-enable is True |
qorus.cors-allow-methods | list of strings | GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS | This option provides a list of HTTP methods in all upper case giving the allowed methods in CORS preflight requests for accessing HTTP resources; only used if qorus.cors-enable is True |
qorus.cors-allow-origin | list of strings | * | This option provides a list of allowed origins for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header; if an origin is in this list, then CORS responses will be enabled for the given origin if the qorus.cors-enable option is True; use * to enable CORS for all origins |
qorus.cors-enable | bool | False | If True then all Qorus system HTTP handlers will return CORS headers in responses to enable Qorus functionality to be accessible from external web applications |
qorus.cors-expose-headers | list of strings | Content-Disposition | This option provides a list of headers returned in the `Access-Control-Expose-Headers` header if 'cors-enable' is True |
qorus.cors-max-age | int | 9999999 | This option tells HTTP clients how long the results of a preflight request (the info contained in the Access-Control-Allow-Methods and Access-Control-Allow-Headers headers) can be cached; only used if qorus.cors-enable is True |
qorus.daemon-mode | bool | True | If True, will fork into the background after the process has started |
qorus.dataprovider-modules | list of strings | - none - | List of user modules defining data provider definitions and support |
qorus.db-max-threads | int | 30 | Maximum number of parallel tasks to execute when running special database tasks in parallel; should not be larger than qorus.system-pool-maximum |
qorus.dbparams-file | string | see desc. | the option is ignored from Qorus 4.0 |
qorus.default-datasource-coordinated | bool | False | Sets the default mode for qdsp processes without a "coord-mode" option in the datasource connection |
qorus.defines | hash | - none - | Set of parse defines for all user code (workflows, services, and jobs) and also for Connection Definition Files |
qorus.disable-https-redirect | bool | False | if True then automatic redirects from HTTP to HTTPS requests for the web UI will be disabled, allowing the UI to be accessible from both HTTP and HTTPS listeners at the same time |
qorus.disable-qdsp | bool | False | If True then no qdsp processes will be started and direct DB access will be performed |
qorus.detach-delay | int | 3600 | Value in seconds: the amount of time workflow order data instances will be cached before being purged from the cache |
qorus.dsp-error-timeout | int | 120000 | The amount of time in milliseconds for a runtime exception to be raised if a connection cannot be allocated from a system datasource pool |
qorus.dsp-warning-timeout | int | 5000 | The amount of time in milliseconds for a transient alert to be raised if a connection cannot be allocated from a system datasource pool |
qorus.http-idle-disconnect | int | 75 | The time in seconds that an HTTP connection to Qorus's HTTP server can remain idle before getting disconnected |
qorus.http-secure-certificate | string | - none - | The certificate file in PEM format for HTTPS listeners |
qorus.http-secure-private-key | string | - none - | The private key file in PEM format for HTTPS listeners |
qorus.http-secure-private-key-password | string | - none - | The password for the private key for HTTPS listeners |
qorus.http-secure-server | list of strings | - none - | The optional interface and required port number for HTTPS listeners and other options |
qorus.http-server | list of strings | 8001 | The optional interface and required port number for HTTP listeners (list of URLs or hostname:port strings) |
qorus.instance-key | string | "qorus-test-instance" | The unique identifier for an instance of Qorus |
qorus.job-logfile-template | string | OMQ-$instance-JOB-$name.log | gives the default logfile template for new job log appenders |
qorus.job-modules | list of strings | - none - | List of user modules defining functionality to extend job APIs |
qorus.kubernetes-namespace | string | default | The namespace to use in Kubernetes REST API calls for autoscaling control |
qorus.logdir | string | - none - | The log directory for Qorus |
qorus.logfile-template | string | OMQ-$instance-$name.log | Gives the default logfile template for new system log appenders |
qorus.manage-interfaces | bool | True | Determines whether or not the system will automatically start and stop workflows, services, and jobs depending on their connection status |
qorus.mapper-modules | list of strings | - none - | List of user modules defining user-specific data mapper types |
qorus.max-events | int | 100000 | Maximum number of system events to cache |
qorus.max-log-files | int | 10 | The default value to use for the rotationCount option for new log appenders supporting file rotation |
qorus.max-process-memory-percent | int | 99 | Maximum private (heap + stack etc) memory as a percentage of RAM on the node for a process before the master process will terminate it due to excess memory usage |
qorus.max-retries | int | 5 | Number of retries before getting status OMQ::StatError |
qorus.max-service-threads | int | 200 | Maximum number of threads a Qorus service can start |
qorus.minimum-tls-13 | bool | False | If True the TLS v1.3 protocol will be the minimum supported version with secure connections |
qorus.network-key | string | - none - | The file name of an encryption key for private cluster network data encryption and decryption; the file must contain a 32-byte binary encryption key |
qorus.node | hash | - none - | a hash of node names to IP addresses for cluster communication |
qorus.node-path | string | auto | The path to node.js binaries required for the Qorus IDE |
qorus.option-file | string | see desc. | The path to the file containing these system options; the default value depends on the Qorus installation location |
qorus.oracle-datasource-pool | bool | True | Enables automatic Oracle instrumentation as described in QorusOracleDatasourcePool |
qorus.password-policy-min-length | int | 0 | Minimum password length when changing passwords |
qorus.password-policy-mixed-case | bool | False | If new passwords require at least one upper and lower-case letter |
qorus.password-policy-numbers | bool | False | If new passwords require at least one number |
