Qore jni Module  1.2.0
org.qore.lang.sqlutil.Table Class Reference

Java wrapper for the SqlUtil::Table class in Qore. More...

Inheritance diagram for org.qore.lang.sqlutil.Table:
org.qore.lang.sqlutil.AbstractTable org.qore.lang.sqlutil.AbstractSqlUtilBase org.qore.jni.QoreObjectWrapper

Public Member Methods

 Table (QoreObject obj)
 creates a new AbstractTable object from the Qore Table object
 Table (AbstractDatasource dsp, String name) throws Throwable
 creates a new AbstractTable object from the given datasource and name
- Public Member Methods inherited from org.qore.lang.sqlutil.AbstractTable
 AbstractTable (QoreObject obj)
 creates the object as a wrapper for the Qore object
String getName () throws Throwable
 returns the name of the table
String getDesc () throws Throwable
 returns a descriptive string of the datasource (without the password) and the table name (with a possible qualifier for schema, etc) More...
String getBaseType () throws Throwable
 returns the base type of the underlying object (normally "table", some DB-specific implementations may support others like "view")
String getSqlName () throws Throwable
 returns the name of the table to be used in SQL (with a possible qualifier for schema, etc)
String getColumnSqlName (String col) throws Throwable
 returns the column name for use in SQL strings; subclasses can return a special string in case the column name is a reserved word
void commit () throws Throwable
 commits the current transaction on the underlying org.qore.lang.AbstractDatasource
void rollback () throws Throwable
 rolls back the current transaction on the underlying org.qore.lang.AbstractDatasource
boolean inDb () throws Throwable
 returns true if the table has been read from or created in the database, false if not More...
void drop (HashMap< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 drops the table from the database without any transaction management More...
void drop () throws Throwable
 drops the table from the database without any transaction management More...
Object tryExec (String sql) throws Throwable
 executes some SQL with optional arguments so that if an error occurs the current transaction state is not lost More...
Object tryExecArgs (String sql, Object[] args) throws Throwable
 executes some SQL with optional arguments so that if an error occurs the current transaction state is not lost More...
Object tryExecRaw (String sql) throws Throwable
 executes some SQL so that if an error occurs the current transaction state is not lost More...
String[] getDropSql (Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 returns the sql required to drop the table; reimplement in subclasses if necessary More...
String[] getDropSql () throws Throwable
 returns the sql required to drop the table; reimplement in subclasses if necessary More...
void truncate () throws Throwable
 truncates all the table data without any transaction management More...
String getTruncateSql (Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 gets the SQL that can be used to truncate the table More...
String getTruncateSql () throws Throwable
 gets the SQL that can be used to truncate the table More...
void create (Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 creates the table with all associated properties (indexes, constraints, etc) without any transaction management More...
void create () throws Throwable
 creates the table with all associated properties (indexes, constraints, etc) without any transaction management More...
boolean emptyData () throws Throwable
 returns true if the table has no data rows, false if not More...
boolean empty () throws Throwable
 returns true if the table has no definitions, false if not More...
void setupTable (Map< String, Object > desc, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 creates the object from a table description hash More...
void setupTable (Map< String, Object > desc) throws Throwable
 creates the object from a table description hash More...
void addColumn (String cname, Map< String, Object > opt, boolean nullable) throws Throwable
 adds a column to the table; if the table is already known to be in the database, then it is added in the database also immediately; otherwise it is only added internally and can be created when create() is called for example More...
void addColumn (String cname, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 adds a nullable column to the table; if the table is already known to be in the database, then it is added in the database also immediately; otherwise it is only added internally and can be created when create() is called for example More...
String[] getAddColumnSql (String cname, Map< String, Object > copt, boolean nullable, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 returns a list of SQL strings that can be use to add a column to the table More...
String[] getAddColumnSql (String cname, Map< String, Object > copt, boolean nullable) throws Throwable
 returns a list of SQL strings that can be use to add a column to the table More...
String[] getAddColumnSql (String cname, Map< String, Object > copt) throws Throwable
 returns a list of SQL strings that can be use to add a nullable column to the table More...
String[] getModifyColumnSql (String cname, Map< String, Object > copt, boolean nullable, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 gets a list of SQL strings that can be used to modify an existing column in the table More...
String[] getModifyColumnSql (String cname, Map< String, Object > copt, boolean nullable) throws Throwable
 gets a list of SQL strings that can be used to modify an existing column in the table More...
String[] getModifyColumnSql (String cname, Map< String, Object > copt) throws Throwable
 gets a list of SQL strings that can be used to modify an existing column in the table More...
