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OracleExtensions Module

The OracleExtensions module provides functionality for advanced Oracle DBMS operations or tools.

To use this module, use "%requires OracleExtensions" in your code.

All the public symbols in the module are defined in the OracleExtensions namespace.

Standard Qore oracle module is required to be installed.

OracleExtensions scope is:

Code Instrumentation

  • OracleExtensions::OracleApplicationInfo
  • OracleExtensions::OracleLongOps

Application Info

To provide functionality of DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package (exec grant required) for Datasource and DatasourcePool objects.

Application developers or DBAs can use this functionality together with Oracle Trace and the SQL trace facility to record names of executing modules or transactions in the database for later use when tracking the performance of various modules and debugging.

Values provided to OracleExtensions::OracleApplicationInfo are used in V$SESSION or V$SQLAREA views for DBA tasks.

Application info is composed of three components in following hierarchy of logical depencency:

  • Client, the client info of the session
  • Module, the name of the module that is currently running
  • Action, the name of the current action within the current Module
All application info components are optional and using eg. only one of them is valid approach.

Relevant Classes:

  • OracleExtensions::OracleApplicationInfo
  • OracleExtensions::OracleDatasource
  • OracleExtensions::OracleDatasourcePool
  • OracleExtensions::OracleSQLStatement

OracleDatasource and OracleDatasourcePool includes Qore::Datasource and Qore::DatasourcePool inside and all overriden methods keep their original properties: transaction handling, return data, optional arguments...

Application Info Scope

  • Persistent: it stays until trnsaction exists.
    • beginTransaction, setAppInfo
  • One-time: used with select fanily mathods outside of the transaction.
  • Automatic: see Automatic Application Info

Automatic Application Info

There is an optional argument in all OracleExtensions::OracleDatasource and OracleExtensions::OracleDatasourcePool constructors: userAutoInfo, type code.

This user code allows to specify function (or closure) to define automatic Application Info for method calls where there is no explicit info used.

User code used for Automatic Application Info obtaining should return NOTHING or OracleExtensions::OracleApplicationInfo instance. A type cast exception is raised otherwise.


OracleExtensions::OracleDatasource ds("oracle", "user", "pass", "db");
OracleExtensions::OracleApplicationInfo audit("my client", "my module", "a action");
hash res1 = ds.select(a, "select * from a_very_huge_table where fullscan_column = %v", 1);
hash res2 = ds.select("select * from a_very_huge_table where fullscan_column = %v", 1);

The code above has some important characteristics:

  • V$SESSION will hold audit's values in appropriate columns while the statement runs
  • Transaction handling remains the same as in Qore::Datasource case
  • Data returned from select method are the same as in Qore::Datasource
  • The default application info will be used (if found) in 2nd case - without specified OracleExtensions::OracleApplicationInfo instance.

Next example explains how to use Automatic Application Info

# user code to get default/automatic Application Info.
*OracleExtensions::OracleApplicationInfo sub getAutoInfo()
printf("getAutoInfo: called\n");
return new OracleExtensions::OracleApplicationInfo("user module", "auto info", "auto info");
# a constructor with standard arguments - ellipsed with "..." in this example
# The function \c getAutoInfo is registered in OracleDatasource as @ref call-reference
OracleExtensions::OracleDatasource dd(..., \getAutoInfo());
dd.select("select * from huge_table where fullscan = 1");

Long Operations

This functionality can be used to show the progress of long operations by inserting rows in the V$SESSION_LONGOPS view. For it to work effectively, you must know the total amount of work you are planning to do and how much work you have done so far.

Relevant Classes:

  • OracleExtensions::OracleLongOps
  • OracleExtensions::OracleDatasource
  • OracleExtensions::OracleDatasourcePool


OracleDatasource ds("oracle", "user", "pass", "db");
int max = 10;
OracleExtensions::OracleLongOps lo('running potatoes counting', 'FOOBAR table', 'potatoes', max);
for (int i = 1; i <= max; i++) {
lo.sofar = i;
lo.op_context = i * 1000;

it will result in this line in V$SESSION_LONGOPS:

... running potatoes counting {null} FOOBAR table 10 10 potatoes ... running potatoes counting: FOOBAR table : 10 out of 10 potatoes done ...


The DBMS_OUTPUT package wrappers (exec grant required) enable you to send messages from stored procedures, packages, and triggers. The package is especially useful for displaying PL/SQL debugging information.

Relevant Classes:

  • OracleExtensions::OracleDatasource
  • OracleExtensions::OracleDatasourcePool


OracleExtensions::OracleDatasource ds("oracle", "user", "pass", "db");
# qore client side
# call any PL/SQL unit on server with DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT... inits body
ds.exec("begin dbms_output.put_line(%v); end;", "hey, it's server here");
my *string res = o.outputGet();
printf(" RESULT: %N\n", res);

will print out:

RESULT: "foo
hey, it's server here