qorus.password-policy-symbols | bool | False | If new passwords require at least one symbol |
qorus.public-url | string | - none - | The public URL for Qorus |
qorus.purge-sensitive-data-canceled | bool | True | if Sensitive Data should be purged from the system when an order goes to OMQ::StatCanceled |
qorus.purge-sensitive-data-complete | bool | True | if Sensitive Data should be purged from the system when an order goes to OMQ::StatComplete |
qorus.python3-path | string | - none - | The path to the 'python3' binary for running external Python tests; must be the same version used to compile the Qore python module for Qorus |
qorus.rbac-external | list of strings | - none - | The name of a module providing external RBAC facilities to Qorus (for example the argument "QorusLdapAuth" will use the QorusLdapAuth.qm module shipped with Qorus to provide LDAP integration in Qorus) |
qorus.rbac-force-user | list of strings | - none - | list of hostnames or IP addresses (IP addresses can contain optional wildcards ‘*') and users in the format: host=user, ex: localhost=admin,192.168.*=operator |
qorus.rbac-security | bool | False | Activates RBAC security |
qorus.recover_delay | int | 60 | Value in seconds: the amount of time a workflow in OMQ::WM_Recovery mode will wait before trying to recover a step with OMQ::StatRetry status |
qorus.recovery-amount | int | 750 | Monetary amount for a single recovered workflow order to estimate the cost savings of automatic technical error recovery in Qorus |
qorus.recovery-currency | string | USD | Currency for qorus.recovery-amount |
qorus.remoteconnections-file | string | see desc. | This option is ignored since Qorus 4.0 (deprecated) |
qorus.scaling-min-replicas | int | 1 | The minimum number of replicas that will be started when Qorus is running under Kubernetes |
qorus.scaling-max-replicas | int | 3 | The maximum number of replicas that will be started when Qorus is running under Kubernetes |
qorus.scaling-cpu | int | 50 | The percentage CPU usage goal for Kubernetes for all pods |
qorus.scaling-memory | string | "200M" | The memory usage target for Kubernetes |
qorus.sensitive-data-key | string | - none - | The file name of an encryption key for sensitive order data encryption and decryption defining a 32-byte encryption key |
qorus.sensitive-value-key | string | - none - | The file name of an encryption key for sensitive key value data encryption and decryption defining a 4 - 56 byte encryption key |
qorus.service-modules | list of strings | - none - | List of user modules defining functionality to extend service APIs |
qorus.service-perf-events | bool | False | enables SERVICE_METHOD_PERFORMANCE event emission on all service calls; note that enabling this option can cause service method call performance degredation |
qorus.sla-max-events | int | 100 | Maximum SLA events to hold before flushing to DB |
qorus.sla-max-sync-secs | int | 30 | Maximum number of seconds to hold SLA events before flushing to DB |
qorus.socket-min-throughput | int | 20480 | The minimum socket throughput in bytes/second below which a warning will be raised for socket-based connection objects |
qorus.socket-min-throughput-ms | int | 1000 | The minimum time in milliseconds a socket transfer must take for it to be eligible for throughput warnings; transfers that take less time than this are ignored |
qorus.socket-warning-timeout | int | 10000 | The socket operation timeout threshold in milliseconds for raising transient alerts against socket-based connection objects |
qorus.sql-default-blocksize | int | 5000 | Size of the regular Session Recovery and workflow Startup and Execution SQL batches |
qorus.sql-init-blocksize | int | 200 | Size of the first workflow Startup and Execution SQL batch for instant workflow instance processing as soon as possible |
qorus.stack-size | int | - none - | The stack size for new threads in bytes; must be >= 524288 |
qorus.svc-logfile-template | string | OMQ-$instance-SVC-$name.log | Gives the default logfile template for new service log appenders |
qorus.sync-delay | int | 3600 | Value in seconds: the amount of time workflow synchronization events will be cached since their last access before being purged from the cache |
qorus.system-pool-maximum | int | 40 | Maximum number of connections for the system schema DatasourcePool |
qorus.system-pool-minimum | int | 5 | Minimum number of connections for the system schema DatasourcePool |
qorus.systemdb | string | pgsql:omq/omq@omq | A database connection string for the system schema DatasourcePool |
qorus.transient-alert-max | int | 1000 | Maximum number of transient alert to cache |
qorus.use-functional-indices | bool | False | Use functional indices on Oracle and PostgreSQL for workflow overview queries; data can only be returned with a resolution of one day when this option is enabled |
qorus.verbose | int | 5 | Deprecated; only used for migrating an indication of the log level to new logger configurations |
qorus.vmap-size-threshold | int | 100 | The maximum size of a value map for it to be cached entirely on its first reference |
qorus.warning-process-memory-percent | int | 50 | Maximum private (heap + stack etc) memory as a percentage of RAM on the node for a process before a "PROCESS-MEMORY-USAGE" ongoing alert is raised about excessive memory usage for the process |
qorus.wf-logfile-template | string | OMQ-$instance-WF-$name.log | Gives the default logfile template for new workflow log appenders |
qorus.workflow-modules | list of strings | - none - | List of user modules defining functionality to extend workflow APIs |
qorus.workflow-params | hash | - none - | This option is ignored since Qorus 4.0 (deprecated) |
qorus.workflow-perf-events | bool | False | enables WORKFLOW_PERFORMANCE event emission for all workflows |
qorus.workflow-step-perf-events | bool | False | enables WORKFLOW_STEP_PERFORMANCE event emission for all workflow steps; note that enabling this option can cause workflow step performance degredation |
The following options can only be set in the System Options File or on the qorus command-line (they cannot be changed after the system starts); listed in alphabetical order:
See details of the following options for how they affect the system's performance and scalability:
The following options are all in the qorus-client
option domain and can be set in the options file.
