Qorus ProTips


Enable System Debugging

To permanently enable system debugging, add the following line to your $OMQ_DIR/etc/options file:
qorus.debug-system: true and then restart the server.

In addition to increasing the verbose level of the server (or interface); system debugging can be enabled online with the following rest command (from Qorus 3.1+):

qrest put system/setDebug

disable with:

qrest put system/setDebug flag=false

When you turn on debugging, you should get verbose information (including stack backtraces) for system exceptions, which can be helpful when debugging the system itself.

HTTP Debugging

list listeners:

qrest system/listeners?short

Turn on HTTP header and body logging for a particular listener (in this example, qorus-0):

qrest put system/listeners/qorus-0/setLogOptions option=-1

Note: The HTTP or service logger must have log level DEBUG or higher; call the following REST API to ensure that the log level is high enough:
qrest post system/http/logger cloneDefault=1; qrest put system/http/logger level=DEBUG

or for service my-service:
qrest post services/my-service/logger cloneDefault=1; qrest put services/my-service/logger level=DEBUG

Turn off HTTP header and body logging for a particular listener (in this example, qorus-0):

qrest put system/listeners/qorus-0/setLogOptions option=0

Create a Connection While Offline

If you have your environment set up properly (docs here; in particular the QORE_DATA_PROVIDERS and QORE_DATASOURCE_PROVIDERS environment variables), connections can be queried, added, updated, and deleted with qdp.

Here is an example creating a datasource offline:

qdp omq/connections create name=omquser,description="omquser datasource",url="db://oracle:omquser/omquser@ol8",connection_type=DATASOURCE

Note: qdp and the DataProvider API were introduced in Qorus 4.1

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