String getRenameColumnSql (String old_name, String new_name, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 gets an SQL String that can be used to rename an existing column in the table More...
String getRenameColumnSql (String old_name, String new_name) throws Throwable
 gets an SQL String that can be used to rename an existing column in the table More...
void addPrimaryKey (String pkname, String[] columns, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 adds a primary key to the table; if the table is already known to be in the database, then it is added in the database also immediately; otherwise it is only added internally and can be created when create() is called for example More...
void addPrimaryKey (String pkname, String[] columns) throws Throwable
 adds a primary key to the table; if the table is already known to be in the database, then it is added in the database also immediately; otherwise it is only added internally and can be created when create() is called for example More...
String getAddPrimaryKeySql (String pkname, String[] cols, Map< String, Object > pkopt, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 returns the SQL that can be used to add a primary key to the table More...
String getAddPrimaryKeySql (String pkname, String[] cols, Map< String, Object > pkopt) throws Throwable
 returns the SQL that can be used to add a primary key to the table More...
String getAddPrimaryKeySql (String pkname, String[] cols) throws Throwable
 returns the SQL that can be used to add a primary key to the table More...
String[] getDropAllConstraintsAndIndexesOnColumnSql (String cname, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 gets a list of SQL strings to drop all constraints and indexes with the given column name; if the column does not exist then an empty list is returned More...
String[] getDropAllConstraintsAndIndexesOnColumnSql (String cname) throws Throwable
 gets a list of SQL strings to drop all constraints and indexes with the given column name; if the column does not exist then an empty list is returned More...
String[] getDropPrimaryKeySql (Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 gets a list of SQL strings that can be used to drop the primary key from the table More...
String[] getDropPrimaryKeySql () throws Throwable
 gets a list of SQL strings that can be used to drop the primary key from the table More...
void addUniqueConstraint (String cname, String[] cols, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 adds a unique constraint to the table; if the table is known to be in the database already, then the constraint is added to the database also immediately; otherwise it is only added internally and can be created when create() is called for example More...
String getAddUniqueConstraintSql (String cname, String[] cols, Map< String, Object > ukopt, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 returns an SQL String that can be used to add a unique constraint to the table More...
String getAddUniqueConstraintSql (String cname, String[] cols, Map< String, Object > ukopt) throws Throwable
 returns an SQL String that can be used to add a unique constraint to the table More...
String getAddUniqueConstraintSql (String cname, String[] cols) throws Throwable
 returns an SQL String that can be used to add a unique constraint to the table More...
void addIndex (String iname, boolean unique, String[] cols, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 adds an index to the table; if the table is already known to be in the database, then it is added in the database also immediately; otherwise it is only added internally and can be created when create() is called for example More...
void addIndex (String iname, boolean unique, String[] cols) throws Throwable
 adds an index to the table; if the table is already known to be in the database, then it is added in the database also immediately; otherwise it is only added internally and can be created when create() is called for example More...
String getAddIndexSql (String iname, boolean unique, String[] cols, Map< String, Object > ixopt, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 returns an SQL String that can be used to add an index to the table More...
String getAddIndexSql (String iname, boolean unique, String[] cols, Map< String, Object > ixopt) throws Throwable
 returns an SQL String that can be used to add an index to the table More...
String getAddIndexSql (String iname, boolean unique, String[] cols) throws Throwable
 returns an SQL String that can be used to add an index to the table More...
String getDropIndexSql (String iname, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 gets the SQL that can be used to drop an index from the table More...
String getDropIndexSql (String iname) throws Throwable
 gets the SQL that can be used to drop an index from the table More...
String getAddForeignConstraintSql (String cname, String[] cols, String table, String[] tcols, Map< String, Object > fkopt, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 returns an SQL String that can be used to add a foreign constraint to the table More...
String getAddForeignConstraintSql (String cname, String[] cols, String table, String[] tcols, Map< String, Object > fkopt) throws Throwable
 returns an SQL String that can be used to add a foreign constraint to the table More...
String getAddForeignConstraintSql (String cname, String[] cols, String table, String[] tcols) throws Throwable
 returns an SQL String that can be used to add a foreign constraint to the table More...
String getAddForeignConstraintSql (String cname, String[] cols, String table) throws Throwable
 returns an SQL String that can be used to add a foreign constraint to the table More...
String getAddCheckConstraintSql (String cname, String src, Map< String, Object > copt, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 returns an SQL String that can be used to add a check constraint to the table More...
String getAddCheckConstraintSql (String cname, String src, Map< String, Object > copt) throws Throwable
 returns an SQL String that can be used to add a check constraint to the table More...
String getAddCheckConstraintSql (String cname, String src) throws Throwable
 returns an SQL String that can be used to add a check constraint to the table More...
String getDropConstraintSql (String cname, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 gets the SQL that can be used to drop a constraint from the table; this can be any constraint on the table, a primary key, a foreign key constraint, or a generic constraint More...
String getDropConstraintSql (String cname) throws Throwable
 gets the SQL that can be used to drop a constraint from the table; this can be any constraint on the table, a primary key, a foreign key constraint, or a generic constraint More...
String getDropConstraintIfExistsSql (String cname, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 gets the SQL that can be used to drop a constraint from the table if it exists, otherwise returns null; this can be any constraint on the table, a primary key, a foreign key constraint, or a generic constraint More...
String getDropConstraintIfExistsSql (String cname) throws Throwable
 gets the SQL that can be used to drop a constraint from the table if it exists, otherwise returns null; this can be any constraint on the table, a primary key, a foreign key constraint, or a generic constraint More...
String[] getAddTriggerSql (String tname, String src, Map< String, Object > topt, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 returns a list of SQL strings that can be used to add a trigger to the table More...
String[] getAddTriggerSql (String tname, String src, Map< String, Object > topt) throws Throwable
 returns a list of SQL strings that can be used to add a trigger to the table More...
String[] getAddTriggerSql (String tname, String src) throws Throwable
 returns a list of SQL strings that can be used to add a trigger to the table More...
String[] getDropTriggerSql (String tname, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 returns SQL that can be used to drop the given trigger from the table More...
String[] getDropTriggerSql (String tname) throws Throwable
 returns SQL that can be used to drop the given trigger from the table More...
String[] getDropColumnSql (String cname, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 returns the SQL that can be used to drop a column from the table More...
String[] getDropColumnSql (String cname) throws Throwable
 returns the SQL that can be used to drop a column from the table More...
HashMap< String, Object > insert (Map< String, Object > row) throws Throwable
 inserts a row into the table without any transaction management; a transaction will be in progress after this method is successfully executed More...
HashMap< String, Object > insert (Map< String, Object > row, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 insert() variant More...
boolean hasReturning () throws Throwable
 returns true if the current database driver supports the "returning" clause in insert statements, false if not More...
int insertFromSelect (String[] cols, AbstractTable source, Map< String, Object > sh, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 inserts rows into a table based on a select statement from another table (which must be using the same datasource as the current table); a transaction will be in progress after this method is successfully executed More...
int insertFromSelect (String[] cols, AbstractTable source, Map< String, Object > sh) throws Throwable
 insertFromSelect() variant
int insertFromSelect (String[] cols, AbstractTable source) throws Throwable
 insertFromSelect() variant
int upsert (Map< String, Object > row, int upsert_strategy, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 update or insert the data in the table according to the hash argument; the table must have a unique key to do this More...
int upsert (Map< String, Object > row, int upsert_strategy) throws Throwable
 update or insert the data in the table according to the hash argument; the table must have a unique key to do this More...
HashMap< String, Object > upsertFromSelect (AbstractTable t, Map< String, Object > sh, int upsert_strategy, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 this method upserts or merges data from the given foreign table and select option hash into the current table; no transaction management is performed with this method More...
HashMap< String, Object > upsertFromSelect (AbstractTable t, Map< String, Object > sh, int upsert_strategy) throws Throwable
 this method upserts or merges data from the given foreign table and select option hash into the current table; no transaction management is performed with this method More...
int del (HashMap< String, Object > cond, HashMap< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 deletes rows in the table matching the condition and returns the count of rows deleted; no transaction management is performed with this method More...
int del (HashMap< String, Object > cond) throws Throwable
 del() variant
int del () throws Throwable
 del() variant
int update (HashMap< String, Object > set, HashMap< String, Object > cond, HashMap< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 updates rows in the table matching an optional condition and returns the count of rows updated; no transaction management is performed with this method More...
int update (HashMap< String, Object > set, HashMap< String, Object > cond) throws Throwable
 A update() variant.
int update (HashMap< String, Object > set) throws Throwable
 A update() variant.
HashMap< String, Object > upsertFromSelect (AbstractTable t, Map< String, Object > sh) throws Throwable
 this method upserts or merges data from the given foreign table and select option hash into the current table; no transaction management is performed with this method More...
int rowCount () throws Throwable
 returns the number of rows in the table More...
AbstractSQLStatement getStatement (Map< String, Object > sh, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 returns an AbstractSQLStatement object that will iterate the results of a select statement matching the arguments More...
AbstractSQLStatement getStatement (Map< String, Object > sh) throws Throwable
 returns an AbstractSQLStatement object that will iterate the results of a select statement matching the arguments More...
AbstractSQLStatement getStatement () throws Throwable
 returns an AbstractSQLStatement object that will iterate all the rows in the table More...
AbstractSQLStatement getStatementNoExec (Map< String, Object > sh, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 returns an AbstractSQLStatement object that will iterate the results of a select statement matching the arguments; the statement is only prepared and not executed More...
AbstractSQLStatement getStatementNoExec (Map< String, Object > sh) throws Throwable
 returns an AbstractSQLStatement object that will iterate the results of a select statement matching the arguments; the statement is only prepared and not executed More...
AbstractSQLStatement getStatementNoExec () throws Throwable
 returns an AbstractSQLStatement object that will iterate all the rows in the table; the statement is only prepared and not executed More...
HashMap< String, Object > selectRow (Map< String, Object > sh, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 returns a hash representing the row in the table that matches the argument hash; if more than one row would be returned an exception is raised More...
HashMap< String, Object > selectRow (Map< String, Object > sh) throws Throwable
 returns a hash representing the row in the table that matches the argument hash; if more than one row would be returned an exception is raised More...
HashMap< String, Object >[] selectRows (Map< String, Object > sh, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 returns a list of hashes representing the rows in the table that match the argument hash More...
HashMap< String, Object >[] selectRows (Map< String, Object > sh) throws Throwable
 returns a list of hashes representing the rows in the table that match the argument hash More...
HashMap< String, Object >[] selectRows () throws Throwable
 returns a list of hashes representing the rows in the table that match the argument hash More...
HashMap< String, Object > select (Map< String, Object > sh, Map< String, Object > opt) throws Throwable
 returns a hash of lists representing the columns and rows in the table that match the argument hahs More...
HashMap< String, Object > select (Map< String, Object > sh) throws Throwable
 returns a hash of lists representing the columns and rows in the table that match the argument hahs More...
HashMap< String, Object > select () throws Throwable
 returns a hash of lists representing the columns and rows in the table that match the argument hahs More...
- Public Member Methods inherited from org.qore.lang.sqlutil.AbstractSqlUtilBase
 AbstractSqlUtilBase (QoreObject obj)
 creates the object from a weak reference to the Qore object
AbstractDatasource getDatasource () throws Throwable
 gets the underlying AbstractDatasource
String getDriverName () throws Throwable
 returns the database driver name
String getDatasourceDesc () throws Throwable
 returns a descriptive string for the datasource
- Public Member Methods inherited from org.qore.jni.QoreObjectWrapper
 QoreObjectWrapper (QoreObject obj)
 creates the wrapper object with the Qore object
void release ()
 releases the Qore object; do not call any further methods on the object after this call
QoreObject getQoreObject ()
 returns the Qore object
String className ()
 returns the class name for the Qore object
boolean instanceOf (String class_name)
 returns true if the object is an instance of the given class

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Methods inherited from org.qore.lang.sqlutil.AbstractTable
static HashMap< String, Object > make_cop (String cop, Object column, Object arg) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash More...
static HashMap< String, Object > make_cop (String cop, Object column) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_as (Object column, String arg) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "as" operator with the given argument More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_cast (Object column, String arg, Object arg1, Object arg2) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "cast" operator with the given argument(s) More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_cast (Object column, String arg, Object arg1) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "cast" operator with the given argument(s) More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_cast (Object column, String arg) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "cast" operator with the given argument(s) More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_prepend (Object column, String arg) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "prepend" operator with the given argument More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_append (Object column, String arg) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "append" operator with the given argument More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_value (Object arg) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "value" (literal) operator with the given argument More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_upper (Object column) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "upper" operator with the given argument; returns a column value in upper case More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_lower (Object column) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "lower" operator with the given argument; returns a column value in lower case More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_distinct (Object column) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "distinct" operator with the given argument; returns distinct column values More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_min (Object column) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "min" operator; returns minimum column values More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_max (Object column) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "max" operator; returns maximum column values More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_avg (Object column) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "avg" operator; returns average column values More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_sum (Object column) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "sum" operator; returns the total sum of a numeric column. More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_count (Object column) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "count" operator; returns row counts More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_count () throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "count" operator; returns row counts More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_over (Object column, String partitionby, String orderby) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "over" clause More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_over (Object column, String partitionby) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "over" clause More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_over (Object column) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "over" clause More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_minus (Object column1, Object column2) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "-" operator with the given arguments More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_plus (Object column1, Object column2) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "+" operator with the given arguments More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_divide (Object column1, Object column2) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "/" operator with the given arguments More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_multiply (Object column1, Object column2) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "*" operator with the given arguments More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_year (Object column) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "year" operator with the given argument More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_year_month (Object column) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "year_month" operator with the given argument More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_year_day (Object column) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "year_day" operator with the given argument More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_year_hour (Object column) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "year_hour" operator with the given argument More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_seq (String seq, String as) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "seq" operator with the given argument giving the sequence name whose value should be returned More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_seq (String seq) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "seq" operator with the given argument giving the sequence name whose value should be returned More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_seq_currval (String seq, String as) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "seq_currval" operator with the given argument giving the sequence name whose current value should be returned More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_seq_currval (String seq) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "seq_currval" operator with the given argument giving the sequence name whose current value should be returned More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_coalesce (Object col1, Object col2) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "coalesce" operator with the given column arguments; the first non-NULL column value will be returned More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_coalesce (Object col1, Object col2, Object... args) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "coalesce" operator with the given column arguments; the first non-NULL column value will be returned More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_substr (Object column, int start, int count) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "substr" operator with the given arguments; returns a substring of a column value More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_substr (Object column, int start) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "substr" operator with the given arguments; returns a substring of a column value More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_length (Object column) throws Throwable
 returns a ColumnOperatorInfo hash for the "len" operator with the given argument; returns the length of the given text field More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_trunc_date (Object column, String mask) throws Throwable
 Truncates a date column or value regarding the given mask. The resulting value remains Qore::date (no conversion to eg. string) More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_cume_dist () throws Throwable
 Analytic/window method: relative rank of the current row. More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_dense_rank () throws Throwable
 Analytic/window method: rank of the current row without gaps. More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_first_value (Object column) throws Throwable
 Analytic/window method: value evaluated at the row that is the first row of the window frame. More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_last_value (Object column) throws Throwable
 Analytic/window method: value evaluated at the row that is the last row of the window frame. More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_ntile (int value) throws Throwable
 Analytic/window method: integer ranging from 1 to the argument value, dividing the partition as equally as possible. More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_percent_rank () throws Throwable
 Analytic/window method: relative rank of the current row. More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_rank () throws Throwable
 Analytic/window method: rank of the current row with gaps. More...
static HashMap< String, Object > cop_row_number () throws Throwable
 Analytic/window method: number of the current row within its partition, counting from 1. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from org.qore.lang.sqlutil.AbstractTable
static int UpsertInsertFirst = 1
 Upsert option: insert first, if the insert fails, then update. More...
static int UpsertUpdateFirst = 2
 Upsert option: update first, if the update fails, then insert. More...
static int UpsertSelectFirst = 3
 Upsert option: select first, if the row is unchanged, do nothing, if it doesn't exist, insert, otherwise update. More...
static int UpsertAuto = 4
 Upsert option: if the target table is empty, use UpsertInsertFirst, otherwise use UpsertUpdateFirst. More...
static int UpsertInsertOnly = 5
 Upsert option: insert if the row does not exist, otherwise ignore. More...
static int UpsertUpdateOnly = 6
 Upsert option: update if the row exists, otherwise ignore. More...
static final Map< Integer, String > UpsertStrategyMap
 hash mapping upsert strategy codes to a text description More...
static final Map< String, Integer > UpsertStrategyDescriptionMap
 hash mapping upsert strategy descriptions to upsert strategy codes More...
static final String DT_YEAR = "Y"
 Format unit: year.
static final String DT_MONTH = "M"
 Format unit: month.
static final String DT_DAY = "D"
 Format unit: day.
static final String DT_HOUR = "H"
 Format unit: hour.
static final String DT_MINUTE = "m"
 Format unit: minute.
static final String DT_SECOND = "S"
 Format unit: hour.
static int UR_Inserted = 1
 row was inserted
static int UR_Verified = 2
 row was updated unconditionally (not returned with UpsertSelectFirst)
static int UR_Updated = 3
 row was updated because it was different (only possible with UpsertSelectFirst)
static int UR_Unchanged = 4
 row was unchanged (only possible with UpsertSelectFirst, UpsertInsertOnly, and UpsertUpdateOnly)
static int UR_Deleted = 5
 row was deleted (only possible with batch upsert methods such as upsertFromIterator() where upsert option delete_others is true)
static final Map< Integer, String > UpsertResultMap
 hash mapping upsert results to a description More...
static final Map< String, Integer > UpsertResultDescriptionMap
 hash mapping upsert descriptions to codes More...
static final Map< Integer, String > UpsertResultLetterMap
 maps upsert result codes to single letter symbols
- Private Attributes inherited from org.qore.jni.QoreObjectWrapper
QoreObject obj
 the wrapper Qore object

Detailed Description

Java wrapper for the SqlUtil::Table class in Qore.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: