Qorus Integration Engine®  4.0.3.p2_git
OMQ::QorusServiceHelper Class Reference

mid-level class representing a service type (either "user" or "system") for transparently redirecting calls to services; this class is not designed to be used directly; use OMQ::QorusRemoteServiceHelper instead More...

Inheritance diagram for OMQ::QorusServiceHelper:

Public Member Methods

 constructor (QorusSystemAPIHelperBase n_omqapi, string n_type)
 creates the object
synchronized any memberGate (string m)
 redirects calls to the appropriate ServiceMethodGateHelper member object

Detailed Description

mid-level class representing a service type (either "user" or "system") for transparently redirecting calls to services; this class is not designed to be used directly; use OMQ::QorusRemoteServiceHelper instead

See also

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: