Qorus Integration Engine®  4.0.3.p2_git
OMQ::AbstractMapperType Class Referenceabstract

abstract class for a mapper provider; defines the interface for the class of object returned by the "get_mapper_providers()" function More...

Inheritance diagram for OMQ::AbstractMapperType:
OMQ::InboundTableMapperType OMQ::MapperType OMQ::QorusRawSqlStatementOutboundMapperType OMQ::QorusSqlStatementOutboundMapperType

Public Member Methods

abstract string getName ()
 returns the name of the primary mapper class (must be unique in the mapper type list)
abstract hash getMapperOptions ()
 returns a hash of valid mapper options; the keys are the option names and the values are string descriptions for the options
abstract *list getRequiredRecordOptions ()
 returns a list of mapper options that must be given to create the input or output records for the mapper for mappers that can create either input records (ie requiresInput() is False) and/or output records (ie requiresOutput() is False); these options must also be present in the getMapperOptions() output
abstract Mapper::Mapper get (hash mapv, *hash opts)
 must return the Mapper object
abstract bool requiresInput ()
 mapper definition must include the input record description; if this method returns True, then the getInput() method must also be implemented for the subclass
abstract bool requiresOutput ()
 mapper definition must include the output record description; if this method returns True, then the getOutput() method must also be implemented for the subclass
*hash getRuntimeMapperOptions ()
 returns a hash of valid runtime mapper options; the keys are the option names and the values are string descriptions for the options
Qore::AbstractIterator getIterator (Qore::AbstractIterator input, hash mapv, *hash opts)
 must return a iterator object given the input iterator that maps the input data to output in the iterator using the current Mapper
*list getRequiredOptions ()
 returns a list of mapper options that must be given to create the mapper (these options must also be present in the getMapperOptions() output); by default this method returns getRequiredRecordOptions() + "input" (if requiresInput() returns False) + "output" (if requiresOutput() returns False)
hash< auto > getConfigInfo ()
 returns a hash of configuration info for the mapper type
hash< auto > getInput (string mname, hash< auto > opth)
 called for mapper providers that automatically define the input record
hash< auto > getOutput (string mname, hash< auto > opth)
 called for mapper providers that automatically define the output record
bool isValid ()
 whether the mapper is valid, i.e. eligible for parsing and other "regular" actions

Detailed Description

abstract class for a mapper provider; defines the interface for the class of object returned by the "get_mapper_providers()" function

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