Qore Programming Language 2.0.0
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QoreFile Class Reference

provides controlled access to file data through Qore data structures More...

#include <QoreFile.h>

Inherited by File.

Public Member Methods

DLLEXPORT QoreFile (const QoreEncoding *cs=QCS_DEFAULT)
 creates the object and sets the default encoding
DLLEXPORT ~QoreFile ()
 closes the file and frees all memory allocated to the object
DLLEXPORT int chown (uid_t owner, gid_t group, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 changes ownership of the file (if possible)
DLLLOCAL void cleanup (ExceptionSink *xsink)
 internal API, must be called before deleting the object if an event queue is set
DLLEXPORT int close ()
 closes the file
DLLEXPORT int close (ExceptionSink *xsink)
 closes the file
DLLEXPORT int detachFd ()
 detaches and returns the file descriptor
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNodegetchar ()
 reads a single byte from the file and returns it as a new string, caller owns the reference count returned
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNodegetchar (ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads a single character from the file and returns it as a new string, caller owns the reference count returned
DLLEXPORT const QoreEncodinggetEncoding () const
 returns the encoding used for the file
DLLEXPORT int getFD () const
 get file descriptor
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNodegetFileName () const
 returns the filename of the file being read (NULL if no file name is set); caller owns the reference count returned
DLLEXPORT std::string getFileNameStr () const
 returns the filename of the file being read as a std::string (the string is empty if no file name is set)
DLLEXPORT int getLockInfo (hashdecl flock &fl, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 get lock info operation, does not block
DLLEXPORT int getPollableDescriptor () const
 Returns the underlying file descriptor; -1 if not open.
DLLEXPORT size_t getPos ()
 returns the absolute byte position in the file
DLLEXPORT size_t getPos () const
 returns the absolute byte position in the file
DLLLOCAL int getTerminalAttributes (QoreTermIOS *ios, ExceptionSink *xsink) const
 gets terminal attributes
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNodehstat (ExceptionSink *xsink) const
 returns a QoreHashNode with file status information
DLLEXPORT bool isDataAvailable (int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink) const
 returns true if data is available for the file descriptor
DLLEXPORT bool isOpen () const
 returns true if the file is open, false if not
DLLEXPORT bool isTty () const
 returns true if the file is a tty
DLLEXPORT int lock (const hashdecl flock &fl, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 perform a file lock operation, does not block
DLLEXPORT int lockBlocking (hashdecl flock &fl, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 perform a file lock operation
DLLEXPORT int open (const char *fn, int flags=O_RDONLY, int mode=0777, const QoreEncoding *cs=QCS_DEFAULT)
 opens the file and returns 0 for success, non-zero for error
DLLEXPORT int open2 (ExceptionSink *xsink, const char *fn, int flags=O_RDONLY, int mode=0777, const QoreEncoding *cs=QCS_DEFAULT)
 opens the file and raises a Qore-language exception if an error occurs
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNoderead (qore_offset_t size, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads string data from the file and returns the string read (caller owns the reference count returned)
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNoderead (qore_offset_t size, int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads string data from the file and returns the string read (caller owns the reference count returned)
DLLEXPORT int read (QoreString &str, qore_offset_t size, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads string data from the file into a QoreString object (or subclass, such as QoreStringNode) and returns 0 for OK or non-zero for error
DLLEXPORT size_t read (void *ptr, size_t limit, int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads data from the file
DLLEXPORT int readBinary (BinaryNode &b, qore_offset_t size, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads binary data from the file into a BinaryNode object and returns 0 for OK or non-zero for error
DLLEXPORT BinaryNodereadBinary (qore_offset_t size, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads binary data from the file and returns the data read (caller owns the reference count returned)
DLLEXPORT BinaryNodereadBinary (qore_offset_t size, int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads binary data from the file and returns the data read (caller owns the reference count returned)
DLLEXPORT int readi1 (char *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads a 1-byte signed integer from the file and returns the value read as an output parameter
DLLEXPORT int readi2 (short *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads a 2-byte signed integer from the file in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian) format and returns the value read as an output parameter
DLLEXPORT int readi2LSB (short *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads a 2-byte signed integer from the file in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, big endian) format and returns the value read as an output parameter
DLLEXPORT int readi4 (int *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads a 4-byte signed integer from the file in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian) format and returns the value read as an output parameter
DLLEXPORT int readi4LSB (int *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads a 4-byte signed integer from the file in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, big endian) format and returns the value read as an output parameter
DLLEXPORT int readi8 (int64 *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads an 8-byte signed integer from the file in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian) format and returns the value read as an output parameter
DLLEXPORT int readi8LSB (int64 *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads an 8-byte signed integer from the file in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, big endian) format and returns the value read as an output parameter
