Qore Programming Language 2.0.0
No Matches
QoreHashNode Class Reference

This is the hash or associative list container type in Qore, dynamically allocated only, reference counted. More...

#include <QoreHashNode.h>

Inheritance diagram for QoreHashNode:
Collaboration diagram for QoreHashNode:

Public Member Methods

DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode ()
 creates an empty hash
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode (const QoreTypeInfo *valueTypeInfo)
 creates an empty hash with the specific value type
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode (const TypedHashDecl *hd, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 creates a hash of the specific type; the hash is initialized according to the hashdecl declaration
DLLLOCAL void clearNeedsEval ()
 sets "needs_eval" to false and "value" to true
DLLEXPORT bool compareHard (const QoreHashNode *h, ExceptionSink *xsink) const
 does a deep "hard" compare of all hash elements (no type conversions are performed) and returns true if the hashes are equal
DLLEXPORT bool compareSoft (const QoreHashNode *h, ExceptionSink *xsink) const
 does a deep "soft" compare of all hash elements (types may be converted for the comparison) and returns true if the hashes are equal
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNodecopy () const
 performs a copy of the hash and returns the new hash
DLLEXPORT void deleteKey (const char *key, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 performs a delete operation on the value of the given key
DLLEXPORT void deleteKey (const QoreString *key, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 performs a delete operation on the value of the given key
DLLEXPORT bool empty () const
 returns true if the hash has no members, false if not
DLLEXPORT bool existsKey (const char *key) const
 returns true if the hash contains the given key
DLLEXPORT bool existsKeyValue (const char *key) const
 returns true if the hash contains the given key and the key has a value (i.e. is not NOTHING)
virtual DLLEXPORT bool getAsBoolImpl () const
 returns false unless perl-boolean-evaluation is enabled, in which case it returns false only when empty
virtual DLLEXPORT QoreStringgetAsString (bool &del, int foff, ExceptionSink *xsink) const
 returns a QoreString giving the verbose string representation of the List (including all contained values)
virtual DLLEXPORT int getAsString (QoreString &str, int foff, ExceptionSink *xsink) const
 concatenate the verbose string representation of the list (including all contained values) to an existing QoreString
DLLEXPORT const char * getFirstKey () const
 returns the cstring value of the first key in the hash
DLLEXPORT const TypedHashDeclgetHashDecl () const
 returns the hash's type declaration, if any
DLLEXPORT int64 getKeyAsBigInt (const char *key, bool &found) const
 returns the value of the key as an int64
DLLEXPORT bool getKeyAsBool (const char *key, bool &found) const
 returns the value of the key as a bool
DLLEXPORT QoreListNodegetKeys () const
 returns a QoreListNode of QoreStringNode pointers representing all keys in the hash, caller owns the reference count returned
DLLEXPORT QoreValue getKeyValue (const char *key) const
 returns the value of the given key
DLLEXPORT QoreValue getKeyValue (const char *key, ExceptionSink *xsink) const
 returns the value of the given key
DLLEXPORT QoreValue getKeyValue (const QoreString &key, ExceptionSink *xsink) const
 returns the value of the given key
DLLEXPORT QoreValue getKeyValueExistence (const char *key, bool &exists) const
 returns the value of the given key
DLLEXPORT QoreValue getKeyValueExistence (const char *key, bool &exists, ExceptionSink *xsink) const
 returns the value of the given key
DLLEXPORT QoreValue getKeyValueExistence (const QoreString &key, bool &exists) const
 returns the value of the given key
DLLEXPORT QoreValue getKeyValueExistence (const QoreString &key, bool &exists, ExceptionSink *xsink) const
 returns the value of the given key
DLLEXPORT const char * getLastKey () const
 returns the cstring value of the last key in the hash
DLLEXPORT const QoreTypeInfo * getTypeInfo () const
 returns the type info structure for the current value; also works for hashes derived from a TypedHashDecl or with a specific value type
virtual DLLEXPORT const char * getTypeName () const
 returns the type name as a c string
DLLEXPORT QoreListNodegetValues () const
 returns a QoreListNode of AbstractQoreNode pointers representing all values in the hash; caller owns the reference count returned
DLLEXPORT const QoreTypeInfo * getValueTypeInfo () const
 returns the value type declaration (only possible if there is no hashdecl set)
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNodehashRefSelf () const
 returns "this" with an incremented reference count
virtual DLLEXPORT bool is_equal_hard (const AbstractQoreNode *v, ExceptionSink *xsink) const
 tests for equality ("deep compare" including all contained values) without type conversions (hard compare)
virtual DLLEXPORT bool is_equal_soft (const AbstractQoreNode *v, ExceptionSink *xsink) const
