274 const DataSerializationSupport = ...;
277 const DeserializeYaml = ...;
279 const DeserializeXml = ...;
283 const AcceptList = ...;
287 const Accept = AcceptList.join(
290 const AcceptMap = map {$1: True}, AcceptList;
293 const Version =
299 const DefaultHeaders = ...;
303 const DefaultOAuth2RedirectUrl =
306 const DefaultOptions = ...;
320 const DataSerializationOptions = ...;
330 const EncodingSupport = ...;
334 const CompressionThreshold = 1024;
339 const OAuth2GrantOptions = ...;
343 const OAuth2AuthHeaders = ...;
347 const MinimumTokenRefresh = 1m;
395 bool oauth2_auto_refresh = True;
397 bool oauth2_token_auth_secret_only = False;
399 bool oauth2_token_use_basic_auth = False;
403 bool oauth2_pkce = False;
744 hash<auto>
string path,
auto body, *reference<hash<auto>> info, *hash<auto> hdr);
799 hash<auto>
string path,
auto body, *reference<hash<auto>> info, *hash<auto> hdr);
854 hash<auto>
string path,
auto body, *reference<hash<auto>> info, *hash<auto> hdr);
909 hash<auto>
string path,
auto body, *reference<hash<auto>> info, *hash<auto> hdr);
964 hash<auto>
string path,
auto body, *reference<hash<auto>> info, *hash<auto> hdr);
996 setToken(
string token_type,
string token, *
string refresh_token);
1069 hash<auto>
string m,
string path,
auto body, *reference<hash<auto>> info, softbool decode_errors = True, *hash<auto> hdr);
1074 bool needsRefresh(hash<ExceptionInfo> ex, *hash<auto> info,
bool decode_errors);
1083 bool isAuthTokenError(
int status_code, hash<auto> headers,
bool body_decoded, *
string body_content_type,
auto body);
1121 hash<auto>
string m,
string path,
auto body, *reference<hash<auto>> info, softbool decode_errors = True, *hash<auto> hdr, *
string assume_content_type);
1133 prepareToSend(
string method, reference<string> path, reference<auto> body, *reference<hash<auto>> hdr);
1139 hash<auto>
string m,
string path,
auto body, *reference<hash<auto>> info, softbool decode_errors = True, *hash<auto> hdr);
1219 hash<auto>
oauth2Auth(hash<auto> login, *reference<hash<auto>> info);
1265 nothing
string method,
string path, reference<auto> body, reference<hash<auto>> hdr,
string ct =
1283 hash<auto>
sendAndDecodeResponse(*data body,
string m,
string path, hash<auto> hdr, *reference<hash<auto>> info, *softbool decode_errors, *
string assume_content_type);
1431 constructor(
string name,
string description,
string url, hash<auto> attributes = {}, hash<auto> options = {})
1817 gotOAuth2LoginInfo(hash<auto> h);
auto preprocessRequestBody(auto request_body)
Preprocesses the request body before serialization.
*string getToken()
Returns any token set for the connection.
string oauth2_app
OAuth2 app name.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:407
*hash< auto > getUpdateOptionsAfterLogin(hash< auto > h)
Returns options to update after an OAuth2 login.
checkOAuth2Options(hash< auto > opts, *bool no_exceptions)
Validates and sets any OAuth2 options.
hash< auto > patch(string path, auto body, *reference< hash< auto > > info, *hash< auto > hdr)
sends an HTTP PATCH request to the REST server and returns the response
bool usingOAuth2()
Returns True if the client is configured for authentication with OAuth2.
hash< auto > getNewToken()
Get a new token from the server either with an OAuth2 token request or using the refresh token.
static tryDecodeErrorResponse(reference< hash< auto > > h, *reference< hash< auto > > info)
tries to decode an error response
string oauth2_grant_type
OAuth2 grant type.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:369
hash< auto > oauth2AuthIntern(hash< auto > login, *reference< hash< auto > > info)
Perform OAuth2 authentication.
