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Qorus Integration Engine® Enterprise Edition 7.0.0_prod
This section describes additional classes, constants, and functions that are imported into workflow Program objects by the Qorus system itself that make up the Qorus Workflow API for the Qore proggramming language.
The workflow APIs are documented here:
The base classes for steps are the following:
This means that step methods can call the static methods defined in the base class directly.
For library classes and other workflow code, calls must be prefixed with the class name.
Each workflow has a single Qore Program logic container containing all the code for the workflow, as well as any objects imported into the Program object (classes, constants, and functions listed as attributes of the workflow when the workflow is defined).
Workflow Program objects are restricted from using elements of the Qore language related to process and thread control; the use of these functions is either dangerous or could violate the integrity of the Qorus server process and therefore is restricted.
To enforce these restrictions, workflow Program logic containers are created with the following sandbox flags:
Directive | Constant | Description |
%allow-weak-references | Qore::PO_ALLOW_WEAK_REFERENCES | the := operator may be used |
%no-global-vars | Qore::PO_NO_GLOBAL_VARS | Global variables may not be defined |
%no-process-control | Qore::PO_NO_PROCESS_CONTROL | Functionality that affects the entire process is unavailable |
%no-thread-control | Qore::PO_NO_THREAD_CONTROL | Thread management functionality is unavailable |
%no-top-level | Qore::PO_NO_TOP_LEVEL_STATEMENTS | No code is allowed in the top-level statement (outside a function or class) |
%require-our | Qore::PO_REQUIRE_OUR | All variables must be declared before use |
Additionally, each workflow's Program container is set up with the following imported objects:
In addition to the above, all public constants in the OMQ namespace are available.
Please see the above links for more information on the features made unavailable when these parse options are set.
Please note that despite these restrictions, workflow program objects have most of the Qore language API and class library available for use.
Furthermore sandbox restrictions apply to Qore code; code in other languages such as Java is not subject to these restrictions.
Furthermore, the following parse defines are defined:
Define | Availability | Description |
Qorus | W , S , J | Identifies code in Qorus |
QorusEE | W , S , J | Identifies the Enterprise Edition of Qorus (QorusCE is defined in the Community Edition) |
QorusHasAlerts | W , S , J | Marks the availability of the alert API (Qorus 3.0+) |
QorusHasTableCache | W , S , J | Marks the availability of the table cache API (Qorus 3.1+) |
QorusHasUserConnections | W , S , J | Marks the availability of the connection API (Qorus 3.0+) |
QorusServer | W , S , J | Identifies code used in Qorus server interfaces |
QorusWorkflow | W | Identifies code used in a workflow Program container |
The following APIs are imported into workflow program logic containers:
API Method | Domain | Availability | Description |
UserApi::auditCheckEventString() | Audit | W , S , J | checks if the given audit event (given as a string) is enabled |
UserApi::auditCheckEvent() | Audit | W , S , J | checks if the given audit event (given as an integer code) is enabled |
UserApi::auditGetMask() | Audit | W , S , J | returns the audit event mask |
UserApi::auditUserEvent() | Audit | W , S , J | creates a user audit event (with audit event code OMQ::AE_USER_EVENT) against the workflow, service, or job instance |
UserApi::callNetworkApi() | Utility | W , S , J | calls a system RPC API with system permissions |
UserApi::callNetworkApiArgs() | Utility | W , S , J | calls a system RPC API with system permissions with an explicit argument list argument |
UserApi::callNetworkApiArgsWithAuthentication() | Utility | W , S , J | calls a system RPC API with authentication information (username and password) |
UserApi::callRestApi() | Utility | W , S , J | calls a system REST API with system permissions |
UserApi::callRestApiWithAuthentication() | Utility | W , S , J | calls a system REST API with authentication information (username and password) |
