Qorus Integration Engine® Enterprise Edition 6.1.0_prod
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Designing and Implementing Workflows

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Designing Workflows

Each Qorus interface (meaning workflows, services, and job) has a Qore-language Program object that manages its logic. Qorus workflow logic can also be written in Python and Java, however this is managed from the workflow's Qore Program object in any case.

Workflow and step objects with code used to execute the workflow's logic are created once when the workflow is started, these objects are global across all workflow execution instances and workflow orders processed, therefore using class members to store state or information related workflow processing is generally inadvisable; please see Workflows and Order Data for more information about Qorus APIs that provide workflow-order-specific data storage types that can be used to store and manage data specific to workflow orders being processed.
See also


All Qorus integration objects are described by YAML metadata produced by our IDE, which is available as a free (as in free of charge and also open source) extension to Microsoft Visual Studio Code, a multi-platform editor from Microsoft. The Qorus extension is called Qorus Developer Tools and can be installed directly from Visual Studio Code.

Workflows are made up a set of interdependent steps that each perform one traced and restartable action. To design a workflow, a series of logical steps and their dependencies must be defined and then represented by a workflow definition file. Once the high-level design for the workflow has been done, then the logic for the steps can be implemented and the workflow definition and the functions can be loaded into the database and executed.

Workflows in the Qorus IDE

The following table defines the major elements used when designing and implementing an Qorus workflow.

Qorus Workflow Elements

Element Description
Step The lowest element in a workflow, represents one traced and restartable action. Each step is defined by at least primary step code containing the logic for the step, and optionally other code attributes (such as validation code, run when the step is run in error recovery mode, or asynchronous back-end code, required for asynchronous steps) and other option attributes.
Workflow The workflow is the highest level element defining the logic as a set of steps and inter-step dependencies, along with other attributes; workflows process workflow order data instances that in turn contain the data and the status of processing (status of all steps). A running workflow is called a workflow execution instance and can be run either in batch mode (OMQ::WM_Normal), batch recovery mode (OMQ::WM_Recovery), or synchronous mode.
Queue Asynchronous steps require a queue for linking the associated step data created by the front-end logic with the back-end code.
Workflow Synchronization Events Workflow synchronization event steps allow multiple workflow orders to synchronize their processing based on a single event

Workflow Step-Based Execution

Workflows process workflow order data in atomic steps. Steps have dependencies; a step can only execute if all previous steps that the step depends on have a COMPLETE status.

When a single step has multiple steps that depend on it directly, each of those steps will be executed in parallel.

Consider the following diagram:

Workflow Step Dependencies in the Qorus IDE

In this diagram, as soon as step TelcoCreateBillingAccount has a COMPLETE status, the TelcoActivateTechnicalServices and TelcoRegisterCounterFraud account will be executed in parallel in separate threads. When both of those steps have a COMPLETE status, then the TelcoUpdateCrmAccount step is executed.

Therefore, to plan for workflow steps to execute in parallel, place more than one step as a direct dependency of another step. Each of these steps will be executed in parallel. This can continue to any level, and there is no predefined limit on parallelism in Qorus workflows.

This concept is separate from asynchronous steps, synchronization steps and subworkflow steps, each of which introduce a segment boundary in a workflow, where each segment has its own threads and data queues.

Workflow Error Handling and Recovery

Qorus includes a framework for defining error information and raising errors. If a workflow defines workflow- specific errors, oload loads the error information the system database in the GLOBAL_WORKFLOW_ERRORS and WORKFLOW_ERRORS tables (see Global and Workflow-Specific Error Definitions for more information). Each error definition a hash describing how the system should act when certain errors are raised when processing workflow order data.

Workflows raise errors by throwing an unhandled exception or by calling one of the following APIs:

In the case an exception is thrown, for Python exceptions, the exception err value is the exception class name ("socket.timeout"); for Java exceptions, the exception full class name (ex: "javax.xml.soap.SOAPException") is used as the error name; for Qore exceptions, the exception err code is used as the error name; the system will then use the error name as the hash key to look up error information to handle the error.

An error will only affect the step’s status if it has a severity of OMQ::ES_Major or OMQ::ES_Fatal, all other severity codes will cause the error to be logged but the status of the step to be unaffected.

To allow a workflow to recover gracefully from an error, implement validation code for each step. Validation code allows workflows to recover gracefully from errors such as lost request or response messages or temporary communication failures without requiring manual intervention.

Global and Workflow-Specific Error Definitions

By default, error definitions are global. A global definition is a workflow error definition that applies to all workflows. Workflow-specific error definitions apply only to a particular workflow configuration.

There are three ways to create workflow-specific error definitions:

The last point above implies that if two or more workflows define the same error with different attributes (but leave the error's "level" option either unset or assigned to the default: OMQ::ErrLevelAuto), the first error will be a global error, and each time the other workflows define the error with a different set of attributes, those new errors will be workflow-specific error definitions.

Workflow error configurations are considered to be managed by operations, which means that once a workflow has been loaded into Qorus, if its error configuration is updated with the API, then those API-driven changes are persistent and will not be overwritten by subsequent loads of the workflow by oload.

Default Global Workflow Error Definitions

Qorus includes default error definitions for common technical errors that should normally result in a workflow order instance retry and also template errors that can be re-used in workflows as needed.

To get a complete list of error definitions, issue the following command from the command line:

qdp omq/workflow_errors search 

See the Qorus web UI's "Global Errors" page or the detail page for each workflow to see how error's are configured in Qorus as errors may have been redefined or overridden after the initial installation.

it is recommended that the above errors not be deleted but rather modified, since any new Qorus upgrade will re-write any missing error definitions to the GLOBAL_WORKFLOW_ERRORS table

Workflow Upgrades, Bug Fixes, and Recovery Compatibility

Workflows and steps, along with almost every other object in the Qorus schema, are versioned. When a new version of a workflow is released, either due to a logic upgrade or a bug fix, keep in mind that workflows can only recover data that has been processed by the same version of that workflow.

Note: Keep Recovery Compatibility in Mind when Planning Workflow Updates
Workflows with another workflowid (name and version) cannot recover data from a workflow with another workflowid. Also step changes (new stepid – name and version of the step) will impact workflow recoveries. Keep these facts in mind when planning workflow updates and plan accordingly.