string oauth2_redirect_url
OAuth2 redirect URL.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:383
hash< auto > sendAndDecodeResponse(*data body, string m, string path, hash< auto > hdr, *reference< hash< auto > > info, *softbool decode_errors, *string assume_content_type)
sends the outgoing HTTP message and recodes the response to data
hash< auto > loginIntern(*reference< hash< auto > > info)
Authenticates with OAuth2 if configured.
constructor(*hash< auto > opts, *softbool do_not_connect)
calls the base class HTTPClient constructor and optionally connects to the REST server
string token
Any token set for the connection; will be passed as a bearer token (Authorization: Bearer ....
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:391
hash< auto > post(string path, auto body, *reference< hash< auto > > info, *hash< auto > hdr)
sends an HTTP POST request to the REST server and returns the response
hash< auto > get(string path, auto body, *reference< hash< auto > > info, *hash< auto > hdr)
sends an HTTP GET request to the REST server and returns the response
bool needsRefresh(hash< ExceptionInfo > ex, *hash< auto > info, bool decode_errors)
Returns True if the request error indicates that a refresh operation should be performed.
setContentEncoding(string enc='auto')
sets the request and desired response encoding for the object; see EncodingSupport for valid options
hash< auto > getNewTokenIntern(*reference< hash< auto > > info)
Get a new token from the server.
hash< auto > gotOAuth2LoginInfo(hash< auto > h)
Called when OAuth2 login information has been received.
string oauth2_token_url
OAuth2 token URL.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:385
nothing preparePath(reference< string > path)
sets up the path for the HTTP request URI
setupAuth(hash< auto > opts, *bool no_exceptions)
Sets up authentication info.
hash< auto > getDefaultHeaders()
returns the hash of default headers to sent in all requests
hash< auto > del(string path, auto body, *reference< hash< auto > > info, *hash< auto > hdr)
sends an HTTP DELETE request to the REST server and returns the response
setOAuth2LoginInfo(hash< auto > h)
Sets options from the OAuth2 login response on the local object.
hash< auto > doOAuth2LoginRequest(string url, hash< auto > login, *reference< hash< auto > > info)
Returns the deserialized response body of an OAuth2 authorization / token request.
hash< auto > doValidatedRequest(string m, string path, auto body, *reference< hash< auto > > info, softbool decode_errors=True, *hash< auto > hdr)
The same as doRequest() except no schema validation is performed on the request.
string getTokenType()
Returns the token type for any token.
hash< auto > refreshTokenIntern(*reference< hash< auto > > info)
Gets a new token using the refresh token.
setLogger(*LoggerInterface logger)
Accepts a LoggerInterface object for logging (or clears it)
hash< auto > getOAuth2RefreshInfo()
Returns an OAuth2 refresh hash.
checkLogin(*reference< hash< auto > > info)
Checks if a login is necessary; if so, then the login is performed.
string oauth2_client_id
OAuth2 client ID.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:371
bool requiresOAuth2Token()
Returns True if the client requires an OAuth2 token.
hash< auto > oauth2Auth(hash< auto > login, *reference< hash< auto > > info)
Perform OAuth2 authentication.
bool isAuthTokenError(int status_code, hash< auto > headers, bool body_decoded, *string body_content_type, auto body)
Returns True if the response was related to an authorization token error.
string oauth2_client_secret
OAuth2 client secret.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:373
string token_type
The token type, if any.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:389
hash< auto > put(string path, auto body, *reference< hash< auto > > info, *hash< auto > hdr)
sends an HTTP PUT request to the REST server and returns the response
RestSchemaValidator::AbstractRestSchemaValidator getValidator()
returns the current validator object
setSerialization(string data='auto')
change the serialization option for the object; see DataSerializationOptions for valid options
Clears the connection path when a validator is present that manages the URI path.
string oauth2_alt_token_url
Alternate OAuth2 token URL.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:387
setSendEncoding(string enc='auto')
change the data content encoding (compression) option for the object
*hash< auto > oauth2_token_args
OAuth2 extra token args.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:379
static decodeError(hash< auto > h, *reference< hash< auto > > info)
decode any REST errors returned if possible
hash< auto > getOAuth2LoginInfo(string grant_type)
Returns an OAuth2 login hash.
setOAuth2Options(hash< auto > new_opts)
Sets OAuth2 options.
AbstractPollOperation startOAuth2AuthPoll(hash< auto > login)
Starts a non-blocking I/O operation to authenticate with an OAuth2 server and acquire an auth token.
AbstractPollOperation startOAuth2PollRefreshToken()
Starts an OAuth2 refresh token request in a non-blocking I/O operation.
hash< auto > processRestResponse(hash< auto > resp, string method, string path, *reference< hash< auto > > info)
Process the raw REST response received.
hash< auto > getOAuth2Options()
Return OAuth2 options.
*softlist< string > oauth2_scopes
OAuth2 scope.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:375
replaceDefaultHeaders(*hash< auto > hdr)
replaces default headers
hash< auto > doRequest(string m, string path, auto body, *reference< hash< auto > > info, softbool decode_errors=True, *hash< auto > hdr)
sends an HTTP request to the REST server and returns the response
setToken(string token_type, string token, *string refresh_token)
Sets a token for authentication.
string password
password for authentication
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:366
addDefaultHeaders(hash< auto > h)
adds default headers to each request
nothing prepareMsg(string method, string path, reference< auto > body, reference< hash< auto > > hdr, string ct='Content-Type')
sets up the Content-Type header and encodes any body for sending
*hash< auto > getOAuth2AuthHeaders()
Returns headers to use with OAuth2 authorization / token requests.
AbstractPollOperation startOAuth2PollSendRecv()
Starts an OAuth2 token request in a non-blocking I/O operation.
*hash< auto > oauth2_auth_args
OAuth2 extra auth args.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:377
string getSerialization()
returns the current data serialization format currently in effect for the object
*string getSendEncoding()
returns the current data content encoding (compression) object or NOTHING if no encoding option is se...
const Version
RestClient Version.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:293
string oauth2_auth_url
OAuth2 auth URL.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:381
string refresh_token
Any refresh token granted to the client.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:393
string username
username for authentication
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:364
prepareToSend(string method, reference< string > path, reference< auto > body, *reference< hash< auto > > hdr)
Prepares and processes message parameters for sending without sending the message.
date token_timestamp
Last timestamp for token acquisition.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:409
hash< auto > doRequestIntern(string m, string path, auto body, *reference< hash< auto > > info, softbool decode_errors=True, *hash< auto > hdr, *string assume_content_type)
Makes a REST request and returns the result.
setValidator(RestSchemaValidator::AbstractRestSchemaValidator validator)
Sets a new REST schema validator.
class for REST HTTP connections; returns RestClient::RestClient objects
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1376
bool hasDataProvider()
returns True, as this connection always returns a data provider with the getDataProvider() method
Flags a successful connection.
string getOAuth2OptionName(string opt)
Returns the OAuth2 option name for this connection.
performs the internal ping
const OptionList
object connection option list
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1393
constructor(string name, string description, string url, hash< auto > attributes={}, hash< auto > options={})
creates the RestConnection connection object
string getUrlOption(string opt, *bool allow_relative)
Returns the value of a URL option or throws an exception if not set.
hash< auto > real_opts
real options used when creating an object
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1380
setLogger(*LoggerInterface logger)
Accepts a LoggerInterface object for logging (or clears it)
const Options
object connection options
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1390
*string getPingPath()
Returns the ping path from the ping_path option.
*hash< auto > getConnectionOptions(*hash< auto > rtopts)
Returns options for creating a new connection.
hash< auto > getOAuth2Options()
Returns OAuth2 options in a standard format.
