static void | discard (AbstractQoreNode *n, ExceptionSink *xsink) |
| to deref an AbstractQoreNode (when the pointer may be 0)
DLLEXPORT const AbstractQoreZoneInfo * | find_create_timezone (const char *name, ExceptionSink *xsink) |
| returns a time zone for the given region name or UTC offset given as a string ("+01:00") More...
DLLEXPORT const AbstractQoreZoneInfo * | findCreateOffsetZone (int seconds_east) |
| returns a time zone for the given time zone UTC offset
DLLEXPORT int | getMicroSecZeroInt (const AbstractQoreNode *a) |
| for getting an integer number of microseconds, with 0 as the default, from either a relative time value or an integer value
DLLEXPORT int64 | getMicroSecZeroInt64 (const AbstractQoreNode *a) |
| for getting an integer number of microseconds, with 0 as the default, from either a relative time value or an integer value
DLLEXPORT int64 | getMsMinusOneBigInt (const AbstractQoreNode *a) |
| for getting an integer number of milliseconds, with -1 as the default, from either a relative time value or an integer value
DLLEXPORT int | getMsMinusOneInt (const AbstractQoreNode *a) |
| for getting an integer number of milliseconds, with -1 as the default, from either a relative time value or an integer value
DLLEXPORT int64 | getMsZeroBigInt (const AbstractQoreNode *a) |
| for getting an integer number of milliseconds, with 0 as the default, from either a relative time value or an integer value
DLLEXPORT int | getMsZeroInt (const AbstractQoreNode *a) |
| for getting an integer number of milliseconds, with 0 as the default, from either a relative time value or an integer value
DLLEXPORT int64 | getSecMinusOneBigInt (const AbstractQoreNode *a) |
| for getting an integer number of seconds, with -1 as the default, from either a relative time value or an integer value
DLLEXPORT int | getSecMinusOneInt (const AbstractQoreNode *a) |
| for getting an integer number of seconds, with -1 as the default, from either a relative time value or an integer value
DLLEXPORT int64 | getSecZeroBigInt (const AbstractQoreNode *a) |
| for getting an integer number of seconds, with 0 as the default, from either a relative time value or an integer value
DLLEXPORT int | getSecZeroInt (const AbstractQoreNode *a) |
| for getting an integer number of seconds, with 0 as the default, from either a relative time value or an integer value
static bool | is_nothing (const AbstractQoreNode *n) |
| to check if an AbstractQoreNode object is NOTHING
DLLEXPORT char * | make_class_name (const char *fn) |
| function to try and make a class name out of a file path, returns a new string that must be free()ed
DLLEXPORT void | parse_set_time_zone (const char *zone) |
| to set the time zone from the command line More...
DLLEXPORT BinaryNode * | parseBase64 (const char *buf, int len, ExceptionSink *xsink) |
| parses a string of base64-encoded data and returns a BinaryNode
DLLEXPORT BinaryNode * | parseHex (const char *buf, int len, ExceptionSink *xsink) |
| parses a string of hex characters and returns a BinaryNode
DLLEXPORT char * | q_basename (const char *path) |
| thread-safe basename function (resulting pointer must be free()ed)
DLLEXPORT char * | q_basenameptr (const char *path) |
| returns a pointer within the same string
DLLEXPORT char * | q_dirname (const char *path) |
| thread-safe dirname function (resulting pointer must be free()ed)
DLLEXPORT int64 | q_epoch () |
| returns the seconds from the epoch
DLLEXPORT int64 | q_epoch_ns (int &us) |
| returns the seconds and nanoseconds from the epoch
DLLEXPORT int64 | q_epoch_us (int &us) |
| returns the seconds and microseconds from the epoch
DLLEXPORT bool | q_get_option_constant_value (const char *opt) |
| returns the boolean value of qore library the given name of the constant for the option; false if the option constant name is unknown
DLLEXPORT bool | q_get_option_value (const char *opt) |
| returns the boolean value of qore library the given option name; false if the option is unknown
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * | q_getgrgid (uid_t uid) |
| thread-safe version of getgrgid(): returns a Qore hash of the group information from the gid if possible, otherwise 0
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * | q_getgrnam (const char *name) |
| thread-safe version of getgrnam(): returns a Qore hash of the group information from the group name if possible, otherwise 0
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * | q_getpwnam (const char *name) |
| thread-safe version of getpwnam(): returns a Qore hash of the passwd information from the username if possible, otherwise 0
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * | q_getpwuid (uid_t uid) |
| thread-safe version of getpwuid(): returns a Qore hash of the passwd information from the uid if possible, otherwise 0
DLLEXPORT struct tm * | q_gmtime (const time_t *clock, struct tm *tms) |
| thread-safe version of "gmtime()"
int | q_gname2gid (const char *name, gid_t &gid) |
| thread-safe way to lookup a gid from a group name More...