UserApi::clearSqlTableCache() | SQL Cache | W , S , J | clears a cached table from the SQL cache |
UserApi::createOrder() | Utility | W , S , J | creates a workflow order data instance in the database and returns the workflow_instanceid of the order created |
UserApi::createRemoteOrder() | Utility | W , S , J | creates a workflow order data instance in a remote Qorus instance and returns the workflow_instanceid of the order created |
UserApi::deserializeQorusData() | Utility | W , S , J | deserializes strings to Qore data structures |
UserApi::execSynchronousWorkflow() | Utility | W , S , J | executes a workflow order synchronously and returns the result of execution |
UserApi::executeFsm() | Utility | W , S , J | executes a finite state machine registered with the interface and returns the result |
UserApi::flushSlaEvents() | SLA | W , S , J | flushes all pending SLA events to the DB |
UserApi::getActiveJobs() | System Info | W , S , J | returns information about active jobs |
WorkflowApi::getConfigItemHash() | n/a | W | retrieves a hash of all step configuration items |
WorkflowApi::getConfigItemValue() | n/a | W | retrieves the value of a step configuration item |
UserApi::getDatasourceDedicated() | Connections | W , S , J | returns a dedicated Qore::SQL::Datasource object |
UserApi::getDatasourcePool() | Connections | W , S , J | returns a shared Qore::SQL::DatasourcePool object |
UserApi::getGlobalConfigItemValue() | Qorus System Information API | W , S , J | returns the value of the given configuration item on global level |
WorkflowApi::getOption() | Options | W , S , J | returns the value of one or more system or interface options |
UserApi::getQorusOptions() | Options | W , S , J | returns the value of system options |
UserApi::getQorusOptionsArgs() | Options | W , S , J | returns the value of system options |
UserApi::getQorusOptionInfo() | Options | W , S , J | returns information about system options |
UserApi::getQorusOptionInfoArgs() | Options | W , S , J | returns information about system options |
UserApi::getRemoteRestConnection() | Connections | W , S , J | returns a QorusSystemRestHelper to a remote Qorus instance |
UserApi::getRemoteRpcConnection() | Connections | W , S , J | returns a QorusSystemAPIHelper to a remote Qorus instance |
UserApi::getRunningWorkflowInfo() | System Info | W , S , J | returns information about a running workflow execution instance |
UserApi::getRunningWorkflowList() | System Info | W , S , J | returns information about running workflow execution instances |
UserApi::getServiceInfo() | System Info | W , S , J | returns information about a service |
UserApi::getSessionId() | System Info | W , S , J | returns the current application session ID |
UserApi::getSqlTable() | SQL Cache | W , S , J | retrieves an AbstractTable object from the SQL cache for DML operations |
UserApi::getSqlCacheInfo() | SQL Cache | W , S , J | returns information about the SQL cache |
UserApi::getSystemInfo() | System Info | W , S , J | returns information about the system |
UserApi::getSystemServiceInfo() | System Info | W , S , J | returns information about a system service |
UserApi::getUserConnection() | Connections | W , S , J | returns the given user connection object |
UserApi::getUserServiceInfo() | System Info | W , S , J | returns information about a user service |
UserApi::getValueMap() | Value Maps | W , S , J | retrieves a value mapping from a value map |
UserApi::getValueMaps() | Value Maps | W , S , J | retrieves a list of all known value sets |
UserApi::logInfo() | logging | W , S , J | outputs a log message in the workflow's log file |
UserApi::getNextSequenceValue() | Utility | W , S , J | returns the next value from the given datasource and database sequence |
UserApi::sleep() | Utility | W , S , J | safely pause execution for a defined period of time |
UserApi::usleep() | Utility | W , S , J | safely pause execution for a defined period of time |
UserApi::postSlaEventError() | SLA | W , S , J | posts an unsuccessful event for SLA and performance tracking |
UserApi::postSlaEventSuccess() | SLA | W , S , J | posts a successful event for SLA and performance tracking |
UserApi::postSyncEvent() | Utility | W , S , J | posts a workflow synchronization event given the event type name and event key |