Qorus System Options
Option | Type | Default | Description |
qorus-client.allow-test-execution | bool | False | allows execution of QorusInterfaceTest |
qorus-client.applications | list of strings | - none - | The list of user applications present in this instance of Qorus for verification with oload |
qorus-client.client-pool-maximum | int | 10 | The Maximum number of connections in datasource connection pools when created from the client (ex: QorusClientAPI::getDatasourcePool()) |
qorus-client.client-pool-minimum | int | 3 | The minimum number of connections in datasource connection pools when created from the client (ex: QorusClientAPI::getDatasourcePool()) |
qorus-client.client-url | string | depends on qorus.http-secure-server and qorus.http-server | The URL used to communicate with Qorus from client programs |
qorus-client.data-tablespace | string | - none - | The data tablespace name for the datasource given as the prefix of the option name |
qorus-client.index-tablespace | string | - none - | The index tablespace name for the datasource given as the prefix of the option name |
qorus-client.missing-tag-warning | bool | True | Show missing tag warnings in oload |
qorus-client.override-job-params | bool | False | Always override job schedule and runtime parameters when loading jobs with oload, even if they have been changed with the API |
qorus-client.proxy-url | string | - none - | The URL of the HTTP proxy for the Qorus server, optionally including any proxy authentication |
qorus-client.remote | bool | True | The default value of the "remote" option for oload for interfaces that do not specify this option |
qorus-client.warn-deprecated-api | bool | False | If True, oload will warn when loading interface code using deprecated APIs |
The percentage above which an alert will be raised due to a full filesystem.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus alert-fs-full=75In order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
The name of the user connection for the SMTP server for delivering alert emails.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus alert-smtp-connection=alert-smtpIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
A flag allowing alert emails to be enabled or disabled at runtime.
Data Type and Default Value
Source/from email address for alert emails.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus alert-smtp-from=my_instance@example.comIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
The interval in seconds for grouping and delivering alert emails.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus alert-smtp-interval=120In order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
List of email addresses for delivering alert emails.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus alert-smtp-to=ops@example.com,monitoring@example.comIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
Sets the percent of physical memory that the qorus master process will tolerate on a node when launching new processes.
Data Type and Default Value
Sets the amount of time in seconds a workflow (or workflow thread) running in OMQ::WM_Recovery mode will wait before trying to recover a step with OMQ::StatAsyncWaiting status.
Data Type and Default Value
Controls System Auditing by setting the list of events to audit in the AUDIT_EVENTS
table; see System Auditing for a description of the possible options (corresponding to Audit Options giving a list of possible values). The default when this option is not present is that nothing will be audited.
System auditing impacts database space used and can also impact performance; only enable auditing for events that need tracking to save space in the database and ensure that performance is maximized.
Data Type and Default Value
can also be given as the only value to this option, meaning audit all eventsIf True, then adding new error definitions for workflows will automatically create or update workflow-specific or global error defintions (the default behavior); if False, then only new global error definitions will be created automatically and updates are never made automatically; updates can only be made manually when this option is False.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus auto-error-update=FalseIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True, then workflows, services, and jobs are started automatically when the system is started according to their configuration; if False, then no interfaces are started automatically when the system is started regardless of their configuration.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus autostart-interfaces=FalseIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
This option has a direct impact on performance as setting a large number here increases the size of the cache and therefore keeps more data in memory, reducing SQL I/O by reducing the need for the server to query the database for workflow data.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus cache-max=10000000In order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then the deprecated returns
keyword will be allowed in Qorus user code It is recommended not to set this option in new Qorus installations.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus compat-allow-returns=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then NOTHING will be accepted by the cast<> operator by setting the %broken-cast option in each interface logic container. It is recommended not to set this option in new Qorus installations.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus compat-broken-cast=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then runtime type checking for the int and softint type restrictions will be disabled globally in all Qore Program contexts by setting the %broken-int-assignments option in each interface logic container. It is recommended not to set this option in new Qorus installations.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus compat-broken-int-assignments=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then inconsistent and broken list parsing will be enabled globally in all Qore Program contexts by setting the %broken-list-parsing option in each interface logic container.
This option can be set for backwards-compatibility with Qorus prior to 3.1 if necessary, but code actually affected by the parsing bug is rare; this option should not be necessary in most Qorus installations, and when set introduces inconsistencies in the parser. It is recommended not to set this option in new Qorus installations.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus compat-broken-list-parsing=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then broken list range handling will be enabled globally in all Qore Program contexts by setting the %broken-list-range option in each interface logic container.
This option can be set for backwards-compatibility with Qorus prior to 7.0 if necessary; this option should not be necessary in most Qorus installations, and when set increases the chance of runtime errors. It is recommended not to set this option in new Qorus installations.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus compat-broken-list-parsing=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then broken logic precedence (which was the default before Qore 0.8.12) will be enabled globally in all Qore Program contexts by setting the %broken-logic-precedence option in each interface logic container.