*hash< auto > processOAuth2TokenResponseImpl(hash< auto > resp)
Processes OAuth2 login responses and returns updated options.
string getAuthorizationCodeRequest(hash< AuthCodeInfo > info=< AuthCodeInfo >{})
Returns a URI for an authorization code request.
static softstring getUriValue(auto v)
Returns a value for use as a URI parameter.
auto getPingBody()
Returns the ping body from the ping_body option.
const OAuth2AuthRequestOptions
Options required for an OAuth2 authorization request.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1396
bool needs_auth
Connections needs authorization?
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1383
hash< ConnectionSchemeInfo > getConnectionSchemeInfoImpl()
Returns the ConnectionSchemeInfo hash for this object.
DataProvider::AbstractDataProvider getDataProvider(*hash< auto > constructor_options)
returns a data provider object for this connection
bool needsAuth()
Returns True if the connection requires OAuth2 authorization before it can be used.
Checks if the connection can theoretically communicate, if not, sets the connection as down.
Sets the auth code feature if supported.
string getAuthUrl(*bool allow_relative)
Returns the OAuth2 authorization URL or throws an exception if not set.
Qore::AbstractPollOperation startPollConnect()
Called to start a non-blocking polling ping operation on the remote REST server.
object getPollImpl()
Returns an unconnected object for a non-blocking poll operation.
*hash< string, bool > getFeaturesImpl()
Returns a list of connection-defined features.
static hash< auto > processOptions(string name, *hash< auto > opts)
processes options for the constructor
RestClient feature: OAuth2 Auth Code support.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1407
hash< auto > processOAuth2TokenResponse(hash< auto > resp)
Processes the OAuth2 token response.
string getUrlOptionIntern(string uri, *bool allow_relative)
Returns the value of a URL option.
Sets child data provider capabilities.
*hash< auto > getOAuth2AuthHeaders()
Returns headers to use with OAuth2 authorization / token requests.
RestClient getImpl(bool connect=True, *hash< auto > rtopts)
returns a RestClient object
Sets features during REST client initialization.
Flags an authorization failure.
Common REST client initialization.
hash< auto > getOptions()
gets options
const OAuth2Options
All OAuth2 options.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1400
const ConnectionScheme
Connection entry info.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1386
hash< string, bool > features
Hash of supported features.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1411
string getType()
returns "rest"
string getTokenUrl(*bool allow_relative)
Returns the OAuth2 token URL or throws an exception if not set.
constructor(hash< auto > config, *hash< auto > attr)
creates the RestConnection connection object
REST ping polling I/O class with OAuth2 authentication.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1725
OAuth2 refresh token state.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1735
*hash< SocketPollInfo > continuePoll()
Returns a hash to be used for I/O polling or NOTHING in case the poll operation is complete.
bool in_refresh
token refresh flag
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1778
RestConnection conn
The REST connection.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1745
string state
Current state.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1772
string path
The URI path to use.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1763
string getGoal()
Returns the goal.
OAuth2 get token state.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1732
hash< auto > real_opts
RestClient options.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1751
Retrieve Swagger schema.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1729
RestClient rc
The RestClient object to use for polling I/O.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1748
Complete state.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1741
bool use_path_as_is
Use path directly / ping path already prepared.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1781
*hash< auto > headers
Headers to send.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1769
Execute ping request.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1738
bool goalReached()
Returns True when the goal as been reached.
AbstractPollOperation poller
The polling object.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1754
*auto body
The message body to send.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1766
bool goal_reached
Goal reached flag.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1757
string getState()
Returns the current state.
string method
The HTTP method to use.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:1760
Mutex m()
Lock for atomicity.
constructor(RestConnection conn, RestClient rc, hash< auto > real_opts)
Creates the poller with the REST client and option hash.
the RestClient namespace contains all the objects in the RestClient module
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:251
Hash to use for generating authorization code requests.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:255
*string redirect_uri
To override the redirect_uri; if not set, the oauth2_redirect_url option will be used instead.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:260
*list< string > scopes
Scopes to use in the request; if not set, the oauth2_scopes option will be used instead.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:263
string response_type
The response type value to use in the request.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:257
*string state
The state value to use in the request.
Definition RestClient.qm.dox.h:266