Qorus Integration Engine® Enterprise Edition 7.0.0_prod
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Data Model

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The following table gives an overview of the Qorus table structure.

Workflow Metadata

Name Description
ERROR_SEVERITY Gives valid severity levels for errors
FUNCTIONS Gives the type of functions that can be in the database
GLOBAL_WORKFLOW_ERRORS Holds global workflow error definition information
QUEUES Queue description table
QUEUE_DATA_STATUS Reference table for queue data dataus
QUEUE_TAGS Holds key-value pair information associated to queues
SEGMENT_ASYNC_LINK Defines the links between asynchronous segments
SEGMENT_DEPENDENCIES Defines dependencies between segments
SEGMENT_STEPS Defines the relationship between steps and segments
STEP_ARRAYTYPE Gives valid array types for array steps
STEP_CONFIG_ITEMS Defines step configuration items
STEP_STATUS Gives valid statues for step instances
STEP_TAGS Holds key-value pair information associated to steps
STEP_TYPE Reference table for step types
STEPS Top-level step definition (id, name, version, etc)
WORKFLOW_DEPENDENCIES Defines inter-workflow dependencies
WORKFLOW_ERRORS Holds workflow-specific error definition information
WORKFLOW_EVENT_TYPE_TAGS Holds key-value pair information associated to workflow event types
WORKFLOW_EVENT_TYPES Defines the possible workflow event types
WORKFLOW_GLOBAL_CONFIG_ITEMS Defines global configuration items with workflow-specific values
WORKFLOW_LIB Links workflows to code objects (classes, constants, and functions)
WORKFLOW_MAPPERS Links workflows to data mapper objects
WORKFLOW_OPTIONS Defines valid options per workflow and stores persistent workflow option values
WORKFLOW_STATUS Gives valid statuses for workflow order data instances
WORKFLOW_STEPS Defines the m:n relationship between workflows and steps
WORKFLOW_TAGS Holds key-value pair information associated to workflows
WORKFLOW_VMAPS Links workflows to value map objects
WORKFLOWS Top-level workflow definition (id, name, version, etc)

Workflow Order Data

Name Description
ERROR_INSTANCE Stores errors raised
ORDER_INSTANCE Stores the static and dynamic data for workflow order data instances, 1:1 relationship with WORKFLOW_INSTANCE as joined by the workflow_instanceid primary key
ORDER_INSTANCE_KEYS Stores user-defined keys for workflow order data instances
ORDER_INSTANCE_NOTES Stores user or system generated notes
QUEUE_DATA Stores asynchronous messages
SEGMENT_INSTANCE Per workflow instance, tracks state of segments
SENSITIVE_ORDER_DATA Encrypted sensitive order data
SENSITIVE_ORDER_DATA_KEYS Encrypted sensitive order data aliases
STEP_INSTANCE Per workflow and per segment instance, tracks the state of each step executed
STEP_INSTANCE_EVENTS Connects a step in a given workflow order data instance to a workflow event
SUBWORKFLOW_INSTANCE Matches subworkflow steps with their subworkflows
WORKFLOW_EVENTS Stores workflow synchronization event information, including the event type ID, the key name, and the posted status.
Data in this table is not necessarily associated to only one workflow order, but may be shared across any number of workflow orders of different workflow types
WORKFLOW_FEEDBACK Used to store feedback from child workflows
WORKFLOW_INSTANCE Top-level workflow order data instance state table

Library Object Tables

Name Description
FSM Contains Finite State Machine definitions
FUNCTION_INSTANCE Contains the definition of a function (id, name, version, logic, etc)
FUNCTION_INSTANCE_TAGS Holds key-value pair information associated to function instances
CLASSES Contains versioned user class definitions
CLASS_DEPENDENCIES Lists dependencies for classes that depend on other classes
CLASS_TAGS Holds key-value pair information associated to classes
CLASS_API_MANAGERS Holds the list of API managers associated with a class
CONSTANT_TAGS Holds key-value pair information associated to constants
CONSTANTS Contains versioned constant definitions
LIBRARY_TYPE Valid types of library objects
PIPELINES Contains data pipeline definitions

Service Tables

Name Description
SERVICE_AUTH_LABELS Defines authorization labels for HTTP handlers in services
SERVICE_CONFIG_ITEMS Defines service configuration items
SERVICE_GLOBAL_CONFIG_ITEMS Defines global configuration items with per-service values
SERVICE_LIB Links services to code objects (classes, constants, and functions)
SERVICE_MAPPERS Links services to data mapper objects
SERVICE_METHOD_TAGS Holds key-value pair information associated to service methods
SERVICE_METHODS Service method definitions (name, description, code, etc)
SERVICE_STATE_DATA Stores service state data for service recovery logic
SERVICE_TAGS Holds key-value pair information associated to services
SERVICE_TYPE Type of services possible (currently only system and user)
SERVICE_VMAPS Links services to value map objects
SERVICES Top-level service definition (type, name, description)L

Job Tables

Name Description
JOB_CONFIG_ITEMS Defines job configuration items
JOB_ERRORS Holds information about errors raised when jobs are executed
JOB_GLOBAL_CONFIG_ITEMS Defines global configuration items with per-job values
JOB_INSTANCE Tracks the status of processing jobs
JOB_LIB Lists code objects (classes, constants, and functions) that will be included in each job's Program object
JOB_MAPPERS Links jobs to data mapper objects
JOB_PERSISTENT_STATE_DATA Stores persistent job state data
JOB_STATE_DATA Stores job state data for job recovery logic
JOB_STATUS Static reference table giving valid statuses for job instance records
JOB_TAGS Holds key-value pair information associated to jobs
JOB_VMAPS Links jobs to value map objects
JOBS Job definition

Mapper Tables

Name Description
MAPPERS Defines data mapper objects
MAPPER_TAGS Holds key-value pair tag information associated to data mappers objects

Value Map Tables

Name Description
VALUE_MAPS Defines value map objects
VALUE_MAP_VALUES Holds key-value information associated to value map objects

SLA Tracking Tables

Name Description
SLA Defines SLAs
SLA_EVENTS Stores SLA events

User Connection Table

Name Description
CONNECTIONS Holds information about user connections

Cluster Table

Name Description
CLUSTER_PROCESSES Holds information about cluster processes

RBAC Tables

Name Description
EXTERNAL_USER_STORAGE Used to store server-side key/value storage associated with external RBAC users
GROUP_JOBS Defines the job members of interface groups
GROUP_MAPPERS Defines the mapper members of interface groups
GROUP_SERVICES Defines the service members of interface groups
GROUP_VMAPS Defines the value set members of interface groups
GROUP_WORKFLOWS Defines the workflow members of interface groups
GROUP_FSMS Defines the Finite State Machine members of interface groups
GROUP_PIPELINES Defines the data pipeline members of interface groups
GROUPS Defines Interface Groups
PERMISSION_TYPE Static reference table for SYSTEM and USER permission types
PERMISSIONS Defines valid RBAC Permissions
ROLE_PERMISSIONS Defines the n:m relationship between RBAC Roles and RBAC Permissions
ROLE_GROUP_ACCESS Defines the Interface Groups for RBAC Roles
ROLES Defines valid RBAC Roles
USER_ROLES Defines the n:m relationship between users and roles
USER_STORAGE Used to store the server-side key/value storage associated with each user
USERS Defines valid RBAC Users with username, name, and password

Data Type Table

Name Description
DATA_TYPES Stores data type information

System Tables

Name Description
SESSIONS Stores session information
SYSTEM_PROPERTIES Stores system property information

Audit Tables

Name Description
AUDIT_EVENT_CODES Lists possible audit event codes (see Audit Event Codes for the list of values in this reference table)
AUDIT_EVENTS Contains auditing events (see also Audit Events)