Qorus Integration Engine®  5.0.12_git
OMQ::UserApi::Workflow::QorusStepBase Class Reference

Base class for workflow step classes. More...

Inheritance diagram for OMQ::UserApi::Workflow::QorusStepBase:
OMQ::UserApi::Workflow::QorusAsyncStepBase OMQ::UserApi::Workflow::QorusEventStepBase OMQ::UserApi::Workflow::QorusNormalArrayStep OMQ::UserApi::Workflow::QorusNormalStep OMQ::UserApi::Workflow::QorusSubworkflowStepBase OMQ::UserApi::Workflow::QorusAsyncArrayStep OMQ::UserApi::Workflow::QorusAsyncStep OMQ::UserApi::Workflow::QorusEventArrayStep OMQ::UserApi::Workflow::QorusEventStep OMQ::UserApi::Workflow::QorusSubworkflowArrayStep OMQ::UserApi::Workflow::QorusSubworkflowStep

Private:Internal Member Methods

*hash< auto > getDefaultStepData ()
 Returns the default dynamic step data for the step when the step is first run. More...
*hash< auto > getStepMetadata ()
 Returns step user metadata for the step when the step is loaded by oload. More...

Static Private:Internal Member Methods

static updateStepData (hash< auto > new_data)
 Updates the values of one or more keys in the workflow order data instance’s dynamic step data hash. More...
static deleteStepDataKey (softlist< softstring > keylist)
 Deletes one or more keys from the workflow order data instance’s dynamic step data hash. More...
static auto getStepData ()
 Retrieves the values of one or more keys from the workflow order data instance’s dynamic step data hash. More...
static auto getStepDataArgs (*softlist< softstring > keylist)
 Retrieves the values of one or more keys from the workflow order data instance’s dynamic step data hash. More...

Detailed Description

Base class for workflow step classes.

Qorus step constructors do not take any arguments; see Step Constructors and Static Initialization for information about constructors and static class initialization.

Member Function Documentation

◆ deleteStepDataKey()

static OMQ::UserApi::Workflow::QorusStepBase::deleteStepDataKey ( softlist< softstring >  keylist)

Deletes one or more keys from the workflow order data instance’s dynamic step data hash.

Dynamic step data is directly linked to the order data the workflow execution instance is processing.

Changes are committed to the database before the method returns.

keylista single key or a list of keys to delete in the workflow order's dynamic step data
The use of this method causes SQL I/O to be performed in the system schema; to maximize performance, calls to this and other similar methods should be minimized if possible
See also
Qorus 4.0.1

◆ getDefaultStepData()

*hash<auto> OMQ::UserApi::Workflow::QorusStepBase::getDefaultStepData ( )

Returns the default dynamic step data for the step when the step is first run.

the default dynamic step data for the step when the step is first run

The default implementation in the base class returns NOTHING

This method is executed at runtime when the step instance is first created
Qorus 4.0.1

◆ getStepData()

static auto OMQ::UserApi::Workflow::QorusStepBase::getStepData ( )

Retrieves the values of one or more keys from the workflow order data instance’s dynamic step data hash.

Dynamic step data is directly linked to the order data the workflow execution instance is processing.

Pass a single string argument, in which case the value of that key is returned, or a list of strings, in which case a hash is returned giving the values of all the keys requested

See also
Qorus 4.0.1

◆ getStepDataArgs()

static auto OMQ::UserApi::Workflow::QorusStepBase::getStepDataArgs ( *softlist< softstring >  keylist)

Retrieves the values of one or more keys from the workflow order data instance’s dynamic step data hash.

Dynamic step data is directly linked to the order data the workflow execution instance is processing.

keylistfor a single string argument, the value of that key is returned, for a list of strings, a hash is returned giving the values of all the keys requested
See also
Qorus 4.0.1

◆ getStepMetadata()

*hash<auto> OMQ::UserApi::Workflow::QorusStepBase::getStepMetadata ( )

Returns step user metadata for the step when the step is loaded by oload.

step_usermetadata "step user metadata" for the step when the step is loaded by oload

The default implementation in the base class returns NOTHING

This method is executed by oload when the step is created in the database and therefore this method should not use any runtime functionality.
Qorus 4.0.1

◆ updateStepData()

static OMQ::UserApi::Workflow::QorusStepBase::updateStepData ( hash< auto >  new_data)

Updates the values of one or more keys in the workflow order data instance’s dynamic step data hash.

Dynamic step data is directly linked to the order data the workflow execution instance is processing.

Changes are committed to the database before the method returns.

new_datathe key-value pairs to update in dynamic step data
  • This call does not replace the step data hash; any keys in the hash parameter are added to the step data hash
  • The use of this method causes SQL I/O to be performed in the system schema; to maximize performance, calls to this and other similar methods should be minimized if possible
See also
Qorus 4.0.1

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