This option can be set for backwards-compatibility with Qorus prior to 3.1 if necessary, but code actually affected by the parsing bug is rare; this option should not be necessary in most Qorus installations, and when set introduces inconsistencies in the parser. It is recommended not to set this option in new Qorus installations.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus compat-broken-logic-precedence=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then break and continue statements are accepted also outside loops (the default before Qore 0.8.13). The option applies globally in all Qore Program contexts by setting the %broken-loop-statement option for backwards-compatibility in each interface logic container.
This option can be set for backwards-compatibility with Qorus prior to 3.1.1 if necessary. It is recommended not to set this option in new Qorus installations.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus compat-broken-loop-statement=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then invalid extraneous whitespace will be accepted between the character of multi-character operators (which was the default before Qore 0.8.12) in all Qore Program contexts by setting the %broken-operators option in each interface logic container.
This option can be set for backwards-compatibility with Qorus prior to 3.1 if necessary, but code actually affected by the parsing bug is rare; this option should not be necessary in most Qorus installations. It is recommended not to set this option in new Qorus installations.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus compat-broken-operators=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then range() and xrange() will include the upper limit of the range in the result by setting the %broken-range option.
This option can be set for backwards-compatibility with Qorus prior to 5.0 if necessary. It is recommended not to set this option in new Qorus installations.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus compat-broken-range=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then reference and *reference type restrictions will have no effect (which was the case before Qore 0.8.13) in all Qore Program contexts by setting the %broken-references option in each interface logic container.
This option can be set for backwards-compatibility with Qorus prior to 3.1.1 if necessary. It is recommended not to set this option in new Qorus installations.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus compat-broken-references=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then sprintf() and related functions and method using print formatting will use the broken, pre-Qorus-4.0 behavior by setting the %broken-sprintf option for backwards-compatibility.
This option can be set for backwards-compatibility with Qorus prior to 4.0 if necessary. It is recommended not to set this option in new Qorus installations.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus compat-broken-sprintf=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then the variable-length argument flag will be set for all Qore abstract methods for backwards-compatibility.
This option can be set for backwards-compatibility with Qorus prior to 6.0.6 if necessary. It is recommended not to set this option in new Qorus installations.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus compat-broken-varargs=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then CSV parsers provided by the CsvUtil module will return an empty string instead of no value with missing string fields for backwards compatibility with Qorus 3.0.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus compat-csvutil-force-empty-string=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then any HTTP text messages received will be assumed to be in UTF-8 encoding if no charset= entry is included.
This option can be set for backwards-compatibility with Qorus prior to 2.7.0.p7 but is a violation of RFC 2616 section 3.7.1. When no character encoding is specified in an HTTP message, the message body must be assumed to be in ISO-8859-1 encodiing according to RFC 2616 (see previous link for more information). It is recommended not to set this option in new Qorus installations.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus compat-strict-bool-eval=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then empty workflow order keys are ignored instead of throwing exception.
Data Type and Default Value
If True then the more complete and robust automatic data type conversions supported in the updated version of the jni module are disabled.
This option can be set for backwards-compatibility with Qorus prior to 4.0; as of Qorus 4.0, more complete type conversions are made when passing data between Qore and Java by the updated version of the jni module. If this global option is set, it can be disabled in individual interfaces by including module-cmd(jni) set-compat-types false
in Qore code to reenable full automatic type conversions.
It is recommended not to set this option in new Qorus installations.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus compat-jni-compat=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then excess arguments in server API calls from user code will be ignored
This option can be set for backwards-compatibility with Qorus prior to 3.1; as of Qorus 3.1, excess arguments passed to server API calls (when compat-permissive-api
is not set) will result in CALL-WITH-TYPE-ERRORS
exceptions. This option has global effect; it's not possible to set this option on the interface level. It is recommended not to set this option in new Qorus installations.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus compat-permissive-api=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then the %strict-bool-eval
parse option will be enabled for all user code
This option can be set for backwards-compatibility with Qorus prior to 2.7.0.p3 before the new more intuitive perl- and python-style boolean evaluation behavior was introduced.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus compat-strict-bool-eval=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then the "string-numbers"
DBI option will be set on all datasources that support the option
This option can be set for backwards-compatibility with Qorus prior to 2.7.0.p2 before DBI drivers were updated to support DBI options and when they still returned NUMBER
values as strings
Data Type and Default Value
qorus compat-string-numbers=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then Qorus SOAP message generation will allow for SOAP headers to be sent even when the WSDL does not allow for it for backwards compatibility with Qorus 3.0.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus compat-wsdl-allow-any-header=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then Qorus server SOAP services will return a blank value for a required string field when the associated XML element is present as no value instead of an empty string for backwards compatibility with Qorus 3.0.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus compat-wsdl-empty-string-is-nothing=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
This option sets the set of user modules that provide support for custom user connection types. Each module must define the following public function:
public AbstractIterator sub get_schemes() {}
: this must return an AbstractIterator object that iterates a list of OMQ::ConnectionScheme objects that enumerate the connection types handled by the moduleFurthermore, the following optional functions are supported:
public softlist sub required_resources() {}
: this optional function can return a list of resources required by the module; currently-supported resources:public sub set_resources(hash $h) {}
: (this must be declared if required_resources()
is declared) accepts a hash of the resources required by required_resources()
Data Type and Default Value
qorus connection-modules=RabbitMQConnectionIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
qorus.connection-modules: RabbitMQConnection,/opt/qorus/modules/Foo.qm
Set this option to True to allow CORS requests using credentials; only used if qorus.cors-enable is True.
