Qore Programming Language
DateTime Member List

This is the complete list of members for DateTime, including all inherited members.

compareDates(const DateTime *left, const DateTime *right)DateTimestatic
DateTime(qore_date_private *n_priv)DateTimeprotected
DateTime(bool r=false)DateTime
DateTime(int n_year, int n_month, int n_day, int n_hour=0, int n_minute=0, int n_second=0, short n_ms=0, bool n_relative=false)DateTime
DateTime(int64 seconds)DateTime
DateTime(int64 seconds, int ms)DateTime
DateTime(const char *date)DateTime
DateTime(const AbstractQoreZoneInfo *zone, const char *date)DateTime
DateTime(const struct tm *tms)DateTime
DateTime(const DateTime &dt)DateTime
format(QoreString &str, const char *fmt) const DateTime
getDateFromISOWeek(int year, int week, int day, ExceptionSink *xsink)DateTimestatic
getDay() const DateTime
getDayNumber() const DateTime
getDayOfWeek() const DateTime
getEpochMicrosecondsUTC() const DateTime
getEpochMillisecondsUTC() const DateTime
getEpochSeconds() const DateTime
getEpochSecondsUTC() const DateTime
getHour() const DateTime
getInfo(const AbstractQoreZoneInfo *n_zone, qore_tm &info) const DateTime
getInfo(qore_tm &info) const DateTime
getISOWeek(int &year, int &week, int &day) const DateTime
getLastDayOfMonth(int month, int year)DateTimestatic
getMicrosecond() const DateTime
getMillisecond() const DateTime
getMinute() const DateTime
getMonth() const DateTime
getRelativeMicroseconds() const DateTime
getRelativeMilliseconds() const DateTime
getRelativeSeconds() const DateTime
getSecond() const DateTime
getTM(struct tm *tms) const DateTime
getYear() const DateTime
getZone() const DateTime
hasValue() const DateTime
isAbsolute() const DateTime
isLeapYear(int year)DateTimestatic
isRelative() const DateTime
makeAbsolute(const AbstractQoreZoneInfo *n_zone, int n_year, int n_month, int n_day, int n_hour=0, int n_minute=0, int n_second=0, int n_us=0)DateTimestatic
makeAbsolute(const AbstractQoreZoneInfo *zone, int64 seconds, int us=0)DateTimestatic
makeAbsoluteLocal(const AbstractQoreZoneInfo *zone, int64 seconds, int us=0)DateTimestatic
makeRelative(int n_year, int n_month, int n_day, int n_hour=0, int n_minute=0, int n_second=0, int n_us=0)DateTimestatic
operator=(const DateTime &)DateTimeprotected
setDate(int64 seconds)DateTime
setDate(int64 seconds, int ms)DateTime
setDate(const AbstractQoreZoneInfo *zone, int64 seconds, int us)DateTime
setDate(const AbstractQoreZoneInfo *n_zone, int n_year, int n_month, int n_day, int n_hour=0, int n_minute=0, int n_second=0, int n_us=0)DateTime
setDate(const char *str)DateTime
setDate(const AbstractQoreZoneInfo *zone, const char *str)DateTime
setDate(const struct tm *tms, short ms=0)DateTime
setDate(const DateTime &date)DateTime
setLocalDate(const AbstractQoreZoneInfo *zone, int64 seconds, int us)DateTime
setNow(const AbstractQoreZoneInfo *zone)DateTime
setRelativeDate(const char *str)DateTime
setTime(int h, int m, int s, short ms=0)DateTime
setZone(const AbstractQoreZoneInfo *n_zone)DateTime
unaryMinus() const DateTime