DLLEXPORT struct tm * | q_localtime (const time_t *clock, struct tm *tms) |
| thread-safe version of "localtime()"
DLLEXPORT const char * | q_mode_to_perm (mode_t mode, QoreString &perm) |
| concatenates UNIX-style permissions to perm and from mode and returns a string giving the file type
DLLEXPORT bool | q_parse_bool (const AbstractQoreNode *n) |
| tries to parse a boolean value - standard conversion or uses q_parse_bool(const char*) if it's a string
DLLEXPORT bool | q_parse_bool (const char *str) |
| parses a string and returns a boolean (ie case-insensitive "on","true","enable*","yes" are True, the rest is interpreted as a number where 0=false, everything else=true)
DLLEXPORT bool | q_path_is_readable (const char *path) |
| platform-independent API that tells if the given path is readable by the current user
DLLEXPORT void * | q_realloc (void *ptr, size_t size) |
| frees memory if there is an allocation error
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * | q_sprintf (const class QoreListNode *params, int field, int offset, class ExceptionSink *xsink) |
| a string formatting function that works with Qore data structures
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * | q_strerror (int errnum) |
| returns the error string as a QoreStringNode
DLLEXPORT void | q_strerror (QoreString &str, int errnum) |
| concatenates the error string to the given string
int | q_uname2uid (const char *name, uid_t &uid) |
| thread-safe way to lookup a uid from a username More...
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * | q_vsprintf (const class QoreListNode *params, int field, int offset, class ExceptionSink *xsink) |
| a string formatting function that works with Qore data structures
DLLEXPORT BinaryNode * | qore_bunzip2_to_binary (const BinaryNode *bin, ExceptionSink *xsink) |
| decompresses bzip2 data to a binary
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * | qore_bunzip2_to_string (const BinaryNode *bin, const QoreEncoding *enc, ExceptionSink *xsink) |
| decompresses bzip2 data to a string
DLLEXPORT BinaryNode * | qore_bzip2 (void *ptr, unsigned long len, int level, ExceptionSink *xsink) |
| compresses data with bzip2
DLLEXPORT BinaryNode * | qore_deflate (void *ptr, unsigned long len, int level, ExceptionSink *xsink) |
| compresses data with the DEFLATE algorithm
DLLEXPORT void | qore_exit_process (int rc) |
| instead of calling "exit()", call qore_exit_process() to exit without risking a crash if other threads are running
DLLEXPORT qore_license_t | qore_get_license () |
| returns the license type that the library has been initialized under
DLLEXPORT BinaryNode * | qore_gunzip_to_binary (const BinaryNode *bin, ExceptionSink *xsink) |
| gunzips compressed data to a binary
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * | qore_gunzip_to_string (const BinaryNode *bin, const QoreEncoding *enc, ExceptionSink *xsink) |
| gunzips compressed data to a string
DLLEXPORT BinaryNode * | qore_gzip (void *ptr, unsigned long len, int level, ExceptionSink *xsink) |
| gzips data
DLLEXPORT BinaryNode * | qore_inflate_to_binary (const BinaryNode *b, ExceptionSink *xsink) |
| decompresses data compressed with the DEFLATE algorithm to a binary
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * | qore_inflate_to_string (const BinaryNode *b, const QoreEncoding *enc, ExceptionSink *xsink) |
| decompresses data compressed with the DEFLATE algorithm to a string
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * | qore_reassign_signal (int sig, const char *name) |
| allows a module to take over ownership of a signal More...
DLLEXPORT void | qore_setup_argv (int pos, int argc, char *argv[]) |
| sets up the Qore ARGV and QORE_ARGV values
DLLEXPORT int | qore_usleep (int64 usecs) |
| use this function instead of usleep(), as usleep() is not signal-safe on some platforms (ex: Solaris 8, 9)
static char * | strchrs (const char *str, const char *chars) |
| find one of any characters in a string
static char * | strnchr (const char *str, int len, char c) |
| find a character in a string up to len
static void | strtolower (char *str) |
| convert a string to lower-case in place
static char * | strtoupper (char *str) |
| convert a string to upper-case in place
DLLEXPORT const char * | tz_get_region_name (const AbstractQoreZoneInfo *tz) |
| returns the reion name for the given time zone
DLLEXPORT int | tz_get_utc_offset (const AbstractQoreZoneInfo *tz, int64 epoch_offset, bool &is_dst, const char *&zone_name) |
| returns the UTC offset and local time zone name for the given time given as seconds from the epoch (1970-01-01Z)
DLLEXPORT bool | tz_has_dst (const AbstractQoreZoneInfo *tz) |
| returns true if the zone has daylight savings time ever