Qore ConnectionProvider Module Reference 1.11
CConnectionProvider::AllowedValueInfo | Allowed value hash |
CConnectionProvider::ConfigInfo | Config informaton |
CConnectionProvider::ConnectionConstructorInfo | Information that can be used to dynamically construct a connection object |
CConnectionProvider::ConnectionInfo | Connection information hash |
CConnectionProvider::ConnectionOptionInfo | Connection option information |
CConnectionProvider::ConnectionSchemeCache | Connection provider type cache class |
CConnectionProvider::ConnectionSchemeInfo | Connection provider information |
CConnectionProvider::PingInfo | Ping response info |
CConnectionProvider::PollingConnectionMonitor | Class for monitoring connection supporting the polling API |
▼CQore::Serializable [external] | |
▼CConnectionProvider::AbstractConnection | Abstract base class for connections |
▼CConnectionProvider::AbstractConnectionWithInfo | Abstract base class for connections |
CConnectionProvider::FilesystemConnection | Class for filesystem connections; returns an object of type Qore::Dir |
CConnectionProvider::FtpConnection | Class for FTP connections; returns Qore::FtpClient objects |
CConnectionProvider::HttpBasedConnection | Base class for HTTP-based connections that need their URLs rewritten to create the real connection object |
CConnectionProvider::HttpConnection | Class for HTTP connections; returns Qore::HTTPClient objects |
CConnectionProvider::InvalidConnection | This class is used to mark invalid connections so they can be loaded and reported as invalid |
CConnectionProvider::UpdateOptionsInterface | Interface class inherited by connection classes that declare the AbstractConnection::CF_UPDATE_OPTIONS feature |