Qore Programming Language 2.0.0
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Datasource Class Reference

the base class for accessing databases in Qore through a Qore DBI driver More...

#include <Datasource.h>

Inherited by ManagedDatasource.

Public Member Methods

DLLEXPORT Datasource (const Datasource &old)
 copy constructor
DLLLOCAL Datasource (const Datasource &old, DatasourceStatementHelper *dsh)
 copy constructor; internal only
DLLEXPORT Datasource (DBIDriver *driver)
 creates the object and binds it to a particular DBIDriver
DLLLOCAL Datasource (DBIDriver *driver, DatasourceStatementHelper *dsh)
 creates the object; internal only
virtual DLLEXPORT ~Datasource ()
 the Datasource is closed if it's still open and the object is destroyed
DLLEXPORT bool activeTransaction () const
 returns true if a transaction is in progress and DB commands have been issued since the transaction was started
DLLEXPORT int autoCommit (ExceptionSink *xsink)
 called from subclasses when releasing the transaction lock
DLLEXPORT int beginTransaction (ExceptionSink *xsink)
DLLEXPORT int close ()
 closes the connection
DLLEXPORT int commit (ExceptionSink *xsink)
 commits the current transaction to the database
DLLEXPORT void connectionAborted ()
 should be called by the DBIDriver if the connection to the server is lost
DLLEXPORT void connectionAborted (ExceptionSink *xsink)
 should be called by the DBI driver if the connection to the server has been lost
DLLEXPORT void connectionLost (ExceptionSink *xsink)
 should be called be the DBI driver to signify that the connection to the server has been lost
DLLEXPORT void connectionRecovered (ExceptionSink *xsink)
 should be called be the DBI driver to signify that the connection to the server has been recovered
DLLEXPORT Datasourcecopy () const
 returns a copy of this object with the same DBIDriver and pending connection values
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNodedescribe (const QoreString *query_str, const QoreListNode *args, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 executes SQL that returns a result set and then returns a hash description of the result set
DLLEXPORT QoreValue exec (const QoreString *query_str, const QoreListNode *args, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 executes SQL throught the "exec" function of the DBI driver and returns the result, makes an implicit connection if necessary
DLLEXPORT QoreValue execRaw (const QoreString *query_str, const QoreListNode *args, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 executes SQL throught the "execRaw" function of the DBI driver and returns the result, makes an implicit connection if necessary
DLLEXPORT QoreValue execRaw (const QoreString *query_str, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 executes SQL throught the "execRaw" function of the DBI driver and returns the result, makes an implicit connection if necessary
DLLEXPORT bool getAutoCommit () const
 returns the autocommit status
DLLEXPORT int getCapabilities () const
 returns the capability mask of the current driver
DLLEXPORT QoreListNodegetCapabilityList () const
 returns a QoreListNode object of all capability strings of the current driver, the caller owns the reference count in the object returned
DLLEXPORT QoreValue getClientVersion (ExceptionSink *xsink) const
 executes the "get_client_version" function of the driver, if any, and returns the result
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNodegetConfigHash () const
 returns a hash representing the configuration of the current object
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNodegetConfigString () const
 returns a string representing the configuration of the current object
DLLEXPORT const QoreHashNodegetConnectOptions () const
 returns the valid options for this driver with descriptions and current values for the current datasource
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNodegetCurrentOptionHash () const
 returns the options currently set for this object
DLLEXPORT const char * getDBEncoding () const
 returns the database-specific character encoding name used for the last connection
DLLEXPORT const std::string & getDBEncodingStr () const
 returns the database-specific character encoding name used for the last connection
DLLEXPORT const char * getDBName () const
 returns the database (or schema) name used for the last connection
DLLEXPORT const std::string & getDBNameStr () const
 returns the database (or schema) name used for the last connection
DLLEXPORT const DBIDrivergetDriver () const
 returns the DBIDriver pointer used for this object
DLLEXPORT const char * getDriverName () const
 returns the name of the current Qore DBI driver
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNodegetDriverRealName (ExceptionSink *xsink)
 Executes the "get_driver_name" function of the driver, if any, and returns the result.
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNodegetEventQueueHash (Queue *&q, int event_code) const
 returns an event hash with only default information in it or 0 if no event queue is set
DLLEXPORT const char * getHostName () const
 returns the host name used for the last connection
DLLEXPORT const std::string & getHostNameStr () const
 returns the host name used for the last connection
DLLEXPORT QoreValue getOption (const char *opt, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 Returns the current value for the given option.
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNodegetOptionHash () const
 returns the valid options for this driver with descriptions and current values for the current datasource
DLLEXPORT const char * getOSEncoding () const
 returns the OS (or Qore) character encoding name used for the last connection
DLLEXPORT const char * getPassword () const
 returns the password used for the last connection
DLLEXPORT const std::string & getPasswordStr () const
 returns the password used for the last connection
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNodegetPendingDBEncoding () const
 returns the pending database-specific character encoding name for the next connection
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNodegetPendingDBName () const
 returns the pending database (or schema) name for the next connection
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNodegetPendingHostName () const
 returns the pending host name for the next connection
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNodegetPendingPassword () const
 returns the pending password for the next connection
DLLEXPORT int getPendingPort () const
 returns the pending port number for the next connection
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNodegetPendingUsername () const
 returns the pending username for the next connection
DLLEXPORT int getPort () const
 returns the port number used for the last connection
DLLEXPORT void * getPrivateData () const
 returns the private DBI-specific data structure for this object
template<typename T >
DLLLOCAL T * getPrivateData () const
 returns the private DBI-specific data structure for this object
template<typename T >
DLLLOCAL T & getPrivateDataRef () const
 returns the private DBI-specific data structure for this object
DLLEXPORT const QoreEncodinggetQoreEncoding () const
 returns the QoreEncoding pointer used for this connection
DLLEXPORT QoreValue getServerVersion (ExceptionSink *xsink)
 executes the "get_server_version" function of the driver, if any, and returns the result
DLLEXPORT QoreObjectgetSQLStatementObjectForResultSet (void *stmt_private_data)
 returns an SQLStatement object representing a result set
DLLEXPORT const char * getUsername () const
 returns the username used for the last connection
DLLEXPORT const std::string & getUsernameStr () const
 returns the username used for the last connection
DLLEXPORT bool isInTransaction () const
 returns the transaction status flag
DLLEXPORT bool isOpen () const
 returns true if the connection is currently open
DLLEXPORT int open (ExceptionSink *xsink)
 opens a connection to the database
DLLEXPORT void reset (ExceptionSink *xsink)
 closes and opens the connection
DLLEXPORT int rollback (ExceptionSink *xsink)
 rolls back the current transaction to the database
DLLEXPORT QoreValue select (const QoreString *query_str, const QoreListNode *args, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 executes SQL throught the "select" function of the DBI driver and returns the result, makes an implicit connection if necessary
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNodeselectRow (const QoreString *query_str, const QoreListNode *args, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 executes SQL throught the "selectRow" function of the DBI driver and returns the result, makes an implicit connection if necessary
DLLEXPORT QoreValue selectRows (const QoreString *query_str, const QoreListNode *args, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 executes SQL throught the "selectRows" function of the DBI driver and returns the result, makes an implicit connection if necessary
DLLEXPORT void setDBEncoding (const char *name)
 sets the database-specific character encoding name used for the current connection
DLLEXPORT void setEventQueue (Queue *q, QoreValue arg, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 sets an event queue for datasource events
DLLEXPORT int setOption (const char *opt, const QoreValue val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
 sets an option for the datasource
DLLEXPORT void setPendingDBEncoding (const char *c)
 sets the database-specific name of the character-encoding to be used for the next connection
DLLEXPORT void setPendingDBName (const char *d)
 sets the database (or schema) name to be used for the next connection
DLLEXPORT void setPendingHostName (const char *h)
 sets the hostname to be used for the next connection
DLLEXPORT void setPendingPassword (const char *p)
 sets the password to be used for the next connection
DLLEXPORT void setPendingPort (int port)
 sets the port number to be used for the next connection
DLLEXPORT void setPendingUsername (const char *u)
 sets the username to be used for the next connection
DLLEXPORT void setPrivateData (void *data)
 sets the private DBI-specific data structure for this object
DLLEXPORT void setQoreEncoding (const char *name)
 sets the name for the QoreEncoding used for this connection
DLLEXPORT void setQoreEncoding (const QoreEncoding *enc)
 sets the QoreEncoding used for this connection
DLLEXPORT bool wasConnectionAborted () const
 returns the connection aborted status