That is; EXAMPLE-WORKFLOW 1.1 cannot recover data processed by EXAMPLE-WORKFLOW 1.0. Furthermore, example-step 1.1 cannot recover data processed by example-step 1.0.

When it is necessary to maintain recovery compatibility in a workflow update, then it will be necessary to redefine steps and workflows with the same version name and number. In these cases, the patch attribute of the object should be updated to reflect the change.

Also keep in mind that new steps added to a workflow will be executed for data that is being recovered even with data that was initially processed by a previous version of the workflow that did not include the new step in its definition.

If a step is removed from a workflow and data must be recovered where that step has a OMQ::StatRetry status, then that data cannot be recovered by a definition of the workflow that no longer includes that step.

These points should be considered carefully when planning workflow updates.

Sometimes it may be necessary to release two or more versions of a workflow when changes must be made; for example one version to make a bug fix in an existing version, and a new version with additional or removed steps also including the bug fix.

Workflows and Order Data

Because a running workflow execution instance can be working on several different orders at once in different threads, accessing workflow data is performed through API calls in order to guarantee that the workflow's program code accesses only the correct data for the current order being processed at all times.

Accessing and processing data is done using the Qorus API as outlined in this section; these APIs set up the data context for each thread so that the correct data is accessed.

Global variables are not allowed in workflow program objects; for a functional equivalent to global variables, see Workflow Execution Instance Data

Workflow Static Order Data

Static data represents the workflow order data being processed. Workflow static order data cannot be updated or deleted by the Qorus workflow API; it is read-only data representing the order data to be processed or fulfilled by the workflow.


The information returned by the above function corresponds to the deserialized contents of the field ORDER_INSTANCE.STATICDATA.

The workflow static data type can also be defined and restricted; see Workflow Static Data Type for more information

Workflow Dynamic Order Data

Dynamic data is associated with the workflow order data instance being processed, but it can be updated and is persistent. Any changes made to dynamic data will be committed to the database before the update method returns, therefore any changes will be available in the future, even in the case of errors and later recovery processing.

Dynamic data is appropriate for storing identifiers and references generated during order processing that are needed in subsequent steps, for example.

Python API support:

Java API support:

Qore API support:

See also
Workflow Dynamic Step Data

Workflow Dynamic Step Data

Dynamic step data, like dynamic order data is associated with the workflow order data instance and also the current step being processed, additionally it can be updated and is persistent like dynamic order data. Any changes made to dynamic step data will be committed to the database before the update method returns, therefore any changes will be available in the future, even in the case of errors and later recovery processing.

Dynamic step data is appropriate for storing information specific to a particular step, particularly user-driven form data with asynchronous steps with the user-interaction flag enabled.

Python API support:

Java API support:

Qore API support:

REST API support:

See also

Workflow Temporary Order Data

Qorus maintains a hash of temporary data associated to the workflow order data instance being processed. This hash can be updated, but it is not persistent, therefore this hash is suitable for temporary data storage only.

This data is lost every time Qorus detaches (i.e. temporarily or permanently stops processing a workflow order data instance, for example, due to an ERROR status and purges the data from the workflow data cache) from a workflow order data instance.

Because temporary data is deleted every time Qorus detaches from a workflow order data instance, it can only be reliably set in the attach logic.

Python API support:

Java API support:

Qore API support:

Workflow Sensitive Order Data

Qorus was designed to allow workflow sensitive order data to be processed while avoiding inadvertent disclosure of this data to unauthorized persons.

Workflow sensitive order data must be processed separately for each data subject stored against the workflow order, this is because each data subject's sensitive data can be queried, updated, or deleted separately across all workflow orders in the system (both in the system schema and any archiving schema).

Workflow order sensitive data is stored separately for each data subject against the workflow order using two identifiers as follows:

  • skey: the sensitive data key type (not treated as sensitive itself, ex: "tax_id", "social_insurance_nr", "ssn", etc)
  • svalue: the sensitive data key value, which is also treated as sensitive itself

The following image provides an overview of a concrete example of sensitive data stored against a workflow order storing sensitive data for at least two data subjects with tax_ids "984.302192.AF" and "739.323.714.BR":

Qorus Integration Engine Workflow Order Sensitive Data Example

The svalue value, being sensitive itself, should not be stored in static, dynamic data, or step dynamic data. To reference sensitive data from within non-sensitive data, an alias can be used, which is a unique identifier within a workflow order that can be used to uniquely identify sensitive data for a single data subject. Sensitive data aliases are only usable in internal sensitive data APIs.

For example, if a workflow order consists of non-sensitive order information along with a natural person's name and address (which is sensitive) for each order, then the sensitive data alias could simply be the list index (ex: "0", "1", ...).

The following internal workflow APIs provide sensitive data support:

Python APIs:

Java APIs:

Qore APIs:

See also

Workflow Execution Instance Data

Workflow execution instance data is stored in a hash maintained by the system. This data is local to the running workflow execution instance pseudo-process and persists until the workflow execution instance terminates.

Any changes made to this data will persist within the running workflow execution instance (pseudo-process) independently of the workflow order data processed.

Because of this, workflow execution instance data is a substitute for global variables in a workflow program. Workflow programs are shared between all running workflow execution instances of that same type (sharing the same name and version and the same workflowid); global variables are not allowed because it is considered unsafe for workflow execution instances to share any common state. If your workflows do need to share some data between execution instances, implement a Qorus service to provide this functionality instead.

Workflow execution instance data will be set in the onetimeinit code (initializing resources for the workflow execution instance), and read by the rest of the workflow.