UserApi::postUserEvent() | Utility | W , S , J | posts an application event of class OMQ::QE_CLASS_USER |
UserApi::propGet() | System Props | W , S , J | returns the value of the given system property key in the given domain or NOTHING if the system property does not exist |
UserApi::propUpdate() | System Props | W , S , J | changes (inserts, updates, or deletes) the value of one or more system properties |
UserApi::qorusGetLocalUrl() | System Info | W , S , J | returns a URL for the current system |
UserApi::raiseTransientAlert() | Alerts | W , S , J | raises a transient alert |
UserApi::registerFsmAsObserver() | Utility | W , S , J | registers a finite state machine as an event observer |
UserApi::restartTransaction() | Utility | W , S , J | enables recovery from restartable DB communication errors |
UserApi::runtimeProperties() | System Info | W , S , J | returns information about runtime system defines defined |
UserApi::serializeQorusData() | Utility | W , S , J | serializes Qore data structures to strings |
WorkflowApi::setOption() | Options | W , S , J | sets option values on a workflow, service, or job |
WorkflowApi::addOrderNote() | WF Misc | W | adds a note to a workflow order |
QorusEventStepBase::bindEvent() | WF Event | W | binds a workflow synchronization event to the current binds a workflow synchronization event to the current workflow synchronization event step |
QorusEventStepBase::bindEventUnposted() | WF Event | W | binds an unposted workflow synchronization event to the current workflow synchronization event step |
QorusSubworkflowStepBase::bindSubworkflow() | WF Sub | W | binds a subworkflow to the current subworkflow step |
WorkflowApi::deleteDynamicDataKey() | WF Data | W | deletes a key in Workflow Dynamic Order Data |
WorkflowApi::deleteInstanceDataKey() | WF Data | W | deletes a key in Workflow Execution Instance Data |
WorkflowApi::deleteSensitiveData() | WF Data | W | deletes the sensitive data hash for the given sensitive data key and value |
WorkflowApi::deleteSensitiveDataKey() | WF Data | W | deletes one or more keys from the workflow order data instance’s sensitive data hash for the given sensitive data key and value |
WorkflowApi::deleteTempDataKey() | WF Data | W | deletes a key in Workflow Temporary Order Data |
WorkflowApi::generateUniqueKey() | WF Misc | W | returns a unique key that can be used for an asynchronous step event key |
WorkflowApi::getDynamicData() | WF Data | W | retrieves information from Workflow Dynamic Order Data |
WorkflowApi::getErrorInfo() | WF Misc | W | returns information about the given workflow error |
WorkflowApi::getInstanceData() | WF Data | W | retrieves information from Workflow Execution Instance Data |
WorkflowApi::getOrderKeys() | WF Misc | W | returns information about order keys associated with the current workflow order |
WorkflowApi::getOrderNotes() | WF Misc | W | retrieves notes saved against the workflow order |
WorkflowApi::parentWfiid() | WF Misc | W | returns the current workflow order's parent workflow_instanceid, if any |
WorkflowApi::getSensitiveData() | WF Data | W | retrieves the sensitive data hash for the given sensitive data key and value |
WorkflowApi::getSensitiveDataFromAlias() | WF Data | W | retrieves the sensitive data hash for the given sensitive data alias |
WorkflowApi::getSensitiveDataKeyValues() | WF Data | W | retrieves a hash of sensitive data keys and values saved against the order |
WorkflowApi::getStaticData() | WF Data | W | retrieves information from Workflow Static Order Data |
WorkflowApi::getStepInfo() | WF Misc | W | returns information about the current step |
WorkflowApi::getStepStatus() | WF Misc | W | returns information about the status of the given step |
WorkflowApi::getTempData() | WF Data | W | retrieves information from Workflow Temporary Order Data |
WorkflowApi::getWorkflowInstanceData() | WF Data | W | retrieves information from the running workflow execution instance itself |
WorkflowApi::getWorkflowMetadata() | WF Misc | W | returns workflow metadata for the current workflow |
WorkflowApi::parentWfiid() | WF Misc | W | returns the order's parent workflow_instanceid , if any, otherwise returns NOTHING |
WorkflowApi::rescheduleOrder() | WF Attach | W | changes the earliest possible processing date for the current workflow order instance in the attach logic |
WorkflowApi::reprioritizeOrder() | WF Misc | W | set the priority value of a workflow order instance |
WorkflowApi::setBlocked() | WF Attach | W | sets the current workflow order instance to status OMQ::StatBlocked in the attach logic |
WorkflowApi::setRetryDelay() | WF Errors | W | sets the retry delay explicitly after raising an error against the workflow order instance with wf_serror() |
WorkflowApi::setCustomStatus() | WF Misc | W | sets a custom status value for the current workflow order data instance |
WorkflowApi::setOrderKeys() | WF Misc | W | sets order keys on the current workflow order instance |
WorkflowApi::stepError() | WF Errors | W | raises an error against the workflow order data without affecting the flow of processing |
QorusAsyncStepBase::skipAsyncStep() | WF Async | W | skips setting an asynchronous key for an asynchronous step |
QorusEventStepBase::skipEvent() | WF Event | W | skips binding a workflow synchronization event to the current workflow synchronization event step |
QorusSubworkflowStepBase::skipSubworkflow() | WF Sub | W | skips the subworkflow bind in a subworkflow step |
WorkflowApi::stepExecuted() | WF Misc | W | verifies if a step has been executed on the current workflow order instance and has status COMPLETE |
QorusAsyncStepBase::submitAsyncKey() | WF Async | W | submits an async key for an asynchronous step |
WorkflowApi::() | WF Errors | W | raises a warning against the workflow order data |
WorkflowApi::updateDynamicData() | WF Data | W | performs an update in Workflow Dynamic Order Data |
WorkflowApi::updateInstanceData() | WF Data | W | performs an update in Workflow Execution Instance Data |
WorkflowApi::updateSensitiveData() | WF Data | W | performs an update in Sensitive Data |
WorkflowApi::updateSensitiveDataFromAlias() | WF Data | W | performs an update in Sensitive Data from a sensitive data alias |
WorkflowApi::updateTempData() | WF Data | W | performs an update in Workflow Temporary Order Data |
WorkflowApi::getWfiid() | WF Misc | W | returns the current order's workflow_instanceid |
The following classes are imported into workflow program logic containers:
Class | Availability | Description |
AbstractFsRemoteReceive | W , S , J | provides an API for streaming data from a remote filesystem through a remote Qorus instance |
AbstractParallelStream | W , S , J | provides an abstract base class for streaming data to or from a remote database through a remote Qorus instance and also provides static helper methods |
DbRemote | W , S , J | provides an API wrapper for all system.sqlutil service methods |
DbRemoteReceive | W , S , J | provides an API for streaming data from a remote database through a remote Qorus instance |
DbRemoteSend | W , S , J | provides an API for streaming data to a remote database through a remote Qorus instance |
DynamicDataHelper | W | provides an API for managing dynamic data atomically in workflows |
FsRemote | W , S , J | provides an API wrapper for all system.fs service methods |
FsRemoteSend | W , S , J | provides an API for streaming data to a remote filesystem through a remote Qorus instance |
QorusInboundTableMapper | W , S , J | provides an API for mapping data to a DB table |
QorusInboundTableMapperIterator | W , S , J | provides an iterator-based API for mapping data to a DB table |
QorusRawSqlStatementOutboundMapper | W , S , J | provides an API for mapping from SQL statement using direct SQL statements passed in |
QorusRemoteServiceHelper | W , S , J | provides an API for calling service methods in remote Qorus instances |
QorusSqlStatementOutboundMapper | W , S , J | provides an API for mapping from SQL statement using SqlUtil |
QorusSystemAPIHelper | W , S , J | provides an API for calling RPC API methods in remote Qorus instances |
OMQ::QorusSystemRestHelper | W , S , J | provides an API for using the REST API in remote Qorus instances |
SensitiveDataHelper | W | provides an API for managing sensitive data atomically in workflows |
TempDataHelper | W | provides an API for managing temp data atomically in workflows |
UserApi | W , S , J | the primary shared Qorus API class |
WorkflowApi | W | the primary workflow API class |
The following modules are imported by default into Qore workflow program logic containers:
Name | Availability | Description |