Private Member Methods

DLLEXPORT int beginImplicitTransaction (ExceptionSink *xsink)
 calls the "begin_implicit_transaction" DBI method if it exists
DLLEXPORT void freeConnectionValues ()
 frees all connection values
DLLEXPORT void setConnectionValues ()
 copies pending values to current values
DLLEXPORT void setPendingConnectionValues (const Datasource *other)
 copies all pending connection values to another Datasource
DLLEXPORT void setTransactionStatus (bool)
 sets the transaction status

Detailed Description

the base class for accessing databases in Qore through a Qore DBI driver

This class is not thread-safe or even thread-aware. Thread safety and thread resource management is implemented in higher-level classes such as ManagedDatasource and DatasourcePool (classes are currently internal)

Two copies of connection values are kept in case the values are changed while a connection is in use.

See also

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Datasource() [1/3]

DLLLOCAL Datasource::Datasource ( DBIDriver driver,
DatasourceStatementHelper *  dsh 

creates the object; internal only

driverthe DBIDriver object to use for the connection
dshthe interface of the real C++ parent object
Qore 0.8.13

◆ Datasource() [2/3]

DLLLOCAL Datasource::Datasource ( const Datasource old,
DatasourceStatementHelper *  dsh 

copy constructor; internal only

oldthe old object to copy
dshthe interface of the real C++ parent object
Qore 0.8.13

◆ Datasource() [3/3]

DLLEXPORT Datasource::Datasource ( DBIDriver driver)

creates the object and binds it to a particular DBIDriver

driverthe DBIDriver object to use for the connection
do not use

Member Function Documentation

◆ activeTransaction()

DLLEXPORT bool Datasource::activeTransaction ( ) const

returns true if a transaction is in progress and DB commands have been issued since the transaction was started

note that this function will return false if the transaction was started with beginTransaction() and no DB commands have been issued since then

true if a transaction is in progress and DB commands have been issued since the transaction was started

◆ autoCommit()

DLLEXPORT int Datasource::autoCommit ( ExceptionSink xsink)

called from subclasses when releasing the transaction lock

Calls the DBI driver's "commit" method if autocommit is enabled and the current connection was not lost and the driver requires a commit this function is not "const" to allow for implicit connections (and reconnections)

xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here

◆ beginTransaction()

DLLEXPORT int Datasource::beginTransaction ( ExceptionSink xsink)

sets the "in_transaction" flag to true if autocommit is not set throws an exception if autocommit is true

xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here
-1 for error, 0 for OK

◆ commit()

DLLEXPORT int Datasource::commit ( ExceptionSink xsink)

commits the current transaction to the database

Calls the DBI driver's "commit" method. this function is not "const" to allow for implicit connections (and reconnections)

xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here

◆ connectionAborted() [1/2]

DLLEXPORT void Datasource::connectionAborted ( )

should be called by the DBIDriver if the connection to the server is lost

The DBIDriver should raise its own exception when this call is made, as making this call will suppress further Qore exceptions from being raised in the Datasource destructor (at least for derived classes)

This call results in all open statements being closed and then the Datasource itself is closed, resulting in the deletion of the driver-specific Datasource local data; if the driver needs to free memory before the Datasource is closed, then the driver should call connectionLost() instead, free its memory, and then call the variant of function taking an ExceptionSink pointer argument.
use connectionAborted(ExceptionSink*) instead

◆ connectionAborted() [2/2]

DLLEXPORT void Datasource::connectionAborted ( ExceptionSink xsink)

should be called by the DBI driver if the connection to the server has been lost

The DBIDriver should raise its own exception when this call is made, as making this call will suppress further Qore exceptions from being raised in the Datasource destructor (at least for derived classes)

This function should be called after a connectionLost() call if the connection is not able to be reopened.