Python methods:

Java methods:

Qore methods:

Workflow Information

Workflow Metadata

The following properties of the workflow metadata can be returned by the following APIs:

Workflow Metadata

Key Description
name name of the workflow
version version of the workflow
patch The patch attribute of the workflow
workflowid ID of the current workflow (metadata ID)
remote a boolean value giving the remote status of the workflow (if it is running as an independent process or not; see the remote flag)
description The description of the workflow
cached The date and time the workflow metadata was read and cached from the database
errorfunction_instanceid The function instance ID of the error function of the workflow
attach_func_instanceid The function instance ID of the attach function for the workflow
detach_func_instanceid The function instance ID of the detach function for the workflow
onetimeinit_func_instanceid The function instance ID of the onetimeinit function for the workflow
errhandler_func_instanceid The function instance ID of the error handler function for the workflow
keylist A list of valid order keys for the workflow
errors The error hash as returned from the error function
options A hash of valid workflow options, key = option, value = description

Running Workflow Execution Instance Properties

Properties of the current running workflow execution instance can be retrieved via the following APIs:

Running Workflow Execution Instance Properties

Key Description
dbstatus the status of the workflow order in the database (for the current status, see the status key, see Workflow, Segment, and Step Status Descriptions for possible values); this will normally be OMQ::StatInProgress, unless called from the Workflow Class Detach Method (first available in Qorus 2.6.2)
external_order_instanceid The external order instance ID saved against the order, if any
execid the execution instance ID (workflow pseudo-process ID, first available in Qorus
initstatus the status of the workflow when it was cached (before it was updated to OMQ::StatInProgress, see Workflow, Segment, and Step Status Descriptions for possible values); note that synchronous workflow orders are created with status OMQ::StatInProgress, so initstatus should always be OMQ::StatInProgress for synchronous orders
instancemode The mode the workflow execution instance process is running in (OMQ::WM_Normal or OMQ::WM_Recovery)
mode The mode the current thread is running in (OMQ::WM_Normal or OMQ::WM_Recovery)
remote a boolean value giving the remote status of the workflow (if it is running as an independent process or not; see Workflow Remote Parameter)
sync True if the workflow execution instance is synchronous, False if not
name name of the workflow
parent_workflow_instanceid The workflow order data instance ID of the parent workflow if the current workflow order is a subworkflow, NOTHING if not
priority The priority (0 - 999) of the workflow order data instance (first available in Qorus
started The date/time the workflow order data instance was created (first available in Qorus
status The current status of the workflow order data instance (see Workflow, Segment, and Step Status Descriptions for possible values); this will normally be OMQ::StatInProgress; first available in Qorus 2.6.2)
version version of the workflow
workflowid ID of the current workflow (metadata ID)
workflow_instanceid The current workflow order data instance ID being processed

Workflow Error Recoverability

Qorus workflows should always target comprehensive error recoverability, so that workflows can handle any recoverable error by design, meaning that, assuming that the input data are correct and that end systems and network transports are available (or become available within the retry period(s) defined by the workflow and server settings), the workflow will complete successfully even in case of errors.

The following sections describe the design and implementation constraints for a workflow to meet these requirements, the common errors that must be dealt with, and how to deal with them.

Workflow Design and Implementation Constraints

The following are some examples of conditions that must be addressed for a workflow to meet comprehensive error recoverability requirements:

Requirement 1: Steps Perform One Atomic Action
Steps must be designed to perform a single atomic action (can be multiple actions that occur in sequence and are only ever executed together, even in the case of errors). Otherwise the workflow cannot be recovered properly in the case of errors.

If a step performs more than one action, and one of the actions fails, then the Qorus system cannot ensure that the workflow will be restarted at the point of failure when recovering, because the step is the lowest restartable element in a workflow. In this case, adjust your design by splitting each atomic action into a separate step.
Requirement 2: End Systems Must Remain Consistent
It must not be possible for conditions out of Qorus's control to cause inconsistencies in end systems such that no further action can be taken on the workflow's data and the workflow stalls.

For example, non-repeatable functions in end systems called by Qorus workflows must be implemented so that they either succeed or are rolled back completely; actions must be atomic. If a condition out of Qorus's control (such as a power failure on a server hosting an application while the application is executing a function called by Qorus) can cause an application to reach an inconsistent state where further actions cannot be taken on the data in question, then that state will have to be corrected before the workflow can continue. To avoid this, all actions in end systems must be atomic.

Requirement 3: Non-Repeatable Steps Must Include Validation
Always include validation code for steps that cannot be repeated. Either a transport layer failure, application failure, or Qorus failure could cause the step to be recovered when the action was actually successfully completed in the end system.

For steps using network communication that triggers an action in a remote system that cannot be repeated for the same input data, in the case of lack of answer by the end system, the possibility must be considered that the action was executed, but the response message was lost (for example, due to network problems). In this case, the step should implement validation code to check the end system if the message was successful or not.
Requirement 4: Check the Validity of Input Data
Always check the validity/consistency of input data if inconsistent data is a possibility, and inconsistent data can cause problems in end systems or the proper execution of the workflow.

Inconsistent input data can lead to a situation where a workflow stalls in the middle of execution and can never be recovered.

For example, if inconsistent data are only detected in step five of a ten step workflow, and changes are made in four applications before step five, from a data consistency point of view, in the worst case this could lead to the necessity of manually cleaning up data from the first four systems to back out the workflow's actions, and in the best case represents a probable waste of resources (disk space, etc).

To avoid this, all necessary measures must be taken to ensure the validity of the data before starting the workflow's logic that writes the data to end systems.

This can be done in the attach logic (an attribute of the workflow object), for example, or, if the validity of the data does not depend on changing states in other applications, in the first step of the workflow.
Requirement 5: All Errors Must Be Recognized and Flagged
All responses from end systems must be checked for all possible error conditions.

This point is common sense; in order to avoid the situation where a workflow has an error status, but Qorus reports OMQ::StatComplete, all errors must be recognized and flagged. Generally, Qorus workflows should handle errors as intelligently as possible. Every error that could occur in a workflow that requires an automatic retry must be defined in advance in the error function, and the system behavior should be carefully considered with each error.

Recovery from Complex Error Conditions

This section describes some possible error conditions necessitating the requirements in the previous section.

  • Unavailability of Transport Layer (ex: network problem)
    • in the case of outgoing messages where the message is not received
    • in the case of reply messages where the reply from the end system is never received
  • Unavailability of End System(s) (ex: unplanned application or server restart)
    • in the case of an end-application failure when no Qorus-initiated action is taking place
    • in the case of an end-application failure during an Qorus-initiated action
  • Catastrophic Failure of Qorus Server (ex: power outage on server infrastructure)

By designing and implementing your workflows to the requirements in the previous section, the error conditions above can be covered with no data loss. The following conditions apply principally to Requirement 3 above.

