Qore Programming Language
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAbstractCallReferenceNodeBase class for call references, reference-counted, dynamically allocated only
 CAbstractPrivateDataBase class for all data to be used as private data of Qore objects
 CAbstractQoreClassTypeInfoHelperNote that the QoreClass object created by this class must be deleted externally
 CAbstractQoreNodeThe base class for all value and parse types in Qore expression trees
 CAbstractThreadResourceBase class for saving data using Qore's thread resource management system
 CAtomicEnvironmentSetterClass allowing for multiple updates to the system environment within a single lock in a thread-safe way, can be used on the stack
 CAutoLockerSafe and exception-safe way to hold locks in Qore, only to be used on the stack, cannot be dynamically allocated
 CAutoUnlockerSafe and exception-safe way to release and re-acquire locks in Qore, only to be used on the stack, cannot be dynamically allocated
 CAutoVLockAutoVLock is a container for safely managing global variable and object lock handovers, required for functions accessing global variables and object data where locking is necessary
 CBinaryNodeHolds arbitrary binary data
 CBuiltinFunctionListInterface to the global list of all builtin functions in the library
 CConstHashIteratorConstant iterator class for QoreHashNode, to be only created on the stack
 CConstListIteratorFor use on the stack only: iterates through elements of a const QoreListNode
 Ccstr_vector_tNon-thread-safe vector for storing "char *" that you want to delete
 CDatasourceBase class for accessing databases in Qore through a Qore DBI driver
 CDateTimeHolds absolute and relative date/time values in Qore with precision to the microsecond
 CDateTimeNodeQore's parse tree/value type for date-time values, reference-counted, dynamically-allocated only
 CDateTimeNodeValueHelperManages calls to AbstractQoreNode::getDateTimeRepresentation() when a DateTimeNode value is required
 CDateTimeValueHelperManages calls to AbstractQoreNode::getDateTimeRepresentation() when a simple DateTime value is required
 CDBIDriverThis class provides the internal link to the database driver for Qore's DBI layer
 CDBIDriverListThis class is used to register and find DBI drivers loaded in qore
 CExceptionSinkContainer for holding Qore-language exception information and also for registering a "thread_exit" call
 CFeatureListSTL-like list containing all presently-loaded Qore features
 Cfree_ptrFunctor template for calling free() on pointers
 CHashAssignmentHelperUse this class to make assignments to hash keys from a pointer to the key value
 CHashIteratorIterator class for QoreHashNode, to be only created on the stack
 CListIteratorFor use on the stack only: iterates through a the elements of a QoreListNode
 CltcharFor char less-than comparisons
 CltcstrcaseFor simple c-string case-insensitive less-than comparisons
 CltstrFor simple c-string less-than comparisons
 CltstrcaseFor std::string case-insensitive less-than comparisons
 CModuleManagerManages the loading of Qore modules from feature or path names. Also manages adding module changes into QoreProgram objects
 CObjScopeGuardImpl0Scope guard class
 CObjScopeGuardImpl1Scope guard class
 CObjScopeGuardImpl2Scope guard class
 COptLockerSafe and exception-safe way to hold optional locks in Qore, only to be used on the stack, cannot be dynamically allocated
 CParseOptionMapAccess to parse option information
 CPrivateDataRefHolderConvenience class for holding AbstractPrivateData references
 Cqore_dbi_method_listThis is the data structure Qore DBI drivers will use to pass the supported DBI methods
 Cqore_i2_uUsed to swap 2-byte integers
 Cqore_i4_uUsed to swap byte order of 4-byte values
 Cqore_i8_uUsed to swap byte order of 8-byte values
 Cqore_mod_api_compat_sElement of qore_mod_api_list;
 Cqore_option_sDefinition of the elements in the qore_option_list
 Cqore_tmFor returning broken-down time information
 CQoreAddrInfoInterface to getaddrinfo
 CQoreAutoRWReadLockerSafe and exception-safe way to hold read locks in Qore, only to be used on the stack, cannot be dynamically allocated
 CQoreAutoRWWriteLockerSafe and exception-safe way to hold write locks in Qore, only to be used on the stack, cannot be dynamically allocated
 CQoreBigIntNodeThis class implements Qore's 64-bit integer data type, reference-counted, dynamically-allocated only
 CQoreBoolFalseNodeQore's boolean "false" node, unique, not dynamically-allocated, not reference-counted
 CQoreBoolNodeBase class for Qore's 2 boolean classes: QoreBoolTrueNode and QoreBoolFalseNode
 CQoreBoolTrueNodeQore's boolean "true" node, unique, not dynamically-allocated, not reference-counted
 CQoreClassDefines a Qore-language class
 CQoreConditionThread condition class implementing a wrapper for pthread_cond_t
 CQoreCounterSimple thread-safe counter object; objects can block on it until the counter reaches zero
 CQoreEncodingDefines string encoding functions in Qore
 CQoreEncodingManagerManages encodings in Qore
 CQoreFileControlled access to file data through Qore data structures
 CQoreFloatNodeQore's floating-point value type, dynamically-allocated only, reference counted
 CQoreForeignThreadHelperUse this class to temporarily register and deregister a foreign thread to allow Qore code to be executed and the Qore library to be used from threads not created by the Qore library
 CQoreFtpClientThread-safe access to FTP servers through Qore data structures
 CQoreHashNodeThis is the hash or associative list container type in Qore, dynamically allocated only, reference counted
 CQoreHTTPClientWay to communicate with HTTP servers using Qore data structures
 CQoreHttpClientObjectWay to communicate with HTTP servers using Qore data structures
 CQoreIteratorBaseAbstract base class for iterator private data
 CQoreListNodeThis is the list container type in Qore, dynamically allocated only, reference counted
 CQoreListNodeEvalOptionalRefHolderFor use on the stack only: manages result of the optional evaluation of a QoreListNode
 CQoreMethodMethod in a QoreClass
 CQoreMethodIteratorTo be used to iterate through a class' normal (non-static) methods
 CQoreNamespaceConstants, classes, and subnamespaces in QoreProgram objects
 CQoreNodeAsStringHelperSafely manages the return values to AbstractQoreNode::getAsString(), stack only, cannot be dynamically allocated
 CQoreNodeEvalOptionalRefHolderThis class manages reference counts for the optional evaluation of AbstractQoreNode objects
 CQoreNothingNodeQore's "NOTHING" parse tree/value type, not-referenced counted, not dynamically allocated
 CQoreNullNodeQore's SQL "NULL" parse tree/value type, not-referenced counted, not dynamically allocated
 CQoreNumberNodeQore's arbitrary-precision number value type, dynamically-allocated only, reference counted
 CQoreObjectImplementation of Qore's object data type, reference counted, dynamically-allocated only
 CQoreProgramSupports parsing and executing Qore-language code, reference counted, dynamically-allocated only
 CQoreProgramHelperSafely manages QoreProgram objects; note the the destructor will block until all background threads in the qore library terminate and until the current QoreProgram terminates
 CQoreReferenceCounterAtomic reference counting to Qore objects
 CQoreRWLockSimple POSIX-threads-based read-write lock
 CQoreSafeRWReadLockerSafe and exception-safe way to hold read locks in Qore, only to be used on the stack, cannot be dynamically allocated
 CQoreSafeRWWriteLockerSafe and exception-safe way to hold write locks in Qore, only to be used on the stack, cannot be dynamically allocated
 CQoreSocketAccess to sockets using Qore data structures
 CQoreSSLBaseOffers static functions to help with translating openssl data structures to Qore data structures
 CQoreSSLCertificateX509 certificate, reference-counted, dynamically-allocated only
 CQoreSSLPrivateKeyAccess to a private key data structure for SSL connections
 CQoreStaticMethodIteratorTo be used to iterate through a class' static methods
 CQoreStringQore's string type supported by the QoreEncoding class
 CQoreStringNodeQore's string value type, reference counted, dynamically-allocated only
 CQoreStringNodeValueHelperThis class is used to safely manage calls to AbstractQoreNode::getStringRepresentation() when a QoreStringNode value is needed, stack only, may not be dynamically allocated
 CQoreStringValueHelperThis class is used to safely manage calls to AbstractQoreNode::getStringRepresentation() when a simple QoreString value is needed, stack only, may not be dynamically allocated
 CQoreThreadLocalStorageAccess to thread-local storage
 CQoreThreadLockMutually-exclusive thread lock
 CQoreTypeInfoHelperHelper type to allocate and manage QoreTypeInfo objects (not exported by the library)
 CQoreTypeSafeReferenceHelperHelper class to manage variable references passed to functions and class methods, stack only, cannot be dynamically allocated
 CQoreURLHelps with parsing URLs and provides access to URL components through Qore data structures
 CReferenceArgumentHelperAllows a reference to be passed as an argument to Qore code
 CReferenceHolderTemplated class to manage a reference count of an object that can throw a Qore-language exception when dereferenced
 CReferenceNodeParse type: reference to a lvalue expression
 CRefHolderTemplated class for ScopeGuard to hold a c++ reference
 CResolvedCallReferenceNodeBase class for resolved call references
 CReverseConstHashIteratorReverse constant iterator class for QoreHashNode, to be only created on the stack
 CReverseHashIteratorReverse iterator class for QoreHashNode, to be only created on the stack
 CRootQoreNamespaceRoot namespace of a QoreProgram object
 CSafeLockerException-safe way to manage locks in Qore, only to be used on the stack, cannot be dynamically allocated
 CScopeGuardImpl0Scope guard class
 CScopeGuardImpl1Scope guard class
 CScopeGuardImpl2Scope guard class
 CScopeGuardImpl3Scope guard class
 CScopeGuardImplBaseScope guard class
 Csimple_deleteFunctor template for deleting elements
 Csimple_derefFunctor template for dereferencing elements
 CSimpleQoreNodeThe base class for all types in Qore expression trees that cannot throw an exception when deleted
 CSimpleRefHolderManages a reference count of a pointer to a class that takes a simple "deref()" call with no arguments
 CSimpleValueQoreNodeBase class for simple value types
 CSocketSourceHelper class for getting socket origination information
 CSQLStatementThis is the public class for DBI drivers supporting Qore's new prepared statement API
 CSystemEnvironmentClass used to safely manipulate the system environment
 CTempEncodingHelperUse this class to manage strings where the character encoding must be specified and may be different than the actual encoding in the string
 CTempStringClass used to hold a possibly temporary QoreString pointer, stack only, cannot be dynamically allocated
 CThreadCleanupListList of functions to be run when a thread ends; required for some external libraries that require explicit cleanup when a thread terminates
 CUniqueValueQoreNodeThis class is for value types that will exists only once in the Qore library, reference counting is disabled