This call results in all open statements being closed and then the Datasource itself is closed, resulting in the deletion of the driver-specific Datasource local data; if the driver needs to free memory before the Datasource is closed, then the driver should call connectionLost() instead, free its memory, and then call this function.

◆ connectionLost()

DLLEXPORT void Datasource::connectionLost ( ExceptionSink xsink)

should be called be the DBI driver to signify that the connection to the server has been lost

This call does not result in the Datasource being closed, but rather ensures that all open statements are closed while the driver-specific Datasource local data remains in place.

This flag does not result in the connection aborted flag being set.


◆ connectionRecovered()

DLLEXPORT void Datasource::connectionRecovered ( ExceptionSink xsink)

should be called be the DBI driver to signify that the connection to the server has been recovered

This call does not result in the Datasource being closed, but rather ensures that all open statements are closed and also that driver-specific Datasource local data is deleted.

This function should be called after a connectionLost() call if the connection is then reopened.


◆ copy()

DLLEXPORT Datasource * Datasource::copy ( ) const

returns a copy of this object with the same DBIDriver and pending connection values

return a copy of this object

◆ describe()

DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * Datasource::describe ( const QoreString query_str,
const QoreListNode args,
ExceptionSink xsink 

executes SQL that returns a result set and then returns a hash description of the result set

query_strthe query to execute
argsthis argument is ignored
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here
Qore 0.8.9

◆ exec()

DLLEXPORT QoreValue Datasource::exec ( const QoreString query_str,
const QoreListNode args,
ExceptionSink xsink 

executes SQL throught the "exec" function of the DBI driver and returns the result, makes an implicit connection if necessary

The "in_transaction" flag will be set to true if this method executes without throwing an exception and the object was not already in a transaction. this function is not "const" to allow for implicit connections (and reconnections)

query_strthe query to execute
argsquery arguments for s, n, d placeholders
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here

◆ execRaw() [1/2]

DLLEXPORT QoreValue Datasource::execRaw ( const QoreString query_str,
const QoreListNode args,
ExceptionSink xsink 

executes SQL throught the "execRaw" function of the DBI driver and returns the result, makes an implicit connection if necessary

The "in_transaction" flag will be set to true if this method executes without throwing an exception and the object was not already in a transaction. this function is not "const" to allow for implicit connections (and reconnections)

query_strthe query to execute
argsthis argument is ignored
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here
this function will be removed in the next major version of the Qore library due to the inclusion of the extraneous and ignored args parameter

◆ execRaw() [2/2]

DLLEXPORT QoreValue Datasource::execRaw ( const QoreString query_str,
ExceptionSink xsink 

executes SQL throught the "execRaw" function of the DBI driver and returns the result, makes an implicit connection if necessary

The "in_transaction" flag will be set to true if this method executes without throwing an exception and the object was not already in a transaction. this function is not "const" to allow for implicit connections (and reconnections)

query_strthe query to execute
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here

◆ getAutoCommit()

DLLEXPORT bool Datasource::getAutoCommit ( ) const

returns the autocommit status

the autocommit status of the object

◆ getCapabilities()

DLLEXPORT int Datasource::getCapabilities ( ) const

returns the capability mask of the current driver

the capability mask of the current driver

◆ getCapabilityList()

DLLEXPORT QoreListNode * Datasource::getCapabilityList ( ) const

returns a QoreListNode object of all capability strings of the current driver, the caller owns the reference count in the object returned

list of capability strings of the driver

◆ getClientVersion()