 tests for equality ("deep compare" including all contained values) with possible type conversion (soft compare)
DLLEXPORT void merge (const QoreHashNode *h, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 appends all key-value pairs of "h" to this hash
virtual DLLLOCAL int parseInit (QoreValue &val, QoreParseContext &parse_context)
 initializes during parsing
virtual DLLEXPORT QoreHashNoderealCopy () const
 performs a copy of the hash and returns the new hash
DLLEXPORT void removeKey (const char *key, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 removes the given key from the hash and derefences its value, if any
DLLEXPORT void removeKey (const QoreString *key, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 removes the given key from the hash and derefences its value, if any
DLLEXPORT int setKeyValue (const char *key, QoreValue value, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 sets the value of "key" to "value"
DLLEXPORT int setKeyValue (const QoreString &key, QoreValue value, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 sets the value of "key" to "value"
DLLLOCAL void setNeedsEval ()
 sets "needs_eval" to true and "value" to false
DLLEXPORT size_t size () const
 returns the number of members in the hash, executes in constant time
DLLEXPORT QoreValue takeKeyValue (const char *key)
 removes the value from the hash and returns the value removed, if any
DLLEXPORT bool weakDeref ()
 Decrements the weak reference count for this object.
DLLEXPORT void weakRef ()
 Increments the weak reference count for this object.
- Public Member Methods inherited from AbstractQoreNode
DLLEXPORT AbstractQoreNode (const AbstractQoreNode &v)
 copy constructor
DLLEXPORT AbstractQoreNode (qore_type_t t, bool n_value, bool n_needs_eval, bool n_there_can_be_only_one=false, bool n_custom_reference_handlers=false)
 constructor takes the type
virtual DLLEXPORT void customDeref (ExceptionSink *xsink)
virtual DLLEXPORT void customRef () const
 special processing when the object's reference count transitions from 0-1
DLLEXPORT void deref (ExceptionSink *xsink)
 decrements the reference count and calls derefImpl() if there_can_be_only_one is false, otherwise does nothing
DLLEXPORT QoreValue eval (bool &needs_deref, ExceptionSink *xsink) const
 optionally evaluates the argument
DLLEXPORT QoreValue eval (ExceptionSink *xsink) const
 evaluates the object and returns a value (or 0)
DLLEXPORT int64 getAsBigInt () const
 returns the 64-bit integer value of the object
virtual DLLLOCAL int64 getAsBigIntImpl () const
 default implementation, returns 0
DLLEXPORT bool getAsBool () const
 returns the boolean value of the object
DLLEXPORT double getAsFloat () const
 returns the float value of the object
virtual DLLLOCAL double getAsFloatImpl () const
 default implementation, returns 0.0
DLLEXPORT int getAsInt () const
 returns the integer value of the object
virtual DLLLOCAL int getAsIntImpl () const
 default implementation, returns 0
virtual DLLEXPORT class DateTimegetDateTimeRepresentation (bool &del) const
 returns the DateTime representation of this type (default implementation: returns ZeroDate, del = false)
virtual DLLEXPORT void getDateTimeRepresentation (DateTime &dt) const
 assigns the date representation of a value to the DateTime reference passed, default implementation does nothing
virtual DLLEXPORT QoreStringgetStringRepresentation (bool &del) const
 returns the value of the type converted to a string, default implementation: returns the empty string
virtual DLLEXPORT void getStringRepresentation (QoreString &str) const
 concatentates the value of the type to an existing QoreString reference, default implementation does nothing
DLLLOCAL qore_type_t getType () const
 returns the data type
DLLLOCAL bool is_value () const
 returns true if the node represents a value
DLLLOCAL bool isReferenceCounted () const
 returns true if the object is reference-counted
DLLLOCAL bool needs_eval () const
 returns true if the object needs evaluation to return a value, false if not
DLLLOCAL AbstractQoreNodeoperator= (const AbstractQoreNode &)
 this function is not implemented; it is here as a private function in order to prohibit it from being used
DLLEXPORT void ref () const
 increments the reference count
DLLEXPORT AbstractQoreNoderefSelf () const
 returns "this" with an incremented reference count
- Public Member Methods inherited from QoreReferenceCounter
DLLEXPORT QoreReferenceCounter ()
 Creates the reference counter object.
DLLEXPORT QoreReferenceCounter (const QoreReferenceCounter &old)
 Creates a new object with a reference count of 1.
DLLEXPORT ~QoreReferenceCounter ()
 destroys the reference counter object
DLLEXPORT bool is_unique () const
 Returns true if the reference count is 1.
DLLEXPORT bool optRef ()
 Make a strong reference only if the object is valid.
DLLEXPORT int reference_count () const
 Gets the reference count.
DLLEXPORT bool ROdereference () const
 Atomically decrements the reference count.
DLLEXPORT void ROreference () const
 Atomically increments the reference count.

Static Public Member Methods

static DLLLOCAL qore_type_t getStaticTypeCode ()
 returns the type code (useful in templates)
static DLLLOCAL const char * getStaticTypeName ()
 returns the type name (useful in templates)

Private Member Methods

virtual DLLEXPORT ~QoreHashNode ()
 deletes the object, cannot be called directly (use deref(ExceptionSink*) instead)
virtual DLLEXPORT bool derefImpl (ExceptionSink *xsink)
 dereferences all elements of the hash
virtual DLLLOCAL QoreValue evalImpl (bool &needs_deref, ExceptionSink *xsink) const
 optionally evaluates the argument
- Private Member Methods inherited from AbstractQoreNode
virtual DLLEXPORT ~AbstractQoreNode ()
 default destructor does nothing

Private Attributes

class qore_hash_private * priv
 private implementation of the class
- Private Attributes inherited from AbstractQoreNode
bool custom_reference_handlers: 1
 set to one for objects that need custom reference handlers
bool needs_eval_flag: 1
 if this is true then the type can be evaluated
bool there_can_be_only_one: 1
 if this is set to true, then reference counting is turned off for objects of this class
qore_type_t type: 11
 the type of the object
bool value: 1
 this is true for values, if false then either the type needs evaluation to produce a value or is a parse expression


class ConstHashIterator
class HashAssignmentHelper
class HashIterator
class ReverseConstHashIterator
class ReverseHashIterator

Detailed Description

This is the hash or associative list container type in Qore, dynamically allocated only, reference counted.

it is both a value type and can hold parse expressions as well (in which case it needs to be evaluated) This type also maintains the insertion order as well as offering a hash-based lookup of string keys. The insertion order of keys is maintained in order to support consistent serialization and deserialization to and from XML, JSON, YAML, etc

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QoreHashNode() [1/2]

DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode::QoreHashNode ( const TypedHashDecl hd,
ExceptionSink xsink 

creates a hash of the specific type; the hash is initialized according to the hashdecl declaration

Qore 0.8.13

◆ QoreHashNode() [2/2]

DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode::QoreHashNode ( const QoreTypeInfo *  valueTypeInfo)

creates an empty hash with the specific value type

Qore 0.8.13

◆ ~QoreHashNode()

virtual DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode::~QoreHashNode ( )

deletes the object, cannot be called directly (use deref(ExceptionSink*) instead)

See also

Member Function Documentation

◆ compareHard()

DLLEXPORT bool QoreHashNode::compareHard ( const QoreHashNode h,
ExceptionSink xsink 
) const

does a deep "hard" compare of all hash elements (no type conversions are performed) and returns true if the hashes are equal

that if the hashes have a different number of keys then the comparison fails immediately
true if the hashes have the same number and values of keys and all elements are equal and of the same type (no type conversions are performed)

◆ compareSoft()

DLLEXPORT bool QoreHashNode::compareSoft ( const QoreHashNode h,
ExceptionSink xsink 
) const

does a deep "soft" compare of all hash elements (types may be converted for the comparison) and returns true if the hashes are equal

that if the hashes have a different number or names of keys then the comparison fails immediately
true if the hashes have the same number and names of keys and all elements are equal (types may be converted for the comparison)

◆ copy()

DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * QoreHashNode::copy ( ) const

performs a copy of the hash and returns the new hash

a copy of the current QoreHashNode

◆ deleteKey() [1/2]

DLLEXPORT void QoreHashNode::deleteKey ( const char *  key,
ExceptionSink xsink 

performs a delete operation on the value of the given key

the delete operation means a simple dereference for all types except QoreObject, on this type the destructor will be run immediately

keythe key of the value to delete
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here

◆ deleteKey() [2/2]

DLLEXPORT void QoreHashNode::deleteKey ( const QoreString key,
ExceptionSink xsink 

performs a delete operation on the value of the given key

The delete operation means a simple dereference for all types except QoreObject, on this type the destructor will be run immediately. A Qore-language exception could occur eitherin converting the key string's encoding to QCS_DEFAULT, or in the destructor of a deleted object.

keythe key of the value to delete
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here

◆ derefImpl()

virtual DLLEXPORT bool QoreHashNode::derefImpl ( ExceptionSink xsink)

dereferences all elements of the hash

The ExceptionSink argument is needed for those types that could throw an exception when they are deleted (ex: QoreObject) - which could be contained in the hash

xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here
true if the object can be deleted, false if not (externally-managed)

Reimplemented from AbstractQoreNode.

◆ empty()

DLLEXPORT bool QoreHashNode::empty ( ) const

returns true if the hash has no members, false if not

true if the hash has no members, false if not

◆ evalImpl()

virtual DLLLOCAL QoreValue QoreHashNode::evalImpl ( bool &  needs_deref,
ExceptionSink xsink 
) const

optionally evaluates the argument

return value requires a deref(xsink) if needs_deref is true

See also

Implements AbstractQoreNode.

◆ existsKey()

DLLEXPORT bool QoreHashNode::existsKey ( const char *  key) const

returns true if the hash contains the given key

that if this returns true, it does not mean the key has a value; it just means that the hash contains the key; the key's value could be NOTHING
keythe key name to check, must be in default encoding QCS_DEFAULT
true if the hash contains the given key

◆ existsKeyValue()

DLLEXPORT bool QoreHashNode::existsKeyValue ( const char *  key) const

returns true if the hash contains the given key and the key has a value (i.e. is not NOTHING)

keythe key name to check, must be in default encoding QCS_DEFAULT
true if the hash contains the given key and the key has a value

◆ getAsBoolImpl()

virtual DLLEXPORT bool QoreHashNode::getAsBoolImpl ( ) const

returns false unless perl-boolean-evaluation is enabled, in which case it returns false only when empty

false unless perl-boolean-evaluation is enabled, in which case it returns false only when empty

Reimplemented from AbstractQoreNode.

◆ getAsString() [1/2]

virtual DLLEXPORT QoreString * QoreHashNode::getAsString ( bool &  del,
int  foff,
ExceptionSink xsink 
) const

returns a QoreString giving the verbose string representation of the List (including all contained values)

used for n and N printf formatting

delif this is true when the function returns, then the returned QoreString pointer should be deleted, if false, then it must not be
fofffor multi-line formatting offset, -1 = no line breaks
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here NOTE: Use the QoreNodeAsStringHelper class (defined in QoreStringNode.h) instead of using this function directly
See also

Implements AbstractQoreNode.

◆ getAsString() [2/2]

virtual DLLEXPORT int QoreHashNode::getAsString ( QoreString str,
int  foff,
ExceptionSink xsink 
) const

concatenate the verbose string representation of the list (including all contained values) to an existing QoreString

used for n and N printf formatting

strthe string representation of the type will be concatenated to this QoreString reference
fofffor multi-line formatting offset, -1 = no line breaks
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here
-1 for exception raised, 0 = OK

Implements AbstractQoreNode.

◆ getFirstKey()

DLLEXPORT const char * QoreHashNode::getFirstKey ( ) const

returns the cstring value of the first key in the hash

the cstring value of the first key in the hash

◆ getHashDecl()

DLLEXPORT const TypedHashDecl * QoreHashNode::getHashDecl ( ) const

returns the hash's type declaration, if any

Qore 0.8.13

◆ getKeyAsBigInt()

DLLEXPORT int64 QoreHashNode::getKeyAsBigInt ( const char *  key,
bool &  found 
) const

returns the value of the key as an int64

keythe key to return the value for
foundreturns as true if the key exists, false if not
the value of the key as an int64
use getKeyValue() instead

◆ getKeyAsBool()

DLLEXPORT bool QoreHashNode::getKeyAsBool ( const char *  key,
bool &  found 
) const

returns the value of the key as a bool

keythe key to return the value for
foundreturns as true if the key exists, false if not
the value of the key as a bool
use getKeyValue() instead

◆ getKeys()

DLLEXPORT QoreListNode * QoreHashNode::getKeys ( ) const

returns a QoreListNode of QoreStringNode pointers representing all keys in the hash, caller owns the reference count returned

to iterate through a hash, use HashIterator, ReverseHashIterator, ConstHashIterator, or ReverseConstHashIterator

a QoreListNode of QoreStringNode pointers representing all keys in the hash, caller owns the reference count returned

◆ getKeyValue() [1/3]

DLLEXPORT QoreValue QoreHashNode::getKeyValue ( const char *  key) const

returns the value of the given key

keythe key to return
the value of the given key, if the key is present; the value is not referenced for the return
Qore 0.8.13

◆ getKeyValue() [2/3]

DLLEXPORT QoreValue QoreHashNode::getKeyValue ( const char *  key,
ExceptionSink xsink 
) const

returns the value of the given key

keythe key to return
xsinkQore language exceptions are raised here (ex: key is not valid for a hashdecl-derived hash)
the value of the given key, if the key is present; the value is not referenced for the return
Qore 0.8.13

◆ getKeyValue() [3/3]

DLLEXPORT QoreValue QoreHashNode::getKeyValue ( const QoreString key,
ExceptionSink xsink 
) const

returns the value of the given key

keythe key to return
xsinkQore language exceptions are raised here (ex: key is not valid for a hashdecl-derived hash)
the value of the given key, if the key is present; the value is not referenced for the return
Qore 0.8.13

◆ getKeyValueExistence() [1/4]

DLLEXPORT QoreValue QoreHashNode::getKeyValueExistence ( const char *  key,
bool &  exists 
) const

returns the value of the given key

keythe key to return
existstrue if the key existed (in case no value is returned), false if not
the value of the given key, if the key is present; the value is not referenced for the return
Qore 0.8.13

◆ getKeyValueExistence() [2/4]

DLLEXPORT QoreValue QoreHashNode::getKeyValueExistence ( const char *  key,
bool &  exists,
ExceptionSink xsink 
) const

returns the value of the given key

keythe key to return
existstrue if the key existed (in case no value is returned), false if not
xsinkQore language exceptions are raised here (ex: key is not valid for a hashdecl-derived hash)
the value of the given key, if the key is present; the value is not referenced for the return
Qore 0.8.13

◆ getKeyValueExistence() [3/4]

DLLEXPORT QoreValue QoreHashNode::getKeyValueExistence ( const QoreString key,
bool &  exists 
) const

returns the value of the given key

keythe key to return
existstrue if the key existed (in case no value is returned), false if not
the value of the given key, if the key is present; the value is not referenced for the return
Qore 0.8.13

◆ getKeyValueExistence() [4/4]

DLLEXPORT QoreValue QoreHashNode::getKeyValueExistence ( const QoreString key,
bool &  exists,
ExceptionSink xsink 
) const

returns the value of the given key

keythe key to return
existstrue if the key existed (in case no value is returned), false if not
xsinkQore language exceptions are raised here (ex: key is not valid for a hashdecl-derived hash)
the value of the given key, if the key is present; the value is not referenced for the return
Qore 0.8.13

◆ getLastKey()

DLLEXPORT const char * QoreHashNode::getLastKey ( ) const

returns the cstring value of the last key in the hash

the cstring value of the last key in the hash

◆ getStaticTypeName()

static DLLLOCAL const char * QoreHashNode::getStaticTypeName ( )

returns the type name (useful in templates)

the type name

◆ getTypeInfo()

DLLEXPORT const QoreTypeInfo * QoreHashNode::getTypeInfo ( ) const

returns the type info structure for the current value; also works for hashes derived from a TypedHashDecl or with a specific value type

Qore 0.8.13

◆ getTypeName()

virtual DLLEXPORT const char * QoreHashNode::getTypeName ( ) const

returns the type name as a c string

the type name as a c string

Implements AbstractQoreNode.

◆ getValues()

DLLEXPORT QoreListNode * QoreHashNode::getValues ( ) const

returns a QoreListNode of AbstractQoreNode pointers representing all values in the hash; caller owns the reference count returned

to iterate through a hash, use HashIterator, ReverseHashIterator, ConstHashIterator, or ReverseConstHashIterator

a QoreListNode of AbstractQoreNode pointers representing all values in the hash; caller owns the reference count returned
Qore 0.8.13

◆ getValueTypeInfo()

DLLEXPORT const QoreTypeInfo * QoreHashNode::getValueTypeInfo ( ) const

returns the value type declaration (only possible if there is no hashdecl set)

Qore 0.8.13

◆ hashRefSelf()

DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * QoreHashNode::hashRefSelf ( ) const

returns "this" with an incremented reference count

"this" with an incremented reference count

◆ is_equal_hard()

virtual DLLEXPORT bool QoreHashNode::is_equal_hard ( const AbstractQoreNode v,
ExceptionSink xsink 
) const

tests for equality ("deep compare" including all contained values) without type conversions (hard compare)

vthe value to compare
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here

Implements AbstractQoreNode.

◆ is_equal_soft()

virtual DLLEXPORT bool QoreHashNode::is_equal_soft ( const AbstractQoreNode v,
ExceptionSink xsink 
) const

tests for equality ("deep compare" including all contained values) with possible type conversion (soft compare)

vthe value to compare
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here

Implements AbstractQoreNode.

◆ merge()

DLLEXPORT void QoreHashNode::merge ( const QoreHashNode h,
ExceptionSink xsink 

appends all key-value pairs of "h" to this hash

Note that all keys and values of the QoreHashNode "h" are copied to this hash, values are referenced as necessary for the assigment to "this". Qore-language exceptions could be thrown if the hash keys in "this" are overwritten with new values and the old value is an object that goes out of scope when dereferenced.

hthe QoreHashNode to use to merge all keys to "this"
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here

◆ realCopy()

virtual DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * QoreHashNode::realCopy ( ) const

performs a copy of the hash and returns the new hash

a copy of the QoreHashNode

Implements AbstractQoreNode.

◆ removeKey() [1/2]

DLLEXPORT void QoreHashNode::removeKey ( const char *  key,
ExceptionSink xsink 

removes the given key from the hash and derefences its value, if any

A Qore-language exception could occur when dereferencing the contained value

keythe key of the value to delete, must be in QCS_DEFAULT encoding
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here

◆ removeKey() [2/2]

DLLEXPORT void QoreHashNode::removeKey ( const QoreString key,
ExceptionSink xsink 

removes the given key from the hash and derefences its value, if any

A Qore-language exception could occur either in converting the key string's encoding to QCS_DEFAULT, or when dereferencing the contained value

keythe key of the value to delete
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here

◆ setKeyValue() [1/2]

DLLEXPORT int QoreHashNode::setKeyValue ( const char *  key,
QoreValue  value,
ExceptionSink xsink 

sets the value of "key" to "value"

A Qore-language exception could be thrown if the hash is derived from a hashdecl and the key is unknown, or if the given key has a current value and it's a QoreObject that goes out of scope when dereferenced (the object's destructor could throw an exception); if an exception is thrown due to encoding conversion issues (and therefore the assignment is not made) then the value to be assigned is dereferenced automatically

keythe key to set the value for
valuethe value to assign to the key, must be already referenced for the assignment
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here
0 for OK, -1 if a Qore-language exception was thrown
the assignment is made even if an exception occurs when dereferencing the old value
Qore 0.8.13

◆ setKeyValue() [2/2]

DLLEXPORT int QoreHashNode::setKeyValue ( const QoreString key,
QoreValue  value,
ExceptionSink xsink 

sets the value of "key" to "value"

A Qore-language exception could be thrown if the hash is derived from a hashdecl and the key is unknown, or converting the key string's encoding to QCS_DEFAULT, or if the given key has a current value and it's a QoreObject that goes out of scope when dereferenced (the object's destructor could throw an exception); if an exception is thrown due to encoding conversion issues (and therefore the assignment is not made) then the value to be assigned is dereferenced automatically

keythe key to set the value for
valuethe value to assign to the key, must be already referenced for the assignment
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here
0 for OK, -1 if a Qore-language exception was thrown
the assignment is made even if an exception occurs when dereferencing the old value
Qore 0.8.13

◆ size()

DLLEXPORT size_t QoreHashNode::size ( ) const

returns the number of members in the hash, executes in constant time

the number of members in the hash

◆ weakDeref()

DLLEXPORT bool QoreHashNode::weakDeref ( )

Decrements the weak reference count for this object.

if true then the object was deleted
Qore 2.0

◆ weakRef()

DLLEXPORT void QoreHashNode::weakRef ( )

Increments the weak reference count for this object.

Qore 2.0

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: