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OracleExtensions::OracleLongOps Class Reference

Qore wrapper/helper for Long Operations. More...

#include <OracleExtensions.qm.dox.h>

Public Member Methods

 constructor (string op_name, string target_desc, string units, int totalwork)
 Create an OracleLongOps instance.
bool inProgress ()
 Get info if is the long operation finished or not from the totalwork/sofar comparsion.
*int getTarget ()
 Get the value of target attribute.

Detailed Description

Qore wrapper/helper for Long Operations.

Instanes of this class do not make any changes in the database server. All changes are performed by OracleDatasource or OracleDatasourcePool. OracleExtensions::OracleLongOps just hold required attributes. It performs client side checks of attributes validity too.

See Examples

Member Function Documentation

◆ constructor()

OracleExtensions::OracleLongOps::constructor ( string  op_name,
string  target_desc,
string  units,
int  totalwork 

Create an OracleLongOps instance.

op_namemandatory string. Specifies the name of the long running task
target_descmandatory string. Specifies the description of the object being manipulated in this long operation
unitsmandatory string. Specifies the units in which sofar and totalwork are being represented
totalworkmandatory int. Any number (greater than 0) the client wants to store

It can trhow ORACLE-LONGOPS-ERROR when is some input parameter ot of allowed size.

◆ getTarget()

*int OracleExtensions::OracleLongOps::getTarget ( )

Get the value of target attribute.

Return values
__7_int a target value Target specifies the object that is being worked on during the long running operation. For example, it could be a table ID that is being sorted. It appears as the TARGET column of v$session_longops.

◆ inProgress()

bool OracleExtensions::OracleLongOps::inProgress ( )

Get info if is the long operation finished or not from the totalwork/sofar comparsion.

Return values
boolTrue is totalwork did not met the sofar attribute

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