Unavailability of Transport Layer or End Systems

These cases can be recognized by a communications failure (normally an exception) or a message timeout.

In either case, if the workflow's logic cannot determine if the message was processed by the end system before the failure, and the action can only be performed once for the input data in the end system in question, then the error defined by the workflow should have a OMQ::StatRetry status, and validation code must be defined that will check the end system to see if the action was carried out or not.

This can happen, for example, if an HTTP message (or other network message) is sent and a timeout occurs. The timeout could have happened because the message was never received, the message was received and processed, and the response message was lost, or the message was received and an error happened while processing the message that prohibited the response from being sent.

Because this information is critical to the further processing of the workflow/order data, the programmer must define validation code to the step object that will verify the status of the action in the end system before continuing when the step is recovered by Qorus.

A validation code should be used instead of handling the error in the step logic itself, because the problem that caused the error could prohibit the validation code from being run successfully (for example with a temporary network outage or an end-application restart). As the validation code is run after the recovery delay (see system options qorus.recover_delay and qorus.async_delay), the chances of successfully determining the status are higher than with trying to handle the error in the step logic itself.

Note: Error Handling Belongs in Validation Code, not Primary Step Code
When implementing steps, errors should be flagged (but not handled) in the primary step code; error handling should be implemented in the validation code.

Catastrophic Failure of Server Infrastructure, System Database

While hardly a common problem, Qorus has been designed so that recovery from a system crash (power outage, database outage, etc) is recoverable as long as the database remains consistent (the system schema must be recovered to a consistent state).

The Qorus database should always be in a clustered or high-availability configuration in order to ensure database consistency. Qorus's internal design is such that catastrophic failures such as a power failure on the system hosting the Qorus application can always be recovered to a consistent state and will allow properly-designed workflows to be recovered.

When Qorus recovers a crashed application session, all steps that were OMQ::StatInProgress are set to OMQ::StatRetry. When they are retried, if each step that requires validation code (for example, a non-repeatable step in an end-system) has one, then the workflow can ensure that it can always recover at any point from an Qorus system failure.

See also
Session Recovery for details on Qorus application session recovery

Workflow Definition File

Workflow definition files define workflow metadata including the steps and dependencies between steps.

Workflow definition files are defined in YAML.

Workflows files define the following properties:

See also

Workflow Name

The name of the workflow; the name and version together are unique identifiers for the workflow and are used to derive the workflowid (the single unique identifier for the workflow; it is generated from a database sequence when the workflow is loaded into the system via oload).

Mutiple workflows with the same name and different versions can exist in the system at the same time. Workflows are referred to with their workflowid, which is derived from the name and version together.

Workflow Version

The version of the workflow; the name and version together are unique identifiers for the workflow and are used to derive the workflowid (the single unique identifier for the workflow; it is generated from a database sequence when the workflow is loaded into the system via oload).

Mutiple workflows with the same name and different versions can exist in the system at the same time. Workflows are referred to with their workflowid, which is derived from the name and version together.

Workflow Description

The description of the workflow; accepts markdown for formatted output.

Workflow Author Parameter

The "author" value indicates the author of the workflow and will be returned with the workflow metadata in the REST API and also is displayed in the system UI.

Workflow Remote Parameter

The "remote" flag indicates if the workflow will run as an independent qwf process communicating with other elements of Qorus Integration Engine with a distributed queue protocol rather than internally in the qorus-core process.

When workflows run in separate qwf processes, it provides a higher level of stability and control to the integration platform as a whole, as a workflow with implementation problems cannot cause the integration platform to fail.

There is a performance cost to running in separate qwf processes; workflow startup and shutdown is slightly slower, and communication with qorus-core also suffers a performance hit as all communication must be serialized and transmitted over the network.

Furthermore memory usage is significantly higher for interfaces running in separate programs, as all the common infrastructure for each interface must be duplicated in each process.

The default for this option depends on the client option qorus-client.remote (if this client option is not set, then the default value is True).

The remote value can be changed at runtime by using the following REST API: PUT /api/latest/workflows/{id_or_name}?action=setRemote

The remote flag is considered to be managed by operations, which means that once an interface has been loaded into Qorus, if its remote flag is updated with the API, then those API-driven changes are persistent and will not be overwritten by subsequent loads of the interface by oload.

Workflow Autostart Parameter

The workflow "autostart" parameter sets the number of workflow execution instances to be started when the system is started; if the system should ensure that this workflow is generally running, then set this key to a value greater than zero.

If no value is provided for this option, the system will not start the workflow automatically; any workflow execution instances for this workflow must be started manually.

If a non-zero value is provided for this workflow, then the system will attempt to start the workflow at all times if all its dependencies are met, and it is not disabled. Additionally, if the workflow cannot be started for any reason (for example, due to an error in the onetimeinit logic or a dependency error), an ongoing system alert will be raised, which is only cleared when the workflow is successfully started (or the autostart parameter is set to zero).

The workflow "autostart" value is considered to be managed by operations, which means that once a workflow has been loaded into Qorus, if its "autostart" value is updated with the API, then those API-driven changes are persistent and will not be overwritten by subsequent loads of the workflow by oload.

Workflow SLA Threshold Parameter

The workflow "sla_threshold" parameter sets the amount of time as an integer in seconds in which each workflow order should get a final status, where a final status is defined as either COMPLETE or CANCELED; if not present the default value of 30 minutes is assumed (see DefaultWorkflowSlaThreshold).

This value is used to do SLA reporting for workflow orders in the REST and WebSocket APIs.

The workflow "sla_threshold" value is considered to be managed by operations, which means that once a workflow has been loaded into Qorus, if its "sla_threshold" value is updated with the API, then those API-driven changes are persistent and will not be overwritten by subsequent loads of the workflow by oload.

Workflow Max Instances Parameter

The optional "max_instances" key sets the maximum number of workflow execution instances that can be running at one time; note that workflow execution instances are capable of processing up to two orders in parallel at any one time: one in "normal" mode and one in recovery mode.

To serialize workflow processing and ensure that only one order is processed at one time at any particular point in the workflow's logic, set the "max_instances" value to 1, and use the synchronized keyword on a function or method called in both normal and recovery mode, or make a service call to a service method that uses threading primitives to ensure atomicity of operation (or has the service method write lock flag set).

Workflow Options

If workflow options are defined in the workflow definition, the workflow will advertise and accept only the options defined as valid options for the workflow (aside from system options that can be overridden at the workflow level, which are always accepted as workflow options).

Valid options are stored in the YAML file as a hash where the hash keys are the option names, and the values assigned to the keys are the descriptions of the options.

Workflow Static Data Type

Workflows can declare type enforcement for static data in the IDE; if defined, this will be enforced whenever workflow order data is created.

If the static data type is defined, and a workflow order is attempted to be created with static data that is not accepted by the type, an ORDER-DATA-ERROR exception is thrown.

Workflow Order Keys

Workflow order keys can be used both for quick identification and lookup of order data and can also be used to enforce uniqueness of orders with varying granularity (system-wide, workflow-specific, or workflow-version-specific uniqueness).

In order to set a workflow order key against a workflow, the valid keys must be defined in this list.

Any number of workflow keys may be given in the workflow definition, in contrast to the single external_order_instanceid that can be given at the workflow order data instance object level and can also be used for the same purpose (quickly looking up workflow order data instances from a external key).

Keys can be set and retrieved by the following APIs:

Key metadata is saved in the WORKFLOW_KEYS table, and workflow order data instance keys are saved in the ORDER_INSTANCE_KEYS table. Note that a single key value can be saved for more than one workflow order data instance; the indexes on the ORDER_INSTANCE_KEYS only enforce that values may not be repeated for the same workflow_instanceid and key name.

The REST API provides methods to lookup workflow orders by workflow keys; see the following API for more information:

Workflow Class

Qorus workflows can declare a workflow class that defines workflow-level code. The "class-name" attribute defines the name of the class that will be used for the workflow. The class must inherit the workflow base class for the programming language used as described below.

Python workflow base class:

Java workflow base class:

Qore workflow base class:

Workflow Class One Time Initialization Method

This method is executed once when the workflow execution instance starts, and once again after every workflow instance cache reset.
Workflow Class Method
Note: Acquire Workflow Execution Instance Resources in the onetimeinit() Method
Persistent objects with a high acquisition cost can be acquired in the onetimeinit() method. The following APIs save and retrieve workflow instance data:

Workflow Class Attach Method

This method is called when Qorus starts working on a workflow order data instance (when Qorus "attaches" to the workflow order data instance, reading it into memory from the database).

If any error is raised in the attach code, the workflow order data instance will receive an OMQ::StatError status and the attach operation will fail.
Note: Reliably Set TempData in Attach Logic
TempData can only be reliably set in attach code, because a workflow can be restarted from any step after an error. Therefore you cannot ensure that TempData set in step logic will be available when executing the following step, in case an error occurs.
Workflow Class Method

Workflow Class Detach Method

This method is called when the workflow order data instance status is committed to the database (when Qorus "detaches" from the workflow order data instance). The first argument passed to the function is the workflow order data instance's status (status descriptions) that will be written to the database. The second argument passed is the external order instance ID, if any exists.
Note: Update Processing Status Externally with Detach Logic
Because detach logic is called any time the workflow order data instance status is saved to the database, it can be used to update the status of a workflow order data instance in an external system, if required.
Workflow Class Method

Workflow Class Error Handler Method

This code is called when errors are raised. It allows workflows to do external logging or to take custom actions when errors are raised.
Workflow Class Method

Workflow Modules

This attribute provides a list of Qore-language modules that are loaded in the workflow's logic container that can provide base classes for the workflow class, step classes, or other functionality for the workflow.

See also
Qore-Language Workflow Extension Modules for more information.

Workflow Configuration Items

Workflows cannot declare configuration items because workflows are just a set of steps. Instead it's allowed to set the value of a step configuration item on the workflow level at runtime using the operational web UI or the REST API.

All configuration item values are considered to be managed by operations by design, which means that once a configuration item has been loaded into Qorus, any changes to its value with the API are persistent and will not be overwritten by subsequent loads of the configuration item by oload.

Step Definitions

All Qorus integration objects are described by YAML metadata produced by our IDE, which is available as a free (as in free of charge and also open source) extension to Microsoft Visual Studio Code, a multi-platform editor from Microsoft. The Qorus extension is called Qorus Developer Tools and can be installed directly from Visual Studio Code.

The IDE allows step metadata to be defined as well as the step's code if required; steps relying solely on building blocks and/or with their implementation in one or more finite state machines or implemented using class connection do not require any additional code.

Workflow Steps in the Qorus IDE

The following diagram illustrates a subset of the attributes of a step that can be defined.

Step Metadata Diagram

Note that each logic attribute is defined by a step class, and the step ID is not assigned in the workflow definition file, but rather by the loader (oload).

Steps have the following attributes:

Step Name

The name of the step; the name and version together are unique identifiers for the step and are used to derive the stepid (the single unique identifier for the step; it is generated from a database sequence when the step is loaded into the system via oload).

Mutiple steps with the same name and different versions can exist in the system at the same time. Steps are referred to with their stepid, which is derived from the name and version together.

Step Version

The version of the step; the name and version together are unique identifiers for the step and are used to derive the stepid (the single unique identifier for the step; it is generated from a database sequence when the step is loaded into the system via oload).

Mutiple steps with the same name and different versions can exist in the system at the same time. Steps are referred to with their stepid, which is derived from the name and version together.

Step Patch

A string "patch" label which can be used to show that a step was updated while not affecting the stepid.

The patch value can be updated without affecting references to other objects; the unique ID for the object is not updated when the patch value is updated

Step Description

A description for the step; the description field supports markdown for formatted output in the UI and IDE.

Step Author

The "author" value indicates the author of the step and will be returned with the step metadata in the REST API and also is displayed in the system UI.

Step Library

Steps support library objects that provide additional code for the step.

See also
Library Objects for more information

Step Mappers

An optional list of mappers that are used in the step.

See also

Step Value Maps

An optional list of value maps that are used in the step.

See also

Step User Interaction Flag

If this is step key is set to True, then the asynchronous step will support APIs for user interaction; can only be set on asynchronous steps. If this key is not present in the step definition, the default value is False.
REST API support
The following APIs can be used to atomically acquire step data for editing by a particular user:
See also
Asynchronous Steps

Step Language

The programming language used for the step implementation.