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNodereadLine (bool incl_eol, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads string data from the file up to and optionally including the terminating EOL characters (can be "\n", "\r" or "\r\n") and returns the string read
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNodereadLine (ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads string data from the file up to and including the terminating EOL characters (can be "\n", "\r" or "\r\n") and returns the string read with the EOL characters
DLLEXPORT int readLine (QoreString &str)
 clears the string passed, then reads string data from the file up to and including the terminating EOL characters (can be "\n", "\r" or "\r\n"), returns 0 for no error, -1 for EOF, -2 for file not opened
DLLEXPORT int readLine (QoreString &str, bool incl_eol)
 clears the string passed, then reads string data from the file up to and optionally including the terminating EOL characters (can be "\n", "\r" or "\r\n"), returns 0 for no error, -1 for EOF, -2 for file not opened
DLLEXPORT int readu1 (unsigned char *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads a 1-byte unsigned integer from the file and returns the value read as an output parameter
DLLEXPORT int readu2 (unsigned short *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads a 2-byte unsigned integer from the file in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian) format and returns the value read as an output parameter
DLLEXPORT int readu2LSB (unsigned short *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads a 2-byte unsigned integer from the file in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, big endian) format and returns the value read as an output parameter
DLLEXPORT int readu4 (unsigned int *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads a 4-byte unsigned integer from the file in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian) format and returns the value read as an output parameter
DLLEXPORT int readu4LSB (unsigned int *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads a 4-byte unsigned integer from the file in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, big endian) format and returns the value read as an output parameter
DLLEXPORT int readUntil (char byte, QoreString &str, bool incl_bytes=true)
 clears the string passed, then reads string data from the file up to a terminating byte value, returns 0 for no error, -1 for EOF, -2 for file not opened
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNodereadUntil (const char *bytes, bool incl_bytes, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 reads string data from the file up to and optionally including the terminating EOL characters passed as an argument and returns the string read
DLLEXPORT int readUntil (const char *bytes, QoreString &str, bool incl_bytes=true)
 clears the string passed, then reads string data from the file up to the given byte string, returns 0 for no error, -1 for EOF, -2 for file not opened
DLLEXPORT int redirect (QoreFile &file, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 redirects the current file (this) to the argument
DLLEXPORT void setEncoding (const QoreEncoding *cs)
 sets the encoding for the file
DLLEXPORT int setEncoding (const QoreEncoding *cs, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 sets the encoding for the file
DLLLOCAL void setEventQueue (ExceptionSink *xsink, Queue *q, QoreValue arg, bool with_data)
 sets the event queue (not part of the library's pubilc API), must be already referenced before call
DLLEXPORT size_t setPos (size_t pos)
 sets the absolute file position to "pos"
DLLEXPORT size_t setPos (size_t pos, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 sets the absolute file position to "pos"
DLLLOCAL int setTerminalAttributes (int action, QoreTermIOS *ios, ExceptionSink *xsink) const
 sets terminal attributes
DLLEXPORT QoreListNodestat (ExceptionSink *xsink) const
 returns a QoreListNode with file status information
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNodestatvfs (ExceptionSink *xsink) const
 returns a QoreHashNode with filesystem status information
DLLEXPORT int sync ()
 flushes the write buffer to disk
DLLEXPORT int sync (ExceptionSink *xsink)
 flushes the write buffer to disk
DLLEXPORT int write (const BinaryNode *b, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 writes binary data to the file and returns the number of bytes written
DLLEXPORT int write (const QoreString *str, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 writes string data to the file, character encoding is converted if necessary, and returns the number of bytes written
DLLEXPORT int write (const void *data, size_t len, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 writes binary data to the file and returns the number of bytes written
DLLEXPORT int writei1 (char i, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 writes 1-byte binary integer data to the file and returns the number of bytes written (normally 1)
DLLEXPORT int writei2 (short i, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 writes 2-byte (16bit) binary integer data in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian) format to the file and returns the number of bytes written (normally 2)
DLLEXPORT int writei2LSB (short i, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 writes 2-byte (16bit) binary integer data in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, little endian) format to the file and returns the number of bytes written (normally 2)
DLLEXPORT int writei4 (int i, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 writes 4-byte (32bit) binary integer data in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian) format to the file and returns the number of bytes written (normally 4)
DLLEXPORT int writei4LSB (int i, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 writes 4-byte (32bit) binary integer data in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, little endian)format to the file and returns the number of bytes written (normally 4)
DLLEXPORT int writei8 (int64 i, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 writes 8-byte (64bit) binary integer data in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian) format to the file and returns the number of bytes written (normally 8)
DLLEXPORT int writei8LSB (int64 i, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 writes 8-byte (64bit) binary integer data in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, little endian) format to the file and returns the number of bytes written (normally 8)

