Qorus Integration Engine®  4.0.3.p2_git
REST API Hash Descriptions


hashdecl  OMQ::OrderStatusOutputInfo
 workflow order stats band info; summarizes info for a particular status code in a band More...
hashdecl  OMQ::OrderSlaOutputInfo
 workflow order SLA band info; summarizes info for a particular status code in a band More...
hashdecl  OMQ::OrderSummaryOutputInfo
 workflow order stats summary info hash More...
hashdecl  OMQ::SlaServiceMethodInfo
 this hash describes service methods with a particular SLA More...
hashdecl  OMQ::SlaJobInfo
 this hash describes jobs with a particular SLA More...
hashdecl  OMQ::SlaInfo
 this hash describes SLAs More...
hashdecl  OMQ::SlaEventInfo
 this hash describes SLA events More...
hashdecl  OMQ::SlaPerformanceInfo
 this hash provides SLA performance info More...
hashdecl  OMQ::SensitiveDataInfo
 this hash provides info about workflow order sensitive data More...
hashdecl  OMQ::JobResultInfo
 This hash provides information about job instance execution. More...

Detailed Description

This group contains REST API hash declarations