json | W , S , J | provides APIs for JSON data serialization and deserialization support |
Mime | W , S , J | provides MIME definitions and functionality |
Mapper | W , S , J | provides a data-mapping API |
SoapClient | W , S , J | provides a SOAP client API |
SqlUtil | W , S , J | provides high-level APIs for programmatic DML (SQL data manipulation), DDL (creating, querying, manipulating database definitions), and DBA operations |
TableMapper | W , S , J | provides high-level APIs for mapping data to and from database tables |
Util | W , S , J | provides utility APIs |
uuid | W , S , J | provides an API for generating UUIDs |
xml | W , S , J | provides APIs for parsing, validating, and generating XML documents |
yaml | W , S , J | provides APIs for Qore's YAML-based data serialization and deserialization support |
This section lists all of the API methods specific to workflows; the main workflow API classes are:
and are deprecated.Logging APIs:
Miscellaneous workflow API methods:
API Method | Desc |
WorkflowApi::addOrderNote() | adds a note to a workflow order |
WorkflowApi::generateUniqueKey() | returns a unique key that can be used for an asynchronous step event key |
WorkflowApi::getErrorInfo() | returns information about the given workflow error |
WorkflowApi::getOrderKeys() | returns information about order keys associated with the current workflow order |
WorkflowApi::getOrderNotes() | retrieves notes saved against the workflow order |
WorkflowApi::getStepInfo() | returns information about the current step |
WorkflowApi::getStepStatus() | returns information about the status of the given step |
WorkflowApi::getWfiid() | returns the current order's workflow_instanceid |
WorkflowApi::getWorkflowMetadata() | returns workflow metadata for the current workflow |
WorkflowApi::parentWfiid() | returns the order's parent workflow_instanceid , if any, otherwise returns NOTHING |
WorkflowApi::reprioritizeOrder() | set the priority value of a workflow order instance |
WorkflowApi::setCustomStatus() | sets a custom status value for the current workflow order data instance |
WorkflowApi::setOrderKeys() | sets order keys on the current workflow order instance |
UserApi::sleep() | safely pause execution for a defined period of time |
WorkflowApi::stepExecuted() | verifies if a step has been executed on the current workflow order instance and has status COMPLETE |
UserApi::usleep() | safely pause execution for a defined period of time |
API calls related to workflow data (see Workflow Data):
APIs related to workflow error handling:
API Method | Desc |
WorkflowApi::stepError() | raises an error against the workflow order data without affecting the flow of processing |
WorkflowApi::setRetryDelay() | sets the retry delay explicitly after raising an error against the workflow order instance with WorkflowApi::stepError() |
WorkflowApi::stepWarning() | raises a warning against the workflow order data |
API calls that can only be called from asynchronous steps:
API Method | Desc |
QorusAsyncStepBase::skipAsyncStep() | skips setting an asynchronous key for an asynchronous step |
QorusAsyncStepBase::submitAsyncKey() | submits an async key for an asynchronous step |
API calls that can only be called from subworkflow steps:
API Method | Desc |
QorusSubworkflowStepBase::bindSubworkflow() | binds a subworkflow to the current subworkflow step |
QorusSubworkflowStepBase::skipSubworkflow() | skips the subworkflow bind in a subworkflow step |
API calls that can only be called from workflow synchronization event steps:
API Method | Desc |
QorusEventStepBase::bindEvent() | binds a workflow synchronization event to the current workflow synchronization event step |
QorusEventStepBase::bindEventUnposted() | binds an unposted workflow synchronization event to the current workflow synchronization event step |
QorusEventStepBase::skipEvent() | skips binding a workflow synchronization event to the current workflow synchronization event step |
API calls that can only be called from the attach logic:
API Method | Desc |
WorkflowApi::setBlocked() | sets the current workflow order instance to status OMQ::StatBlocked in the attach logic |
WorkflowApi::rescheduleOrder() | changes the earliest possible processing date for the current workflow order instance in the attach logic |