Private Member Methods

DLLLOCAL QoreFile (const QoreFile &)
 this function is not implemented; it is here as a private function in order to prohibit it from being used
DLLLOCAL QoreFileoperator= (const QoreFile &)
 this function is not implemented; it is here as a private function in order to prohibit it from being used

Private Attributes

struct qore_qf_private * priv
 private implementation

Detailed Description

provides controlled access to file data through Qore data structures

Each file has a default character encoding associated with it. String data read from the file will be tagged with this encoding. String data written to the file will be converted to this encoding if necessary before written.

See also

Member Function Documentation

◆ close() [1/2]

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::close ( )

closes the file

0 for success, non-zero for error

Referenced by FileOutputStream::close().

◆ close() [2/2]

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::close ( ExceptionSink xsink)

closes the file

0 for success, non-zero for error

◆ detachFd()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::detachFd ( )

detaches and returns the file descriptor

the file object is left with no descriptor after this call; the caller owns the descriptor returned

the file descriptor, if open, or -1 if not
Qore 0.9.3

◆ getchar() [1/2]

DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * QoreFile::getchar ( )

reads a single byte from the file and returns it as a new string, caller owns the reference count returned

note that this function is not guaranteed to read a character if the File's encoding is a multi-byte character encoding

a new string consisting of the single character read from the file; can return 0 if an error occurs

◆ getchar() [2/2]

DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * QoreFile::getchar ( ExceptionSink xsink)

reads a single character from the file and returns it as a new string, caller owns the reference count returned

This function will return a single character in the File's encoding even for multi-byte character encodings. However, a Qore-language exception will be thrown if invalid character data is read from the file (only thrown for multi-byte encodings).

xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
a new string consisting of the single character read from the file

◆ getFD()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::getFD ( ) const

get file descriptor

the file descriptor, if open, or -1 if not

◆ getPollableDescriptor()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::getPollableDescriptor ( ) const

Returns the underlying file descriptor; -1 if not open.

the underlying file descriptor; -1 if not open
Qore 1.12

◆ getPos() [1/2]

DLLEXPORT size_t QoreFile::getPos ( )

returns the absolute byte position in the file

the absolute byte position in the file
: only the const variant will remain in the future

Referenced by FileInputStream::peek().

◆ getPos() [2/2]

DLLEXPORT size_t QoreFile::getPos ( ) const

returns the absolute byte position in the file

the absolute byte position in the file

◆ hstat()

DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * QoreFile::hstat ( ExceptionSink xsink) const

returns a QoreHashNode with file status information

xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
a QoreHashNode with file status information

◆ isDataAvailable()

DLLEXPORT bool QoreFile::isDataAvailable ( int  timeout_ms,
ExceptionSink xsink 
) const

returns true if data is available for the file descriptor

timeout_msthe maximum time to read a single block from the file; -1 = never timeout, 0 timeout immediately if no data is available
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
true if data is available in the timeout period, false if not

◆ open()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::open ( const char *  fn,
int  flags = O_RDONLY,
int  mode = 0777,
const QoreEncoding cs = QCS_DEFAULT 

opens the file and returns 0 for success, non-zero for error

fnthe file name to open
flagsthe flags to use when opening the file
modethe mode mask to use when opening the file
csthe encoding to use for the file
0 for success, non-zero for error
for a version that raises a Qore-language exception when an error occurs opening the file, see QoreFile::open2()
See also

◆ open2()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::open2 ( ExceptionSink xsink,
const char *  fn,
int  flags = O_RDONLY,
int  mode = 0777,
const QoreEncoding cs = QCS_DEFAULT 

opens the file and raises a Qore-language exception if an error occurs

xsinkif an error occurs when opening the file, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
fnthe file name to open
flagsthe flags to use when opening the file
modethe mode mask to use when opening the file
csthe encoding to use for the file
0 for success, non-zero for error, meaning that an exception was raised
for a version that does not raise a Qore exception when errors occur, see QoreFile::open2()
See also

◆ read() [1/4]

DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * QoreFile::read ( qore_offset_t  size,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads string data from the file and returns the string read (caller owns the reference count returned)

A Qore-language exception can be thrown if the file is not opened

sizethe number of characters to read from the file, use -1 to read all data from the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
the string read (caller owns the reference count returned) or 0 if an error occured or the file is empty
the string will be tagged with the file's default encoding
Qore 0.8.13 this function uses character semantics instead of byte sementics

Referenced by FileInputStream::peek(), and FileInputStream::read().

◆ read() [2/4]

DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * QoreFile::read ( qore_offset_t  size,
int  timeout_ms,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads string data from the file and returns the string read (caller owns the reference count returned)

A Qore-language exception can be thrown if the file is not opened

sizethe number of characters to read from the file, use -1 to read all data from the file
timeout_msthe maximum time to read a single block from the file; -1 = never timeout, 0 timeout immediately if no data is available
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
the string read (caller owns the reference count returned) or 0 if an error occured or the file is empty
the string will be tagged with the file's default encoding
Qore 0.8.13 this function uses character semantics instead of byte sementics

◆ read() [3/4]

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::read ( QoreString str,
qore_offset_t  size,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads string data from the file into a QoreString object (or subclass, such as QoreStringNode) and returns 0 for OK or non-zero for error

A Qore-language exception can be thrown if the file is not opened

strthe data read will be placed here
sizethe number of bytes to read from the file, use -1 to read all data from the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
0 for OK or non-zero for error
the string will be tagged with the file's default encoding

◆ read() [4/4]

DLLEXPORT size_t QoreFile::read ( void *  ptr,
size_t  limit,
int  timeout_ms,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads data from the file

A Qore-language exception can be thrown if the file is not opened

ptrthe destination buffer
limitthe maximum number of bytes to read
timeout_msthe maximum time to read a single block from the file; -1 = never timeout, 0 timeout immediately if no data is available
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
the number of bytes read, 0 means EOF

◆ readBinary() [1/3]

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::readBinary ( BinaryNode b,
qore_offset_t  size,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads binary data from the file into a BinaryNode object and returns 0 for OK or non-zero for error

A Qore-language exception can be thrown if the file is not opened

bthe data read will be placed here
sizethe number of bytes to read from the file, use -1 to read all data from the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
0 for OK or non-zero for error

◆ readBinary() [2/3]

DLLEXPORT BinaryNode * QoreFile::readBinary ( qore_offset_t  size,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads binary data from the file and returns the data read (caller owns the reference count returned)

A Qore-language exception can be thrown if the file is not opened

sizethe number of bytes to read from the file, use -1 to read all data from the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
the binary data read (caller owns the reference count returned) or 0 if an error occured or the file is empty

◆ readBinary() [3/3]

DLLEXPORT BinaryNode * QoreFile::readBinary ( qore_offset_t  size,
int  timeout_ms,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads binary data from the file and returns the data read (caller owns the reference count returned)

A Qore-language exception can be thrown if the file is not opened

sizethe number of bytes to read from the file, use -1 to read all data from the file
timeout_msthe maximum time to read a single block from the file; -1 = never timeout, 0 timeout immediately if no data is available
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
the binary data read (caller owns the reference count returned) or 0 if an error occured

◆ readi1()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::readi1 ( char *  val,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads a 1-byte signed integer from the file and returns the value read as an output parameter

A Qore-language exception can be thrown if the file is not opened

valoutput parameter: the integer value read from the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
0 for OK, -1 for error
See also

◆ readi2()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::readi2 ( short *  val,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads a 2-byte signed integer from the file in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian) format and returns the value read as an output parameter

A Qore-language exception can be thrown if the file is not opened

valoutput parameter: the integer value read from the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
0 for OK, -1 for error
See also

◆ readi2LSB()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::readi2LSB ( short *  val,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads a 2-byte signed integer from the file in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, big endian) format and returns the value read as an output parameter

A Qore-language exception can be thrown if the file is not opened

valoutput parameter: the integer value read from the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
0 for OK, -1 for error
See also

◆ readi4()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::readi4 ( int *  val,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads a 4-byte signed integer from the file in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian) format and returns the value read as an output parameter

A Qore-language exception can be thrown if the file is not opened

valoutput parameter: the integer value read from the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
0 for OK, -1 for error
See also

◆ readi4LSB()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::readi4LSB ( int *  val,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads a 4-byte signed integer from the file in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, big endian) format and returns the value read as an output parameter

A Qore-language exception can be thrown if the file is not opened

valoutput parameter: the integer value read from the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
0 for OK, -1 for error
See also

◆ readi8()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::readi8 ( int64 val,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads an 8-byte signed integer from the file in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian) format and returns the value read as an output parameter

A Qore-language exception can be thrown if the file is not opened

valoutput parameter: the integer value read from the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
0 for OK, -1 for error
See also

◆ readi8LSB()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::readi8LSB ( int64 val,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads an 8-byte signed integer from the file in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, big endian) format and returns the value read as an output parameter

A Qore-language exception can be thrown if the file is not opened

valoutput parameter: the integer value read from the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
0 for OK, -1 for error
See also

◆ readLine() [1/4]

DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * QoreFile::readLine ( bool  incl_eol,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads string data from the file up to and optionally including the terminating EOL characters (can be "\n", "\r" or "\r\n") and returns the string read

if an error occurs (file is not open), a Qore-language exception is raised

incl_eolif this parameter is true, then the EOL character(s) read will be written to the string, if false, then they are not
xsinkif an error occurs when opening the file, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
the string read including the terminating EOL characters (if any - if EOF is encountered then there may not be any) or 0 if there is an error or no data could be read. caller owns the reference count returned
See also

◆ readLine() [2/4]

DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * QoreFile::readLine ( ExceptionSink xsink)

reads string data from the file up to and including the terminating EOL characters (can be "\n", "\r" or "\r\n") and returns the string read with the EOL characters

if an error occurs (file is not open), a Qore-language exception is raised

xsinkif an error occurs when opening the file, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
the string read including the terminating EOL characters (if any - if EOF is encountered then there may not be any) or 0 if there is an error or no data could be read. caller owns the reference count returned
See also

◆ readLine() [3/4]

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::readLine ( QoreString str)

clears the string passed, then reads string data from the file up to and including the terminating EOL characters (can be "\n", "\r" or "\r\n"), returns 0 for no error, -1 for EOF, -2 for file not opened

string data will be appended to the string with the assumption that the string's encoding is the same as the file's
strthe string container that will have the line from the file written into
0 for no error, -1 for EOF, -2 for file not opened
See also

◆ readLine() [4/4]

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::readLine ( QoreString str,
bool  incl_eol 

clears the string passed, then reads string data from the file up to and optionally including the terminating EOL characters (can be "\n", "\r" or "\r\n"), returns 0 for no error, -1 for EOF, -2 for file not opened

string data will be appended to the string with the assumption that the string's encoding is the same as the file's
strthe string container that will have the line from the file written into
incl_eolif this parameter is true, then the EOL character(s) read will be written to the string, if false, then they are not
0 for no error, -1 for EOF, -2 for file not opened
See also

◆ readu1()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::readu1 ( unsigned char *  val,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads a 1-byte unsigned integer from the file and returns the value read as an output parameter

A Qore-language exception can be thrown if the file is not opened

valoutput parameter: the integer value read from the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
0 for OK, -1 for error
See also

◆ readu2()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::readu2 ( unsigned short *  val,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads a 2-byte unsigned integer from the file in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian) format and returns the value read as an output parameter

A Qore-language exception can be thrown if the file is not opened

valoutput parameter: the integer value read from the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
0 for OK, -1 for error
See also

◆ readu2LSB()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::readu2LSB ( unsigned short *  val,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads a 2-byte unsigned integer from the file in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, big endian) format and returns the value read as an output parameter

A Qore-language exception can be thrown if the file is not opened

valoutput parameter: the integer value read from the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
0 for OK, -1 for error
See also

◆ readu4()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::readu4 ( unsigned int *  val,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads a 4-byte unsigned integer from the file in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian) format and returns the value read as an output parameter

A Qore-language exception can be thrown if the file is not opened

valoutput parameter: the integer value read from the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
0 for OK, -1 for error
See also

◆ readu4LSB()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::readu4LSB ( unsigned int *  val,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads a 4-byte unsigned integer from the file in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, big endian) format and returns the value read as an output parameter

A Qore-language exception can be thrown if the file is not opened

valoutput parameter: the integer value read from the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
0 for OK, -1 for error
See also

◆ readUntil() [1/3]

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::readUntil ( char  byte,
QoreString str,
bool  incl_bytes = true 

clears the string passed, then reads string data from the file up to a terminating byte value, returns 0 for no error, -1 for EOF, -2 for file not opened

string data will be appended to the string with the assumption that the string's encoding is the same as the file's
bytethe end of line byte
strthe string to write the line read into
incl_bytesif this parameter is true, then the EOL character(s) read will be written to the string, if false, then they are not
0 for no error, -1 for EOF, -2 for file not opened
See also

◆ readUntil() [2/3]

DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * QoreFile::readUntil ( const char *  bytes,
bool  incl_bytes,
ExceptionSink xsink 

reads string data from the file up to and optionally including the terminating EOL characters passed as an argument and returns the string read

if an error occurs (file is not open), a Qore-language exception is raised

bytesthe end of line characters that separate lines
incl_bytesif this parameter is true, then the EOL character(s) read will be written to the string, if false, then they are not
xsinkif an error occurs when opening the file, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
the string read including the terminating EOL characters (if any - if EOF is encountered then there may not be any) or 0 if there is an error or no data could be read. caller owns the reference count returned
See also

◆ readUntil() [3/3]

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::readUntil ( const char *  bytes,
QoreString str,
bool  incl_bytes = true 

clears the string passed, then reads string data from the file up to the given byte string, returns 0 for no error, -1 for EOF, -2 for file not opened

bytesthe byte string giving the end of the data to read
strthe string where the data read will be stored in (this string must already be tagged with the QoreFile's encoding)
incl_bytesinclude "bytes" in the string
string data will be appended to the string with the assumption that the string's encoding is the same as the file's
0 for no error, -1 for EOF, -2 for file not opened
See also

◆ redirect()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::redirect ( QoreFile file,
ExceptionSink xsink 

redirects the current file (this) to the argument

Qore 0.9

◆ setPos() [1/2]

DLLEXPORT size_t QoreFile::setPos ( size_t  pos)

sets the absolute file position to "pos"

posthe file position in bytes to set (starting with byte position 0)

Referenced by FileInputStream::peek().

◆ setPos() [2/2]

DLLEXPORT size_t QoreFile::setPos ( size_t  pos,
ExceptionSink xsink 

sets the absolute file position to "pos"

posthe file position in bytes to set (starting with byte position 0)
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here

◆ stat()

DLLEXPORT QoreListNode * QoreFile::stat ( ExceptionSink xsink) const

returns a QoreListNode with file status information

xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
a QoreListNode with file status information

◆ statvfs()

DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * QoreFile::statvfs ( ExceptionSink xsink) const

returns a QoreHashNode with filesystem status information

xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
a QoreHashNode with filesystem status information

◆ write() [1/3]

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::write ( const BinaryNode b,
ExceptionSink xsink 

writes binary data to the file and returns the number of bytes written

Qore-language exceptions can be thrown if the file is not opened

bthe binary data to write the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
returns the number of bytes written (-1 if an exception was thrown)

◆ write() [2/3]

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::write ( const QoreString str,
ExceptionSink xsink 

writes string data to the file, character encoding is converted if necessary, and returns the number of bytes written

Qore-language exceptions can be thrown if the file is not opened or if encoding conversion fails

strthe string to write to the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
returns the number of bytes written (-1 if an exception was thrown)

Referenced by FileOutputStream::write().

◆ write() [3/3]

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::write ( const void *  data,
size_t  len,
ExceptionSink xsink 

writes binary data to the file and returns the number of bytes written

Qore-language exceptions can be thrown if the file is not opened

datathe data to write to the file
lenthe length of data to write to the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
returns the number of bytes written (-1 if an exception was thrown)

◆ writei1()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::writei1 ( char  i,
ExceptionSink xsink 

writes 1-byte binary integer data to the file and returns the number of bytes written (normally 1)

Qore-language exceptions can be thrown if the file is not opened

ithe 1-byte integer to write to the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
returns the number of bytes written (-1 if an exception was thrown)

◆ writei2()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::writei2 ( short  i,
ExceptionSink xsink 

writes 2-byte (16bit) binary integer data in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian) format to the file and returns the number of bytes written (normally 2)

Qore-language exceptions can be thrown if the file is not opened

ithe integer to write to the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
returns the number of bytes written (-1 if an exception was thrown)
See also

◆ writei2LSB()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::writei2LSB ( short  i,
ExceptionSink xsink 

writes 2-byte (16bit) binary integer data in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, little endian) format to the file and returns the number of bytes written (normally 2)

Qore-language exceptions can be thrown if the file is not opened

ithe integer to write to the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
returns the number of bytes written (-1 if an exception was thrown)
See also

◆ writei4()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::writei4 ( int  i,
ExceptionSink xsink 

writes 4-byte (32bit) binary integer data in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian) format to the file and returns the number of bytes written (normally 4)

Qore-language exceptions can be thrown if the file is not opened

ithe integer to write to the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
returns the number of bytes written (-1 if an exception was thrown)
See also

◆ writei4LSB()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::writei4LSB ( int  i,
ExceptionSink xsink 

writes 4-byte (32bit) binary integer data in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, little endian)format to the file and returns the number of bytes written (normally 4)

Qore-language exceptions can be thrown if the file is not opened

ithe integer to write to the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
returns the number of bytes written (-1 if an exception was thrown)
See also

◆ writei8()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::writei8 ( int64  i,
ExceptionSink xsink 

writes 8-byte (64bit) binary integer data in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian) format to the file and returns the number of bytes written (normally 8)

Qore-language exceptions can be thrown if the file is not opened

ithe integer to write to the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
returns the number of bytes written (-1 if an exception was thrown)
See also

◆ writei8LSB()

DLLEXPORT int QoreFile::writei8LSB ( int64  i,
ExceptionSink xsink 

writes 8-byte (64bit) binary integer data in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, little endian) format to the file and returns the number of bytes written (normally 8)

Qore-language exceptions can be thrown if the file is not opened

ithe integer to write to the file
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception info will be added here
returns the number of bytes written (-1 if an exception was thrown)
See also

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