Qore GoogleRestClient Module Reference 1.0
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GoogleRestClient Introduction

The GoogleRestClient module provides an API for calling Google REST API services.

To use this module, use "%requires GoogleRestClient" in your code.

All the public symbols in the module are defined in the GoogleRestClient namespace.

The main classes are:

  • GoogleRestClient: this class provides the REST client API for communuication with the Google REST API; it also automates authentication and authorization to the target
  • GoogleRestConnection: provides a REST connection object to Google cloud services (based on the ConnectionProvider module)
#!/usr/bin/env qore
%requires GoogleRestClient
%requires ConnectionProvider
GoogleRestClient rest = get_connection("my-google-connection");
hash<auto> ans = rest.get("/calendar/users/me/calendarList");
printf("%N\n", ans.body);

Release Notes

GoogleRestClient v1.0

  • the initial version of the GoogleRestClient module