Step Source Class Definitions

The Qorus IDE allows for editing the source code for a step as well as editing the step's metadata.

Workflow Step Code Example in the Qorus IDE

The step's logic is defined as a class that inherits one of the following step classes:

Step Classes per Step Type

Step Type Step Class
Asynchronous Steps Python / Java / Qore: QorusAsyncStep
Workflow Synchronization Event Steps Python / Java / Qore: QorusEventStep
Normal Steps Python / Java / Qore: QorusNormalStep
Subworkflow Step Python / Java / Qore: QorusSubworkflowStep
Array Asynchronous Steps Python / Java / Qore: QorusAsyncArrayStep
Array Workflow Synchronization Event Steps Python / Java / Qore: QorusEventArrayStep
Array Normal Steps Python / Java / Qore: QorusNormalArrayStep
Array Subworkflow Step Python / Java / Qore: QorusSubworkflowArrayStep

The step's class determines its type as given in the above table.

  • Step logic defined in methods of the above classes can be implemented by Finite State Machines / Flow Designer instead. In case a finite state machine trigger is associated with a step method, the step method will never be executed, so the method body can be empty (as long as it is syntactically valid so that the interface program can be loaded / compiled).
  • Step logic can also be implemented by a class connection using the trigger for the step's method in question

Step Constructors and Static Initialization

Class-based steps can have a constructor and classes can have static initialization, but please note that if the step has configuration items, it must be instantiated by oload in order to validate the workflow's logic and in some cases to create the step's configuration in the system. In such a case, if the constructor or static class initialization requires features that are only available at runtime in Qorus itself, the errors raised will cause step class instantiation or static class instantiation to fail.

The step constructor takes no arguments.

Asynchronous Step Queue

Queues provide the storage and delivery mechanism by which the results of executing an asynchronous event for an asynchronous step are delivered to the right step instance.

Each asynchronous step in a workflow must be associated to a queue (although in theory all the asynchronous steps can use the same queue if desired).

A single queue can be used for any number of asynchronous steps, however the keys in a queue must be unique.

The step queue value must be set to a string giving the name of the queue for asynchronous steps. The queue will link the asynchronous step's primary step code with the back-end code.

When the result of the asynchronous action is available, the result must be posted to the step's queue using the key created in the step's primary step code when one of the following methods is called, depending on the language used:

Alternatively Qorus DataProvider API: Submit Workflow Async Key can be called as well to submit the key

The queue will hold this data (stored in the database table QUEUE_DATA) and pass it to the asynchronous back-end code in order to determine the step's status.

See Asynchronous Queue Objects for more information.

Workflow Synchronization Step Event Type

A workflow synchronization event step must be associated with a workflow synchronization event type, and therefore an attribute providing a valid value of this type is required for this kind of step.

During step execution, the step must be bound to a workflow synchronization event by calling one of the following APIs:

Alternatively, in case the step should not bind itself to a workflow synchronization event, one of the following APIs can be called instead:

If none of these APIs are called in the step's primary step code, the step will exit with an error. Otherwise, if a workflow synchronization event is bound to the step, the step will only receive a COMPLETE status when the event is posted.

Workflow synchronization events can be posted with the following APIs:

The value of the tag must be the name of a valid workflow synchronization event.

See also
Workflow Synchronization Event Steps for an example of a workflow synchronization step definition where this key is defined.

Step User Metadata

Steps can also provide user-defined metadata which is returned as part of the step's metadata description.

This information can be used by internal Qorus code, external programs, or web pages (for example) to control user interactions related to the step (among other uses).

See also
Step User Interaction Flag

Step Configuration Items

Steps can declare configuration items as metadata to allow for the behavior of the step to be modified by users at runtime using the operational web UI or the REST API.

Step configuration items are:

  1. Created by oload when loading the step
  2. Read at runtime with job APIs to affect the functionality of the step
  3. Updated using the web UI using the REST API with PUT /api/latest/workflows/{id_or_name}/stepinfo/{id_or_name}/config/{name}

Step configuration items are designed to allow users to affect the execution of a step so that changes can be made by authorized users in the UI without requiring a change to development.

All configuration item values are considered to be managed by operations by design, which means that once a configuration item has been loaded into Qorus, any changes to its value with the API are persistent and will not be overwritten by subsequent loads of the configuration item by oload.

Strictly Local Step Config Item

If the strictly_local flag is True, then the step configuration item is local and the value for the configuration item cannot be set on the workflow or the global level.

If the strictly_local flag on a step configuration item is False (the default), then the step configuration item is not local and the value can also be set on the workflow or the global level.

All configuration item values are considered to be managed by operations by design, which means that once a configuration item has been loaded into Qorus, any changes to its value with the API are persistent and will not be overwritten by subsequent loads of the configuration item by oload.
Step configuration items must be returned through a URI path in the workflow context in order to reflect the proper value of configuration items with the strictly_local flag set to False; use the following REST API to retrieve step configuration items in the context of its declaring workflow: GET /api/latest/workflows/{id_or_name}/stepinfo/{id_or_name}/config/{name}
See also
Config Items: Code to No-Code Runtime Configuration for Your Code

Step Library Objects

Steps support library objects in way similar to workflows, services, and jobs, however step library objects are loaded into the workflow's program container.

Library objects for steps can only be defined in YAML step definition file (for more details see Implementing Qorus Objects Using YAML format).

Normal Steps

A normal step is a step that is not a subworkflow, asynchronous, or workflow synchronization event step. Normal steps do not have asynchronous back-end code, a queue, or a workflow synchronization event type and cannot be used as a subworkflow step.

A normal step may be an array step, which would make it a normal array step.

The base step classes to be inherited by normal step classes are:

Python / Java / Qore classes:

  • Python / Java / Qore: QorusNormalStep: when the logic should be executed once
  • Python / Java / Qore: QorusNormalArrayStep: when the logic should be executed an arbitrary number of times

See the documentation for the classes above for example step definitions.

