Qore ConnectionProvider Module Reference  1.3
ConnectionProvider::FtpConnection Class Reference

class for FTP connections; returns Qore::FtpClient objects More...

Inheritance diagram for ConnectionProvider::FtpConnection:

Public Member Methods

deprecated constructor (string name, string desc, string url, bool monitor, *hash opts, hash urlh)
 DEPRECATED: creates the FtpConnection object. More...
 constructor (string name, string description, string url, hash attributes={}, hash options={})
 creates the FtpConnection object More...
*hash getRuntimeOptions ()
 returns runtime options More...
string getType ()
 returns "ftp"
- Public Member Methods inherited from ConnectionProvider::AbstractConnection
deprecated constructor (string n_name, string n_desc, string n_url, bool n_monitor, *hash n_opts, hash n_urlh, *string n_safe_url, *bool n_enabled)
 creates the AbstractConnection object More...
 constructor (string name, string description, string url, hash< auto > attributes={}, hash< auto > options={})
 creates the AbstractConnection object More...
object get (bool connect=True, *hash< auto > rtopts)
 returns the underlying connection object More...
hash< ConfigInfogetConfigHash ()
 returns a ConfigInfo hash of static configuration information about the connection More...
AbstractDataProvider getDataProvider ()
 returns a data provider object for this connection, if supported More...
*hash< auto > getDefaultOptions ()
 returns default options
hash< ConnectionInfogetInfo (bool with_password=False)
 returns a ConnectionInfo hash of information about the connection More...
*hash< auto > getOptions ()
 returns static / initialization options
*hash< auto > getRealOptions ()
 returns options for saving the connection's configuration information
*hash< auto > getRuntimeOptions ()
 returns runtime options
auto getTag (string tag)
 returns the value of the given tag or NOTHING if not present
auto getTagEx (string tag)
 returns the value of the given tag or throws an exception if the tag is not set with a value More...
hash< auto > getTags ()
 returns all tags associated with the connection
bool hasDataProvider ()
 returns True if the connection returns a data provider with the getDataProvider() method More...
 parseTextOptions ()
 this method is called when parsing connection file definitions from text files when loading into the database More...
hash< PingInfoping (bool throw_exception=False)
 returns a hash with the results of the ping operation More...
hash< auto > validateOptions (hash< auto > options)
 performs options validation in the constructor More...

Static Public Member Methods

static deprecated FtpConnection make (string name, string desc, string url, bool monitor, *hash opts, hash urlh)
 DEPRECATED: static constructor. More...

Private Member Methods

FtpClient getImpl (bool connect=True, *hash rtopts)
 returns an Qore::FtpClient object More...
- Private Member Methods inherited from ConnectionProvider::AbstractConnection
abstract object getImpl (bool connect=True, *hash< auto > rtopts)
 this method must return the connection object corresponding to the object's configuration More...
string getSafeUrl (hash< auto > urlh)
 creates a "safe" URL string with password information removed More...
hash< UrlInfo > parseUrl (string url)
 Parse the URL to a hash. More...
hash< PingInfopingIntern (hash< PingInfo > rv)
 performs the ping by executing get(); returns a PingInfo hash

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from ConnectionProvider::AbstractConnection
bool debug_data = False
 debug data flag; to be used an an indication for a higher-level implementation
string desc
 connection description
bool enabled = True
 enabled/disabled indicator flag
hash< auto > internal_info
 internal tags
date last_check
 date/time of last check/ping
bool locked = False
 locked/unlocked flag
bool loopback = False
 set to True for loopback connections
bool monitor
 monitoring flag
string name
 connection name
*hash< auto > opts
 connection options
*hash< auto > orig_opts
 original connection options
string safe_url
 "safe" URL (password information removed)
string status = "not checked"
 status string; in case of a connection error this string will be the error string
hash< auto > tags = {}
 connection tags; user-defined key-value pairs
bool up = False
 connection status flag; set by monitoring or explicit pings/connections
date updated
 date/time of last update
string url
 connection URL (potentially with password info)
hash< auto > urlh
 broken down URL hash (as returned by Qore::parse_url())
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ConnectionProvider::AbstractConnection
static *code post_processing
 optional code for default post-processing of objects created by getImpl(); must take the connection object and the object created as arguments

Detailed Description

class for FTP connections; returns Qore::FtpClient objects

supports the following runtime options in getImpl():

  • "path": overrides the path component in the URL at runtime
  • "path_add": appends the given string to the path component of the URL at runtime

Member Function Documentation

◆ constructor() [1/2]

deprecated ConnectionProvider::FtpConnection::constructor ( string  name,
string  desc,
string  url,
bool  monitor,
*hash  opts,
hash  urlh 

DEPRECATED: creates the FtpConnection object.

namethe name of the connection
descconnection description
urlconnection URL (potentially with password info)
monitormonitoring flag
optsconnection options
urlhbroken down URL hash (as returned by Qore::parse_url())
since Qore 0.9

◆ constructor() [2/2]

ConnectionProvider::FtpConnection::constructor ( string  name,
string  description,
string  url,
hash  attributes = {},
hash  options = {} 

creates the FtpConnection object

namethe name of the connection
descriptionconnection description
urlconnection URL (potentially with password info)
attributesvarious attributes. See below
optionsconnection options

See AbstractConnection::constructor() for attributes and options reference.

◆ getImpl()

FtpClient ConnectionProvider::FtpConnection::getImpl ( bool  connect = True,
*hash  rtopts 

returns an Qore::FtpClient object

connectif True then a connection is made any if there is any path in the URL a CWD operation is performed to change to the target directory
rtoptsthis connection type does not accept any runtime option, so this parameter is ignored

◆ getRuntimeOptions()

*hash ConnectionProvider::FtpConnection::getRuntimeOptions ( )

returns runtime options

return a hash with the following keys reflecting support for the corresponding runtime options in getImpl():

  • "path": overrides the path component in the URL at runtime
  • "path_add": appends the given string to the path component of the URL at runtime

◆ make()

static deprecated FtpConnection ConnectionProvider::FtpConnection::make ( string  name,
string  desc,
string  url,
bool  monitor,
*hash  opts,
hash  urlh 

DEPRECATED: static constructor.

since Qore 0.9 in favor of new constructor and Qore::Reflection