DLLEXPORT QoreValue Datasource::getClientVersion ( ExceptionSink xsink) const

executes the "get_client_version" function of the driver, if any, and returns the result

the caller owns the pointer's reference count returned (if the QoreValue returned holds a pointer)

xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here

◆ getConfigHash()

DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * Datasource::getConfigHash ( ) const

returns a hash representing the configuration of the current object

Qore 0.8.8

◆ getConfigString()

DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * Datasource::getConfigString ( ) const

returns a string representing the configuration of the current object

must be connected before calling or a crash could result
Qore 0.8.8

◆ getConnectOptions()

DLLEXPORT const QoreHashNode * Datasource::getConnectOptions ( ) const

returns the valid options for this driver with descriptions and current values for the current datasource

a hash where the keys are valid option names, and the values are hashes with the following keys:
  • "desc": a string description of the option
  • "type": a string giving the data type restriction for the option
  • "value": the current value of the option

This function returns the same value as getOptionHash() but the caller should not modify the value returned, also this function is meant to be used during the open() call to read any options that may be relevant for opening a new connection

◆ getCurrentOptionHash()

DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * Datasource::getCurrentOptionHash ( ) const

returns the options currently set for this object

a hash where the keys and values are option names and option values

The caller owns the reference count for the hash returned; returns 0 if no options are set on the current object or if the driver does not support options


◆ getDBEncoding()

DLLEXPORT const char * Datasource::getDBEncoding ( ) const

returns the database-specific character encoding name used for the last connection

the database-specific character encoding name used for the last connection

◆ getDBEncodingStr()

DLLEXPORT const std::string & Datasource::getDBEncodingStr ( ) const

returns the database-specific character encoding name used for the last connection

the database-specific character encoding name used for the last connection

◆ getDBName()

DLLEXPORT const char * Datasource::getDBName ( ) const

returns the database (or schema) name used for the last connection

the database (or schema) name used for the last connection (or 0 if none)

◆ getDBNameStr()

DLLEXPORT const std::string & Datasource::getDBNameStr ( ) const

returns the database (or schema) name used for the last connection

the database (or schema) name used for the last connection (or 0 if none)

◆ getDriver()

DLLEXPORT const DBIDriver * Datasource::getDriver ( ) const

returns the DBIDriver pointer used for this object

the DBIDriver pointer used for this object

◆ getDriverName()

DLLEXPORT const char * Datasource::getDriverName ( ) const

returns the name of the current Qore DBI driver

See also

◆ getDriverRealName()

DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * Datasource::getDriverRealName ( ExceptionSink xsink)

Executes the "get_driver_name" function of the driver, if any, and returns the result.

If the driver does not support this function, then the name of the Qore driver is returned directly.

If the driver supports this function, a connection is made implicitly before executing the call.

This function is designed to return the real DB driver name for Qore DBI drivers that wrap other drivers, such as ODBC and JDBC, for example.

The caller owns the pointer's reference count returned

xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here
See also
Qore 1.14

◆ getEventQueueHash()

DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * Datasource::getEventQueueHash ( Queue *&  q,
int  event_code 
) const

returns an event hash with only default information in it or 0 if no event queue is set

meant to be called from drivers while a transaction or action lock is held

◆ getHostName()

DLLEXPORT const char * Datasource::getHostName ( ) const

returns the host name used for the last connection

the host name used for the last connection (or 0 if none)

◆ getHostNameStr()

DLLEXPORT const std::string & Datasource::getHostNameStr ( ) const

returns the host name used for the last connection

the host name used for the last connection (or 0 if none)

◆ getOption()

DLLEXPORT QoreValue Datasource::getOption ( const char *  opt,
ExceptionSink xsink 

Returns the current value for the given option.

optthe option to get
xsinkif any errors are raised (invalid option, etc), the exception info is raised here

The caller owns the reference count for the value returned

this function is only safe to call when a connection is established

◆ getOptionHash()

DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * Datasource::getOptionHash ( ) const

returns the valid options for this driver with descriptions and current values for the current datasource

a hash where the keys are valid option names, and the values are hashes with the following keys:
  • "desc": a string description of the option
  • "type": a string giving the data type restriction for the option
  • "value": the current value of the option

The caller owns the reference count for the hash returned

◆ getOSEncoding()

DLLEXPORT const char * Datasource::getOSEncoding ( ) const

returns the OS (or Qore) character encoding name used for the last connection

the OS (or Qore) character encoding name used for the last connection

◆ getPassword()

DLLEXPORT const char * Datasource::getPassword ( ) const

returns the password used for the last connection

the password used for the last connection (or 0 if none)

◆ getPasswordStr()

DLLEXPORT const std::string & Datasource::getPasswordStr ( ) const

returns the password used for the last connection

the password used for the last connection (or 0 if none)

◆ getPendingDBEncoding()

DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * Datasource::getPendingDBEncoding ( ) const

returns the pending database-specific character encoding name for the next connection

caller owns the pointer's reference count returned

◆ getPendingDBName()

DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * Datasource::getPendingDBName ( ) const

returns the pending database (or schema) name for the next connection

caller owns the pointer's reference count returned

◆ getPendingHostName()

DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * Datasource::getPendingHostName ( ) const

returns the pending host name for the next connection

caller owns the pointer's reference count returned

the pending host name for the next connection

◆ getPendingPassword()

DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * Datasource::getPendingPassword ( ) const

returns the pending password for the next connection

caller owns the pointer's reference count returned

◆ getPendingPort()

DLLEXPORT int Datasource::getPendingPort ( ) const

returns the pending port number for the next connection

the pending port number used for the next connection

◆ getPendingUsername()

DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * Datasource::getPendingUsername ( ) const

returns the pending username for the next connection

caller owns the pointer's reference count returned

◆ getPort()

DLLEXPORT int Datasource::getPort ( ) const

returns the port number used for the last connection

the port number used for the last connection

◆ getServerVersion()

DLLEXPORT QoreValue Datasource::getServerVersion ( ExceptionSink xsink)

executes the "get_server_version" function of the driver, if any, and returns the result

makes an implicit connection if necessary

the caller owns the pointer's reference count returned (if the QoreValue returned holds a pointer) this function is not "const" to allow for implicit connections (and reconnections)

xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here

◆ getSQLStatementObjectForResultSet()

DLLEXPORT QoreObject * Datasource::getSQLStatementObjectForResultSet ( void *  stmt_private_data)

returns an SQLStatement object representing a result set

stmt_private_dataprivate data for the QoreSQLStatement object
an SQLStatement object representing a result set
Qore 0.8.13

◆ getUsername()

DLLEXPORT const char * Datasource::getUsername ( ) const

returns the username used for the last connection


◆ getUsernameStr()

DLLEXPORT const std::string & Datasource::getUsernameStr ( ) const

returns the username used for the last connection

the username used for the last connection

◆ isInTransaction()

DLLEXPORT bool Datasource::isInTransaction ( ) const

returns the transaction status flag

the transaction status flag

◆ isOpen()

DLLEXPORT bool Datasource::isOpen ( ) const

returns true if the connection is currently open

the connection status (true if open)

◆ open()

DLLEXPORT int Datasource::open ( ExceptionSink xsink)

opens a connection to the database

calls the DBI driver's "open" method

xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here

◆ rollback()

DLLEXPORT int Datasource::rollback ( ExceptionSink xsink)

rolls back the current transaction to the database

Calls the DBI driver's "rollback" method. this function is not "const" to allow for implicit connections (and reconnections)

xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here

◆ select()

DLLEXPORT QoreValue Datasource::select ( const QoreString query_str,
const QoreListNode args,
ExceptionSink xsink 

executes SQL throught the "select" function of the DBI driver and returns the result, makes an implicit connection if necessary

this function is not "const" to allow for implicit connections (and reconnections)

query_strthe query to execute
argsquery arguments for s, n, d placeholders
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here

◆ selectRow()

DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * Datasource::selectRow ( const QoreString query_str,
const QoreListNode args,
ExceptionSink xsink 

executes SQL throught the "selectRow" function of the DBI driver and returns the result, makes an implicit connection if necessary

This function is not "const" to allow for implicit connections (and reconnections). An exception will be thrown by the DBI driver if the query returns more than 1 row of data.

query_strthe query to execute
argsquery arguments for s, n, d placeholders
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here
the row data returned or 0

◆ selectRows()

DLLEXPORT QoreValue Datasource::selectRows ( const QoreString query_str,
const QoreListNode args,
ExceptionSink xsink 

executes SQL throught the "selectRows" function of the DBI driver and returns the result, makes an implicit connection if necessary

this function is not "const" to allow for implicit connections (and reconnections)

query_strthe query to execute
argsquery arguments for s, n, d placeholders
xsinkif an error occurs, the Qore-language exception information will be added here

◆ setDBEncoding()

DLLEXPORT void Datasource::setDBEncoding ( const char *  name)

sets the database-specific character encoding name used for the current connection

this function should only be called by the DBI driver when a connection is established

namethe database-specific character encoding name used for the current connection

◆ setEventQueue()

DLLEXPORT void Datasource::setEventQueue ( Queue *  q,
QoreValue  arg,
ExceptionSink xsink 

sets an event queue for datasource events

Qore 0.8.9

◆ setOption()

DLLEXPORT int Datasource::setOption ( const char *  opt,
const QoreValue  val,
ExceptionSink xsink 

sets an option for the datasource

optthe option to set
valthe value to set
xsinkif any errors are raised (invalid option, etc), the exception info is raised here
-1 for error (exception raised), 0 for OK
use setOption(const char*, const QoreValue, ExceptionSink*);

◆ setPendingDBEncoding()

DLLEXPORT void Datasource::setPendingDBEncoding ( const char *  c)

sets the database-specific name of the character-encoding to be used for the next connection

cthe database-specific name of the character-encoding to be used for the next connection

◆ setPendingDBName()

DLLEXPORT void Datasource::setPendingDBName ( const char *  d)

sets the database (or schema) name to be used for the next connection

dthe database (or schema) name to be used for the next connection

◆ setPendingHostName()

DLLEXPORT void Datasource::setPendingHostName ( const char *  h)

sets the hostname to be used for the next connection

hthe hostname to be used for the next connection

◆ setPendingPassword()

DLLEXPORT void Datasource::setPendingPassword ( const char *  p)

sets the password to be used for the next connection

pthe password to be used for the next connection

◆ setPendingPort()

DLLEXPORT void Datasource::setPendingPort ( int  port)

sets the port number to be used for the next connection

portthe port number to be used for the next connection

◆ setPendingUsername()

DLLEXPORT void Datasource::setPendingUsername ( const char *  u)

sets the username to be used for the next connection

uthe username to be used for the next connection

◆ setPrivateData()

DLLEXPORT void Datasource::setPrivateData ( void *  data)

sets the private DBI-specific data structure for this object

this should only be called once in the actual DBI driver code

datathe data for the DBI driver that holds the driver-specific state of the connection

◆ setQoreEncoding() [1/2]

DLLEXPORT void Datasource::setQoreEncoding ( const char *  name)

sets the name for the QoreEncoding used for this connection

this function should only be called by the DBI driver when a connection is established

namethe name for the QoreEncoding used for the current connection

◆ setQoreEncoding() [2/2]

DLLEXPORT void Datasource::setQoreEncoding ( const QoreEncoding enc)

sets the QoreEncoding used for this connection

this function should only be called by the DBI driver when a connection is established

encthe QoreEncoding used for the current connection

◆ wasConnectionAborted()

DLLEXPORT bool Datasource::wasConnectionAborted ( ) const

returns the connection aborted status

the connection aborted status

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