Step logic defined in methods of step classes can be implemented by Finite State Machines / Flow Designer instead. In case a Finite State Machine trigger is associated with a step method, the step method will never be executed, so the method body can be empty (as long as it is syntactically valid). In this case, the following methods can be implemented by Finite State Machines / Flow Designer :

Subworkflow Step

A subworkflow step binds a child workflow (called a subworkflow) to a step. The child workflow's status will be bound to the step's status; that is; whatever status the child workflow has will be reflected as the step's status. This is how Qorus supports logical branching in workflows, where one branch of processing is optionally executed based on a logical condition.

The base step classes to be inherited by subworkflow step classes are as follows.

Python / Java / Qore classes:

See the above classes for example step definitions.

Subworkflow steps are not bound to any particular workflow type; the only rule for a subworkflow step is that one of the following API calls must be made in the primary step code for the steps.

FSM / Flow API for API Call States:

Python and Java methods:

Qore methods:


A subworkflow step may be an array step, which would make it a subworkflow array step.

Step logic defined in methods of step classes can be implemented by Finite State Machines / Flow Designer instead. In case a Finite State Machine trigger is associated with a step method, the step method will never be executed, so the method body can be empty (as long as it is syntactically valid). In this case, the following methods can be implemented by Finite State Machines / Flow Designer :

Workflow Feedback

Data can be passed from subworkflows back to the parent as workflow feedback.

Child Feedback
Child workflows can provide feedback to the parent by calling the following APIs.

FSM / Flow API for API Call States: Python, Java, and Qore methods:
Parent Feedback
The parent can retrieve the feedback (in a step executed after the subworkflow step) by calling the following APIs.

FSM / Flow API for API Call States: Python, Java, and Qore methods:

Asynchronous Steps

Asynchronous steps allow Qorus to efficiently process asynchronous actions. In the context of Qorus workflow processing, asynchronous actions are actions that may take a significant amount of time to complete. It is not necessary to know in advance how much time the action will take to complete to define an asynchronous step.

The base step classes to be inherited by asynchronous step classes are as follows.

Python / Qore classes:

  • Python / Java / Qore: QorusAsyncStep: when the logic should be executed once
  • Python / Java / Qore: QorusAsyncArrayStep: when the logic should be executed an arbitrary number of times

See the above classes for example step definitions.

To define an asynchronous step, the step definition must define asynchronous back-end code and a queue, and one of the following API calls must be made during the execution of the primary step code.

FSM / Flow API for API Call States:

Python methods:

Java methods:

Qore methods:

The methods listed above save a reference to the step's action as a unique key in the namespace of the queue; all keys submitted to a queue of the same name must be unique (this is enforced by an index in the Qorus database).

The system option qorus.async_delay determines when the system will retry the step if the step's queue has not been updated in time. If there is no validation code, the default behavior for the system will be to delete any queue data for the step, and re-run the step's primary step code. If this is not the desired behavior, then you must implement validation code to control how the system reacts to an asynchronous timeout.

When the result of the asynchronous action is available, code external to the workflow must update the queue entry using a supported API that identifies the queue entry with the queue's name and the unique key in the queue; any data posted to the queue entry is passed to the step's back end logic.

Often asynchronous updates are enabled by implementing a Qorus service to monitor the result of asynchronous processing that then updates the queue entry to enable processing to continue for the affected order.

Within Qorus, the following is an example of how to call the REST API POST /api/latest/async-queues/{queue}?action=update from a Qorus service; in this example, a table in an external database is polled by checking which queue entries are still outstanding by calling GET /api/v3/async-queues/{queue}?action=qinfo and then updated with POST /api/latest/async-queues/{queue}?action=update.

Asynchronous Queue Update Example
# get list of outstanding queue entries
*list<auto> l = map int($1.queuekey), UserApi::callRestApi("GET", "async-queues/bridge/qinfo?status=" +
if (!l) {
# check if database has been updated
AbstractTable table = UserApi::getSqlTable(ds, "rd");
hash<auto> sh = {
"columns": ("ind", "sysnmbr", "status"),
"where": {
"sysnmbr": op_ne(NULL),
"ind": op_in(l),
*hash<auto> q = table.select(sh);
# loop through result set and update "bridge" queue with key as %ind
context (q) {
slog(LL_DETAIL_1, "updating queue 'bridge': ind=%y, data=%y", %ind, %%);
hash<auto> args = {
"key": %ind,
"data": %%,
UserApi::callRestApi("POST", "async-queues/bridge/update", args);

An asynchronous step may be an array step, which would make it an asynchronous array step.

Asynchronous steps define a segment discontinuity; all normal steps leading up to the asynchronous step are in the same segment; and all normal steps executed after the asynchronous step are in another segment. Qorus workflow segments are each processed in their own thread and can process workflow order data instances independently of one another.

See also
Step logic defined in methods of step classes can be implemented by Finite State Machines / Flow Designer instead. In case a Finite State Machine trigger is associated with a step method, the step method will never be executed, so the method body can be empty (as long as it is syntactically valid). In this case, the following methods can be implemented by Finite State Machines / Flow Designer :

Workflow Synchronization Event Steps

Workflow synchronization event steps allow many workflow orders to synchronize their processing based on a single event. A workflow synchronization event step may be an array step, which would make it a workflow synchronization event array step.

The base step classes to be inherited for asynchronous step classes are as follows.

Python / Java / Qore classes:

  • Python / Java / Qore: QorusEventStep: when the logic should be executed once
  • Python / Java / Qore: QorusEventArrayStep: when the logic should be executed an arbitrary number of times

See the above classes for example step definitions.

The primary step code for a workflow synchronization event step must make one of the following API calls:

The step definition must reference a workflow synchronization event type as well; event keys bound or posted are treated unique within their event type. Additionally, workflow synchronization event steps may not have validation code.

See also

Array Step

Any type of step can be an array step. An array step is any step that may need to repeat its action more than once. Any step type can be an array step; normal, asynchronous, subworkflow, or workflow synchronization event steps can be array steps. The difference between a non-array step is that array steps have an array method, and the argument signature also changes for other step methods.

The recommended way to define steps is by defining all the step's logic as a subclass of one of the following step classes:

Array Step Classes per Step Type

Step Type Base Step Class
Array Asynchronous Steps Python / Qore / Java: QorusAsyncArrayStep
Array Workflow Synchronization Event Steps Python / Qore / Java: QorusEventArrayStep
Array Normal Steps Python / Qore / Java: QorusNormalArrayStep
Array Subworkflow Step Python / Qore / Java: QorusSubworkflowArrayStep

See the above classes for example step definitions.

The return value of the array code will determine how many times the step will execute, and on what data. Please note that array steps have different code signatures, as the array element is always passed to the step logic code (primary step code, validation code, and asynchronous back-end code for asynchronous steps).

Step logic defined in methods of step classes can be implemented by Finite State Machines / Flow Designer instead. In case a Finite State Machine trigger is associated with a step method, the step method will never be executed, so the method body can be empty (as long as it is syntactically valid). In this case, the following methods can be implemented by Finite State Machines / Flow Designer :

Primary Step Code

As the name suggests, the primary step code should contain all the logic for the step when run in OMQ::WM_Normal mode (not recovering). In the step definition the primary step code is identified by the funcname key, or, if this is not present, the name of the step is assumed to be the name of the primary step code as well.
Asynchronous steps, subworkflow steps, and workflow synchronization event steps all have special requirements for API calls that must be made in the primary step code; see the documentation for each step type for more information.

Every step base class has an abstract primary() method where the primary step logic must be defined. See the class documentation for the specific step class for more information on requirements for the primary step method.

Step logic defined in methods of step classes can be implemented by Finite State Machines / Flow Designer instead; in case a step is defined with a Finite State Machine with the primary trigger, the primary() method will never be executed, and the method body should remain empty.
See also
the following for more information on how method arguments to the primary() method for array steps can be accessed as finite state machine input data:

Validation Code

The validation code is run whenever the step is recovered (for asynchronous steps, this could also be if the asynchronous step's queue entry has not been updated within the time period defined by the qorus.async_delay system option). This function's return value tells Qorus if the step function should be run again or not. Note that subworkflow steps and workflow synchronization event steps cannot have validation code.
Note: Always Implement Validation Code for Non-Repeatable Actions
A number of problems could prohibit a step from being updated with the correct status, for example, network problems, power outages, other application problems, etc. To handle these situations gracefully, implement validation code to verify the status of the step before running the step's primary step code again. The arguments passed to the validation code depend on the type of step.

Validation Code Return Value

The following table describes how the system reacts depending on the return value of the validation logic.

Validation Code Return Value

Return Value System Behavior
OMQ::StatComplete Do not run the primary step logic; mark the step as COMPLETE and continue. For asynchronous steps, back-end code also will not be run
OMQ::StatError Do not run the primary step logic; mark the step as ERROR and stop running any further dependencies of this step
OMQ::StatRetry Run the primary step loggic again immediately. If the step is an asynchronous step with queue data with a OMQ::QS_Waiting status, the queue data will be deleted immediately before the primary step logic is run again
OMQ::StatAsyncWaiting For asynchronous steps only, do not run the primary step logic and keep the ASYNC-WAITING status. For non-asynchronous steps, raises an error and the return value is treated like ERROR
any other status an error is raised and the return value is treated like ERROR

Validation Method

Some step base classes have a validation() method that can be overridden where the validation logic can be defined. See the class documentation for the specific step class for more information on the signature and requirements for the validation method (if it's supported for the step type, not all step types support validation logic), and see Validation Code Return Value for a description of how the return value of this method affects workflow order processing.

  • Asynchronous steps should normally have validation code, because Qorus will automatically try to recover an asynchronous step if the queue is not updated within the time period defined by the qorus.async_delay system option. If no validation code is defined, then the system will automatically delete the queue data (if any is present) and rerun the primary step code, which may not be the desired behavior.
  • Subworkflow steps will never be recovered in the parent workflow, and subworkflow steps may not have validation code for this reason. A subworkflow step's status is bound to the subworkflow, and any errors must be corrected in the subworkflow.
  • Workflow synchronization event steps cannot have validation code; they are either waiting for their event or OMQ::StatComplete. To force a Workflow synchronization event step to continue, either post its event or call omq.system.skip-step() on the step.
  • Step logic defined in methods of step classes can be implemented by Finite State Machines / Flow Designer instead; in case a step is defined with a Finite State Machine with the validation trigger, the validation() method will never be executed, and the method body should remain empty (a default return statement may be necessary for syntactic correctness, however the method code will never be executed as long a Finite State Machine trigger exists for the method).
See also
the following for more information on how method arguments to the validation() method for various step types can be accessed as finite state machine input data:

Asynchronous Back-End Code

This logic must be defined for asynchronous steps. This logic is run when the queue data bound to the asynchronous step is updated and receives the status OMQ::QS_Received. The job of this code is to determine if the asynchronously-received data is correct or not; if it is not correct, then the code should raise an error by throwing an exception or by calling the following API method:

Asynchronous steps can define an end() method to process data submitted for the asynchronous workflow event. See the class documentation for the specific step class for more information on the end() method.

Step logic defined in methods of step classes can be implemented by Finite State Machines / Flow Designer instead; in case a step is defined with a Finite State Machine with the end trigger, the end() method will never be executed, and the method body should remain empty.

Array Code

This code is run every time Qorus starts executing an array step. This could be in normal mode (the first time the step is executed), in recovery mode, or when Qorus attaches to a workflow order data instance in order to execute back-end code. For each element in the list returned, Qorus will run the appropriate function and track the results separately. If no value or an empty list is returned the first time the array function is executed, the entire array step receives a COMPLETE status and the step function is not run.

For class-based steps, the array method is an abstract method defined in all array base step classes and must be defined in the step's class.
  • The return value of the array code is not stored in persistent storage. In order to ensure correct functionality in the case of recoveries (or with back end logic in asynchronous steps), the array function must return the same array with elements in the same order every time it is run. If necessary, the list or information to regenerate the list can be stored in dynamic order or dynamic step data.
  • Step logic defined in methods of step classes can be implemented by Finite State Machines / Flow Designer instead; in case a step is defined with a Finite State Machine with the array trigger, the array() method will never be executed, and the method body should remain empty (in Java, a default return null statement may be necessary for syntactic correctness, however the method code will never be executed as long a Finite State Machine trigger exists for the method).
See also
the following for more information on how method arguments to the end() method for various step types can be accessed as finite state machine input data: