Qore HttpServerUtil Module Reference 1.2
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HttpServer::PermissiveAuthenticator Class Reference

class providing automatic authentication for all requests More...

#include <HttpServerUtil.qm.dox.h>

Inheritance diagram for HttpServer::PermissiveAuthenticator:

Public Member Methods

*hash< HttpResponseInfoauthenticateRequest (HttpListenerInterface listener, hash< auto > hdr, reference< hash > cx)
 primary method called to authenticate each request
- Public Member Methods inherited from HttpServer::AbstractAuthenticator
 authenticate (string user, string pass='')
 called to authenticate a user for a connection
 authenticateByIP (string ip, reference< string > user)
 called when the connection requires authentication, but no authentication credentials were supplied, to try to authenticate the connection based on the source IP address
*hash< HttpResponseInfoauthenticateRequest (HttpListenerInterface listener, hash< auto > hdr, reference< hash< auto > > cx)
 primary method called to authenticate each request
hash< HttpResponseInfodo401 (string msg='Authentication is required to access this server', *hash< auto > cx)
 returns a 401 repsonse with the given string argument as the message body
 endRequest ()
 Called after a request has been handled to allow the authenticator to remove any thread-local auth information.
hash< auto > getAuthHeader ()
 returns a hash with one item - WWW-Authenticate header set to correct realm
hash< auto > getAuthHeader (hash< auto > cx)
 returns a hash with one item - WWW-Authenticate header set to correct realm
string getRealm ()
 returns the authentication realm as a string
bool requiresAuthentication ()
 called to check if the connection requires authentication

Detailed Description

class providing automatic authentication for all requests

Member Function Documentation

◆ authenticateRequest()

*hash< HttpResponseInfo > HttpServer::PermissiveAuthenticator::authenticateRequest ( HttpListenerInterface  listener,
hash< auto >  hdr,
reference< hash >  cx 

primary method called to authenticate each request

listeneran HttpListenerInterface object for the listener serving the request for logging purposes
hdra hash of request headers
cxa reference to the call context hash; set the "user" key to the user name if a user was identified and authorized; this hash will have the following keys:
  • header-info: a hash of information about the request header with the following keys:
    • accept-charset: this key will be set to an appropriate value from any "Accept-Charset" header; if any of "*", "utf8", or "utf-8" are present, then this will be set to "utf8", otherwise it will be set to the first requested character encoding in the list
    • accept-encoding: a hash where keys are values from any "Accept-Encoding" header and the values are True
    • body-content-type: this is the "Content-Type" header without any charset declaration
    • charset: if there is a charset declaration in the "Content-Type" header, the value is returned in this key
    • client-cert: if the server is configured to capture remote client certificates, and the client supplied a certificate, this key will be populated with the SSLCertificate for the client
    • close: set to True if the connection should be closed after responding, False if not (as derived from the request header)
    • headers-raw: a hash of raw request headers without any case conversions or other processing
    • request-uri: gives the request URI in an HTTP request
  • socket: the bind address used to bind the listener ("socket-info" provides more detailed information)
  • socket-info: a hash of socket information for the listening socket (as returned by Qore::Socket::getSocketInfo())
  • peer-info: a hash of socket information for the remote socket (as returned by Qore::Socket::getPeerInfo())
  • url: a hash of broken-down URL information (as returned from Qore::parse_url())
  • id: the unique HTTP connection ID
  • ssl: True if the request was encrypted with HTTPS, False if not
  • listener-id: the HTTP server listener ID (see HttpServer::getListenerInfo())
  • user: the current RBAC username (if any)
  • root_path: the root URL path matched if the request was matched by a URL prefix
returns NOTHING indicating that the request is authenticated