| constructor () |
| Creates the object with an empty logger and an in-memory property handler.
| constructor (string virtual_relative_path_base) |
| Creates the object with the given argument and an in-memory property handler.
| constructor (AbstractWebDavPropertyHandler property_handler, string virtual_relative_path_base='/') |
| Creates the object with the given arguments.
| constructor (Logger logger, AbstractWebDavPropertyHandler property_handler=new InMemoryWebDavPropertyHandler(), string virtual_relative_path_base="/") |
| Creates the object with the given arguments.
Public Member Methods inherited from WebDavHandler::AbstractWebDavHandler |
| constructor (*AbstractAuthenticator auth) |
| Creates the object with an empty logger and an in-memory property handler.
| constructor (*AbstractAuthenticator auth, string virtual_relative_path_base) |
| Creates the object with the given argument and an in-memory property handler.
| constructor (*AbstractAuthenticator auth, AbstractWebDavPropertyHandler property_handler, string virtual_relative_path_base='/') |
| Creates the object with the given arguments.
| constructor (*AbstractAuthenticator auth, Logger logger, AbstractWebDavPropertyHandler property_handler=new InMemoryWebDavPropertyHandler(), string virtual_relative_path_base='/') |
| Creates the object with the given arguments.
list< string > | getHttpMethods () |
| Returnd a list of WebDavHandler methods.
| setLogger (Logger logger) |
| Replace the logger.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleRequest (HttpListenerInterface listener, Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles HTTP/WebDavHandler requests and returns the response.
string | getRelativePath (string raw_path) |
| Returns a relative path from an absolute path.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | response (int response_code=200, data msg='OK') |
| Returns a hash that can be used as an HTTP response with the given HTTP response code and response message.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | response (int response_code=200, hash< auto > hdr) |
| Returns a hash that can be used as an HTTP response with the given HTTP response code and response headers.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | resp400 (data msg='Bad Request') |
| Returns a hash that can be used as an HTTP response with a 400 response code and response message.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | resp404 () |
| Returns a hash that can be used as an HTTP response with a 404 response code and response message.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | resp500 (data msg='General Server Error') |
| Returns a hash that can be used as an HTTP response with a 500 response code and response message.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | resp501 () |
| Returns a hash that can be used as an HTTP response with a 501 response code and response message.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleOptions (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles a WebDavHandler OPTIONS request.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleGet (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles HTTP GET requests for WebDavHandler resources.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleHead (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles HTTP HEAD requests for WebDavHandler resources.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handlePost (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles HTTP POST requests for WebDavHandler resources.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handlePut (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles HTTP PUT requests for WebDavHandler resources.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleDelete (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles HTTP DELETE requests for WebDavHandler resources.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleCopy (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles WebDavHandler COPY requests for WebDavHandler resources.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleMove (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles WebDavHandler MOVE requests for WebDavHandler resources.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleLock (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles WebDavHandler LOCK requests for WebDavHandler resources.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleUnlock (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles WebDavHandler UNLOCK requests for WebDavHandler resources.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleMkcol (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles WebDavHandler MKCOL requests for WebDavHandler resources.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handlePropfind (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles WebDavHandler PROPFIND requests for WebDavHandler resources; reetrieves properties from WebDavHandler resources.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleProppatch (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles WebDavHandler PROPPATCH requests for WebDavHandler resources; sets or removes properties on WebDavHandler resources.
| logInfo (string fmt) |
| This method is called with informational log messages.
| logError (string fmt) |
| This method is called with error log messages.
| logDebug (string fmt) |
| This method is called with debug log messages.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleGetImpl (Socket sock, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleHeadImpl (Socket sock, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handlePostImpl (Socket sock, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handlePutImpl (Socket sock, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleDeleteImpl (Socket sock, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleCopyImpl (Socket sock, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleMoveImpl (Socket sock, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleLockImpl (Socket sock, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleUnlockImpl (Socket sock, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleMkcolImpl (Socket sock, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handlePropfindImpl (Socket sock, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
*hash< string, hash< string, hash< string, bool > > > | handleProppatchImpl (reference< string > href, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *hash< auto > request_xml, *list< hash< PropPatchActionInfo > > actions) |
| Internal method for handling PROPPATCH requests.
Private Member Methods inherited from WebDavHandler::AbstractWebDavHandler |
| init (Logger logger, AbstractWebDavPropertyHandler property_handler, string virtual_relative_path_base='/') |
| Common constructor code.
string | getRealPath (string raw_path) |
| Converts a request path to a normalized real path on the filesystem in the root WebDavHandler directory.
*hash< HttpResponseInfo > | checkAuth (string method, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Checks if the request is authorized; if not, this method must return a value.
| copyProperties (string source_url, string target_url) |
| Copies all properties from the given source URL to the target URL.
| moveProperties (string source_url, string target_url) |
| Moves all properties from the given source URL to the target URL.
| deleteProperties (string source_url) |
| Deletes all properties from the given URL.
hash< auto > | preparePropFindXmlResponse (string local_path, string href, bool is_collection, hash< auto > base_props, bool all_props=False, *hash< string, hash< string, bool > > additional_props) |
| Returns a hash that can be serialized to an XML string for a PROPFIND request.
string | getStatusMessage (softstring http_code) |
| Returns a status message for the given HTTP response code.
hash< auto > | getXml (string body) |
| Parse incoming XML and handle namespaces.
hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleOptionsImpl (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles an HTTP/WebDavHandler OPTIONS request.
abstract hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleGetImpl (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles HTTP GET requests for WebDavHandler resources.
abstract hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleHeadImpl (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles HTTP HEAD requests for WebDavHandler resources.
abstract hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handlePostImpl (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles HTTP POST requests for WebDavHandler resources.
abstract hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handlePutImpl (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles HTTP PUT requests for WebDavHandler resources.
abstract hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleDeleteImpl (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles HTTP DELETE requests for WebDavHandler resources.
abstract hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleCopyImpl (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles WebDavHandler COPY requests for WebDavHandler resources.
abstract hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleMoveImpl (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles WebDavHandler MOVE requests for WebDavHandler resources.
abstract hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleLockImpl (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles WebDavHandler LOCK requests for WebDavHandler resources.
abstract hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleUnlockImpl (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles WebDavHandler UNLOCK requests for WebDavHandler resources.
abstract hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handleMkcolImpl (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles WebDavHandler MKCOL requests for WebDavHandler resources.
abstract hash< HttpResponseInfo > | handlePropfindImpl (Socket s, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data body) |
| Handles WebDavHandler PROPFIND requests for WebDavHandler resources; reetrieves properties from WebDavHandler resources.
abstract *hash< string, hash< string, hash< string, bool > > > | handleProppatchImpl (reference< string > href, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *hash< auto > request_xml, *list< hash< PropPatchActionInfo > > actions) |
| Internal method for handling PROPPATCH requests.
This class returns 501 Unimplemented responses to all WebDavHandler requests except OPTIONS