Qorus Integration Engine® Enterprise Edition 7.0.0_prod
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prop-v5.1.qsd File Reference



class  QorusSystemPropService
 system prop service More...

Detailed Description

DEPRECATED: API for accessing system properties/parameters

See also
QorusSystemPropService for method information
This service is now deprecated and only included for backwards compatibility; use prop_get() and prop_update() in internal code (or in the Qorus client) or the REST API to read, set, import, and export properties externally.

System properties are used for many settings in system services and can be used for user services and workflow settings as well (for example, to set usernames, passwords, hostnames, IP addresses, etc). System properties are stored in the SYSTEM_PROPERTIES table.

References to new, non-deprecated functionality are provided in the documentation below; however the following table provides a mapping:

Prop Method to Prop API Mapping


Function or API




GET /api/latest/system/props?action=export


PUT /api/latest/system/props?action=import


PUT /api/latest/system/props?action=reload

update(), updateMany()

prop_update(), REST API calls:
PUT /api/latest/system/props/{domain}?action=updateMany
PUT /api/latest/system/props/{domain}/{key}?action=set

Note that all values are stored serialized in YAML format in order to preserve type information. Serialized values up to 4000 bytes (after YAML serialization, which incurs a small overhead of at least 4 bytes) may be stored; trying to store a larger value will cause a PROP-ERROR exception to be raised. Domain and key lengths are limited to 240 bytes.

See also
  • oprop: a command-line program for reading and setting system properties