Qore Ssh2Connections Module Reference  1.2
Ssh2Connections::AbstractSsh2Connection Class Reference

abstract base class for ssh module connections More...

Inheritance diagram for Ssh2Connections::AbstractSsh2Connection:

Public Member Methods

deprecated constructor (string name, string desc, string url, bool monitor, *hash opts, hash urlh)
 DEPRECATED: creates the AbstractSsh2Connection object. More...
 constructor (string name, string description, string url, hash attributes={}, hash options={})
 creates the AbstractSsh2Connection object More...
hash getOptions ()
 returns valid options More...

Detailed Description

abstract base class for ssh module connections

supports the following option:

  • "keyfile": a path to a private key file in PEM format to use for key-based authentication

Member Function Documentation

◆ constructor() [1/2]

deprecated Ssh2Connections::AbstractSsh2Connection::constructor ( string  name,
string  desc,
string  url,
bool  monitor,
*hash  opts,
hash  urlh 

DEPRECATED: creates the AbstractSsh2Connection object.

namethe name of the connection
descconnection description
urlconnection URL
monitormonitoring flag
optsconnection options
urlhbroken down URL hash (as returned by Qore::parse_url())
since Qore 0.9

◆ constructor() [2/2]

Ssh2Connections::AbstractSsh2Connection::constructor ( string  name,
string  description,
string  url,
hash  attributes = {},
hash  options = {} 

creates the AbstractSsh2Connection object

namethe name of the connection
descriptionconnection description
urlconnection URL (potentially with password info)
attributesvarious attributes. See below
optionsconnection options

See AbstractConnection::constructor() for attributes and options reference.

◆ getOptions()

hash Ssh2Connections::AbstractSsh2Connection::getOptions ( )

returns valid options

a hash with a single key: "keyfile"