Qore MailMessage Module Reference 1.4
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MailMessage::MailMessageInfo hashdecl Reference

Message info. More...

#include <MailMessage.qm.dox.h>

Public Attributes

*list< hash< PartInfo > > attachments
 Any message attachments.
*list< string > bcc
 Any BCC: addresses.
*data body
 The message body, if any.
*string body_content_type
 The content type of the message body.
*string body_encoding
 The encoding used for the message body, if any.
*list< string > cc
 Any CC: addresses.
*bool delivery_receipt
 The delivery receipt flag.
*string from
 The From: address.
*hash< auto > headers
 Any message headers.
*bool important
 The important flag.
*list< hash< PartInfo > > parts
 Any message parts.
*bool read_receipt
 The read receipt flag.
*string sender
 The sender's email address.
*string subject
 The message subject.
*list< string > to
 Any To: addresses.

Detailed Description

Message info.