Data Type and Default Value
This option provides a list of headers allowed in CORS requests; only used if qorus.cors-enable is True.
Data Type and Default Value
("Content-Type", "content-type", "Content-Language", "content-language", "Accept", "Accept-Language", "Authorization")
This option provides a list of HTTP methods in all upper case giving the allowed methods in CORS preflight requests for accessing HTTP resources; only used if qorus.cors-enable is True.
Data Type and Default Value
This option provides a list of allowed origins for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin
header; if an origin is in this list, then CORS responses will be enabled for the given origin if the qorus.cors-enable option is True; use *
to enable CORS for all origins.
Data Type and Default Value
If True then all Qorus system HTTP handlers will return CORS headers in responses from the Qorus system file, REST, and WebSocket handlers to enable Qorus functionality to be accessible from external web applications.
Data Type and Default Value
This option provides a list of headers returned in the `Access-Control-Expose-Headers` header if 'cors-enable' is True
Data Type and Default Value
This option tells HTTP clients how long the results of a preflight request (the info contained in the Access-Control-Allow-Methods
and Access-Control-Allow-Headers
headers) can be cached in seconds; only used if qorus.cors-enable is True.
A value of -1 means to disable caching and require preflight OPTIONS
checks for all calls.
Most browsers have limits on the maximum value for this option that is respected, which could vary from a few minutes up to a day (ex: 86400
seconds for Firefox); the Qorus default value is meant to indicate to the browser that the maximum validity period should be used to reduce I/O by eliminating unnecessary preflight OPTIONS
Data Type and Default Value
This option provides a list of user modules defining data provider definitions and support.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus dataprovider-modules=my-moduleIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If this option is set to True then the system will fork into the background after starting.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus daemon-mode=falseIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
This option sets the count of simultaneously running parallel tasks in Qorus system database.
This option is used when running database tasks in parallel in special cases like session recoveries and populating workflow event queues to get better performance.
The optimal value of this option is dependent of your Qorus system database configuration hardware; in general the recommended value is "# DB server CPUs + 2".
This value may be tuned according to user requirements.
Data Type and Default Value
The option is ignored and considered empty from Qorus 4.0; all system datasources are handled as datasource connections; the dbparams
is no longer used by Qorus as of Qorus 4.0.
Sets the default mode for qdsp processes without a "coord-mode"
option in the datasource connection; see qdsp Coordinated Mode for more information.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus default-datasource-coordinated=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
This option sets the parse defines for all user code (workflows, services, and jobs) and also for Connection Definition Files for conditional parsing.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus defines=Production=1In order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
If True then no qdsp datasource pool processes will be started. In this case, all Qorus processes will use direct DB access instead of redirecting through qdsp: Cluster Datasource Pool Process servers.
This also means that the maximum connection limit for each datasource will only be enforced for each process, meaning that the total maximum connections made to the datasource depends on the number of remove processes accessing that datasource and will not be limited by Qorus.
Only use in case the you are sure that Qorus will not exceed any maximum connection limits for your DB server, and in case you need maximum I/O performance and scalability from Qorus's DB operations.
qorus disable-qdsp=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
if True then automatic redirects from HTTP to HTTPS requests for the web UI will be disabled, allowing the UI to be accessible from both HTTP and HTTPS listeners at the same time.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus disable-https-redirect=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
This option gives the amount of time in seconds that workflow order data instances will be cached before deleted (see the qorus.cache-max option as well).
This option has a direct impact on performance as setting a large number here keeps more data in memory, for a longer time period reducing SQL I/O by reducing the need for the server to query the database for workflow data. This option should be set according to the requirements of the environment and workflows running on Qorus; the default is one hour (3600 seconds) which may not be appropriate for workflows with long-running asynchronous steps.
It is generally safe to use longer values, however a detach-delay value that is too short will reduce the effectiveness of the cache as the data will be automatically purged before it's needed, therefore it's recommended to set this option to a value a little higher than the longest possible execution time for the longest-running workflow.
Data Type and Default Value
The amount of time in milliseconds for a runtime exception to be raised if a connection cannot be allocated from a system datasource pool.
Data Type and Default Value
(2 minutes)The amount of time in milliseconds for a transient alert to be raised if a connection cannot be allocated from a system datasource pool
Data Type and Default Value
(5 seconds)This option sets The time in seconds that an HTTP connection to Qorus's HTTP server can remain idle before getting disconnected
Data Type and Default Value
This option sets the global certificate path (for X.509 certificates in PEM format) for HTTPS listeners; environment variables are legal and are expanded in this option value. To set the global private key, see qorus.http-secure-private-key.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus http-secure-certificate=/etc/pki/cert.pemIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
This option sets the global private key path (for private key files for X.509 certificated in PEM format) for HTTPS listeners; environment variables are legal and are expanded in this option value. To set the global certificate, see qorus.http-secure-certificate; to set the private key password; see qorus.http-secure-private-key-password
Data Type and Default Value
qorus http-secure-private-key=/etc/pki/key.pemIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
This option sets the global password for the the global private key for HTTPS listeners. To set the private key, see qorus.http-secure-private-key; to set the certificate, see qorus.http-secure-certificate.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus http-secure-private-key=/etc/pki/key.pemIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
This option sets the listener addresses for HTTPS listeners (for encrypted connections). To set the global X.509 certificate see qorus.http-secure-certificate, and to set the global private key, see qorus.http-secure-private-key.
This option takes multiple values separated by commas (whereas parameters for each listener are separated by semicolons). If a single port number is given, then the HTTPS listener will listen on all available interfaces on the given port number. Otherwise, to specify a certain network device and IP address, give the IP address and port in the following format:
If any of the cert, key, or password parameters are given for a listener, they must be separated by semicolons in the curly bracket parameters expression after the listener specifiction, and in this case they override global options for the X.509 certificate (qorus.http-secure-certificate), the HTTPS private key (qorus.http-secure-private-key), and the private key password (qorus.http-secure-private-key-password). Environment variables are expanded in the cert and key parameters of this option value.
This option may be repeated multiple times to define each listener on a separate line.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus http-secure-server=8009In order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
This option sets the listener addresses for HTTP listeners (for unencrypted connections).
This option takes multiple values separated by commas. If a single port number is given, then the HTTP listener will listen on all available interfaces on the given port number. Otherwise, to specify a certain network device and IP address, give the IP address and port in the following format:
)Data Type and Default Value
qorus.http-server: localhost:8081, order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
This option sets the name of the application instance. Each Qorus server should have a unique instance name. The instance name will be saved against each application session and will determine if the Qorus instance can connect to the database or not, or if an open application session in the SESSIONS
table needs to be recovered.
If two Qorus server instances are given the same instance key name and are started against the same database at the same time, one of the instances might recover the other instance's session while it is still in progress, leading to data corruption.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus instance-key=dev-1In order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
Gives the default logfile template for new job log appenders when created from the system UI.
Data Type and Default Value
This option provides a list of user modules defining APIs for Qorus jobs; see Job Modules for more information.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus job-modules=my-moduleIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
The namespace to use in Kubernetes REST API calls for autoscaling control. Note that as of Qorus 6.0.9, the Kubernetes namespace is auto-detected; this option does not need to be set manually.
Data Type and Default Value
This option sets the path to the system log directory.
Data Type and Default Value
(tar installs) "/var/log/qorus"
(LSB installs)qorus logdir=/var/log/qorus/dev-1In order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
Gives the default logfile template for new system log appenders when created from the system UI.
Data Type and Default Value
The value of this option determines whether Qorus will start and stop workflows, services, and jobs automatically based on their connection status.
Data Type and Default Value
This option sets the set of user modules that provide support for custom data mapper types.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus connection-modules=RabbitMQConnectionIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
This option specifies the retry limit for asynchronous steps until the step will automatically receive an OMQ::StatError status.
If an asynchronous step undergoes this many asynchronous retries without getting a OMQ::StatComplete status, then an appropriate error will be logged and the step's status will be updated to OMQ::StatError.
Data Type and Default Value
Sets the maximum number of system events to be held in the system event cache.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus max-events=10000000In order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
Sets the default value to use for the rotationCount
option for new log appenders supporting file rotation (as triggered by PUT /api/latest/system?action=rotateLogFiles or omq.system.rotate-log-files()).
Data Type and Default Value
qorus max-log-files=20In order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
Sets the maximum private (heap + stack etc) memory as a percentage of RAM on the node for any single non-critical process before the qorus master process will terminate it due to excess memory usage. This value must be larger than warning-process-memory-percent.
Critical processes must always be running and therefore are never killed; there are two critical processes as follows:
Data Type and Default Value
This option specifies the retry limit for workflow steps until the step will automatically receive an OMQ::StatError status.
If a step undergoes this many retries (after a OMQ::StatRetry status) without getting a OMQ::StatComplete status, then an appropriate error will be logged and the step's status will be updated to OMQ::StatError.
Data Type and Default Value
This option sets the maximum number of threads that can be started by a service and running simultaneously.
This value may be tuned according to user requirements. Data Type and Default Value
If True the TLS v1.3 protocol will be the minimum supported version with secure connections
Data Type and Default Value
qorus minimum-tls-13=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
This option gives the file name for the encryption key for private cluster network data encryption and decryption; the file must contain a 32-byte binary encryption key.
If this option is set and the file is not readable or has too permissive permissions, the system cannot be started.
Data Type and Default Value
This option provdes a mapping from node names to IP addresses for cluster communication; the format is a hash where keys are node names and values are IP address values; for example:
If Qorus is started on a machine with an IP address that matches an IP address value set in this option, then that machine will have the node name given for that IP address.
If this option is not set and no addresses match the current machine, the system cannot be started.
Data Type and Default Value
The path to node.js binaries required by the Qorus IDE; the following special values are also accepted:
: use the standard Qorus path"system"
: use the system pathData Type and Default Value
This option gives the path to the System Options File. It is read-only and can only be set on the command-line when starting the Qorus server, otherwise the system will look in the default location for this file.
Data Type and Default Value
(tar installs) or "/etc/qorus/options"
(LSB installs)qorus option-file=/tmp/options-dev-1In order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
Enables automatic Oracle instrumentation as described in QorusOracleDatasourcePool This option has an effect only for Oracle datasources. In this case the user code won't receive a DatasourcePool object but rather a QorusOracleDatasourcePool object which is compatible with DatasourcePool by inheritance.
Data Type and Default Value
Minimum password length when changing passwords
Data Type and Default Value
If new passwords require at least one upper and lower-case letter
Data Type and Default Value
If new passwords require at least one number
Data Type and Default Value
If new passwords require at least one symbol
Data Type and Default Value
The public URL of Qorus; useful when Qorus is behind a reverse proxy so that Qorus can generate absolute URLs that can be properly resolved by remote clients, otherwise Qorus uses the Host
header to generate URLs, which may not be resolvable when Qorus is deployed behind a reverse proxy.
Data Type and Default Value
This option determines if Sensitive Data should be purged from the system when an order goes to OMQ::StatCanceled
Data Type and Default Value
This option determines if Sensitive Data should be purged from the system when an order goes to OMQ::StatComplete
Data Type and Default Value
This option sets the path to the python3
binary for running Qorus tests written in Python.
Data Type and Default Value
This option allows the names of one or more modules providing external RBAC facilities to Qorus to be set.
For example the argument "QorusLdapAuth"
will use the QorusLdapAuth.qm
module shipped with Qorus to provide LDAP integration to Qorus (see LDAP Authentication and RBAC Integration for more info).
For example:
Data Type and Default Value
module requires options to be set in the "ldap"
domain; see LDAP Authentication and RBAC Integration for more information.qorus rbac-external=QorusLdapAuth
This option is used to allow unauthenticated connections from a given host or IP address to be made as a certain username.
To set this option, write a host or IP address name followed by an equals sign and the user to connect as. Multiple entries can be given separated by commas as follows:
For example:
Note that authenticated connections always use the authentication information included in the message; this option only takes effect with unauthenticated connections.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus rbac-force-user=localhost=admin
This option is used to enable RBAC security in the Qorus server.
Please note that the Qorus server can only start with RBAC security enabled if at least one user has the OMQ::QR_SHUTDOWN permission.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus rbac-security=trueIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
Sets the amount of time in seconds a workflow (or workflow thread) running in RECOVERY mode will wait before trying to recover a step with RETRY status.
Data Type and Default Value
Monetary amount for a single recovered workflow order to estimate the cost savings of automatic technical error recovery in Qorus.
Data Type and Default Value
Set the currency for recovery-amount.
Data Type and Default Value
The option is ignored and considered empty from Qorus 4.0; all Qorus remote connections are handled as remote Qorus connection objects; the remoteconnections
file is no longer used as of Qorus 4.0.
The minimum number of replicas that will be started when Qorus is running under Kubernetes.
Data Type and Default Value
The maximum number of replicas that will be started when Qorus is running under Kubernetes.
Data Type and Default Value
The percentage CPU usage goal for Kubernetes for all pods.
Data Type and Default Value
The memory usage target for Kubernetes
Data Type and Default Value
This option give the file name of an encryption key for sensitive order data encryption and decryption. This file must contain a 32-byte encryption key and must be readable only by the application user, or the system cannot be started.
If this option is set and the file is not readable or has too permissive permissions, the system cannot be started.
If this option is not set, then sensitive order data APIs cannot be used.
If this option is set, then the qorus.sensitive-value-key option must also be set.
Data Type and Default Value
This option give the file name of an encryption key for sensitive order key value encryption and decryption. This file must contain a 4 - 56 byte encryption key and must be readable only by the application user, or the system cannot be started.
If this option is set and the file is not readable or has too permissive permissions, the system cannot be started.
If this option is not set, then sensitive order data APIs cannot be used.
If this option is set, then the qorus.sensitive-data-key option must also be set.
Data Type and Default Value
This option provides a list of user modules defining APIs for Qorus services; see service-modules for more information.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus service-modules=my-moduleIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
Enables SERVICE_METHOD_PERFORMANCE event emission on all service calls; note that enabling this option can cause service method call performance degredation.
Data Type and Default Value
The maximum number of SLA events to hold before flushing to DB
Data Type and Default Value
qorus sla-max-events=50In order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
The maximum number of seconds to hold SLA events before flushing to DB.
Data Type and Default Value
The minimum socket throughput in bytes/second below which a warning will be raised for socket-based connection objects.
Data Type and Default Value
The minimum time in milliseconds a socket transfer must take for it to be eligible for throughput warnings; transfers that take less time than this are ignored.
Data Type and Default Value
The socket operation timeout threshold in milliseconds for raising transient alerts against socket-based connection objects.
Data Type and Default Value
Size of the regular Session Recovery and workflow Startup and Execution SQL batches
Data Type and Default Value
Size of the first workflow Startup and Execution SQL batch for instant workflow instance processing as soon as possible. This batch goes before any other qorus.sql-default-blocksize
value smaller than qorus.sql-default-blocksize. But there is no technical limitation of the values used in this option.Data Type and Default Value
The maximum stack size for new threads in bytes; must be greater than or equal to 524288
, which is the minimum stack size.
Data Type and Default Value
Note that the default stack size for Qorus is 8MB; since stack memory is allocated from overcommitted memory and starts small and is allocated real memory only on demand, large stack sizes do not have a affect on the process memory size as long as the program does not use the extra stack space. For programs that require more than 8MB of stack, you can set higher stack sizes by setting the appropriate value of the qorus.stack-size option on each interface directly while also setting the remote
flag to True
on the interface, ensuring that it will be run in a dedicated process. That way the higher stack size will be enforced only for the program that needs it.
flag is False
), any locally-set stack-size
option value is ignored; in qorus-core, only the global stack-size
option is used.qorus stack-size=1048576In order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
Gives the default logfile template for new service log appenders when created from the system UI.
Data Type and Default Value
This option gives the amount of time in seconds that workflow synchronization event keys will be cached before being purged from the cache
Data Type and Default Value
Sets the maximum number of connections in the system DatasourcePool. The system datasource pool (with special datasource name "omq"
) is used internally to communicate with the system schema. Larger installations may consider increasing the number when monitoring the system schema reveals that all of the system connections are active at the same time, meaning that no more connections are available and some threads are waiting on a connection to become free.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus system-pool-maximum=60In order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
Sets the minimum number of connections in the system DatasourcePool. This number of database connection will be opened automatically when the system is started.
Normally it's not necessary to change this option as database connections are opened automatically when needed.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus system-pool-minimum=2In order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
Sets the database connection string for the system DatasourcePool. This database connection will be opened automatically when the system is started.
The connection string must identify a connection to an existing DB schema in a supported database server with the permissions / grants required to run Qorus.
Example value for PostgreSQL: qorus.systemdb: pgsql:user/pass@dbnamehostname:5432
Example value for Oracle: qorus.systemdb: oracle:user/pass@dbnamehostname:1521
Example value for MariaDB/MySQL: qorus.systemdb: mysql:user/pass@dbnamehostname:3306
It is mandatory to set this option to run Qorus.
Data Type and Default Value
Maximum number of transient alert to cache.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus transient-alert-max=2000In order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
This value is only used to migrate an indication of the log level to new logger configurations.
Use the REST API for a particular logger to change how information is logged.
The maximum size of a value map (in number of entries) for it to be cached entirely on its first reference. If the value map exceeds ths given size, its mappings are cached on demand as they are used.
Data Type and Default Value
Use functional indices on Oracle and PostgreSQL for workflow overview queries; data can only be returned with a resolution of one day when this option is enabled
Data Type and Default Value
Sets the maximum private (heap + stack etc) memory as a percentage of RAM on the node for a process before a "PROCESS-MEMORY-USAGE"
ongoing alert is raised about excessive memory usage for the process. This value must be smaller than qorus.max-process-memory-percent
Data Type and Default Value
Gives the default logfile template for new workflow log appenders when created from the system UI.
Data Type and Default Value
This option provides a list of user modules defining APIs for Qorus workflow; see Workflow Modules for more information.
Data Type and Default Value
qorus workflow-modules=my-moduleIn order to effect a change in the value of this option, it is necessary to restart the server.
This option is ignored since Qorus 4.0.
Data Type and Default Value
Enables WORKFLOW_PERFORMANCE event emission for all workflows.
Data Type and Default Value
Enables WORKFLOW_STEP_PERFORMANCE event emission for all workflow steps; note that enabling this option can cause workflow step performance degredation.
Data Type and Default Value
The list of user applications present in this instance of Qorus for verification with oload
qorus-client.applications: BssCrm
Data Type and Default Value
Allows execution of QorusInterfaceTest
qorus-client.allow-test-execution: true
Data Type and Default Value
The maximum number of connections in connection pools when created from the client, for example when created from a call to QorusClientAPI::getDatasourcePool().
qorus-client.client-pool-maximum: 3
Data Type and Default Value
The minimum number of connections in connection pools when created from the client, for example when created from a call to QorusClientAPI::getDatasourcePool().
qorus-client.client-pool-minimum: 1
Data Type and Default Value
The URL used to communicate with Qorus from client programs. In most cases it is not necessary to set this option explicitly, as it will be set automatically based on the qorus.http-secure-server and qorus.http-server options.
qorus-client.client-url: https://[::1]:8009
Data Type and Default Value
The data tablespace name for the datasource in the wildcard portion of the option name. The actual option name must be prefixed by the datasource name followed by a hyphen as in the following example:
qorus-client.omq-data-tablespace: omq_data
Data Type and Default Value
The index tablespace name for the datasource given as a prefix of the option name. The actual option name must be prefixed by the datasource name followed by a hyphen as in the following example:
qorus-client.omq-index-tablespace: omq_index
Data Type and Default Value
Show missing tag warnings when loading interfaces with oload.
qorus-client.missing-tag-warning: false
Data Type and Default Value
Always override job schedule and runtime parameters when loading jobs with oload, even if they have been changed with the API.
qorus-client.override-job-params: true
Data Type and Default Value
The URL of the HTTP proxy for the Qorus server, optionally including any proxy authentication
qorus-client.proxy-url: https://my-user:my-pass@my-proxy.local:12413
Data Type and Default Value
The default value of the "remote"
option for oload for interfaces that do not specify this option. Set this value to false
to ensure that oload will not enable the remote flag when loading interfaces with no remote option (for example, when working with older interfaces after a Qorus upgrade).
qorus-client.remote: false
Data Type and Default Value
If True, oload will warn when loading interface code using deprecated APIs.
qorus-client.warn-deprecated-api: false
Data Type and Default Value