Qore GoogleCalendarDataProvider Module Reference 2.0
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Qore GoogleCalendarDataProvider module definition

Introduction to the GoogleCalendarDataProvider Module

The GoogleCalendarDataProvider module provides a data provider API for Google cloud REST API services.

This data provider provides Google API access to the complete Google calendar API as defined by Google's Discovery API; some example data providers are listed below:

  • calendarList:
    • calendarList/delete
    • calendarList/get
    • calendarList/insert
    • calendarList/list
    • calendarList/patch
    • calendarList/update
  • calendars:
    • delete
    • get
    • insert
    • list
    • patch
    • update
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/clear
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/delete
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/get
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/patch
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/update
  • acl:
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/acl/delete
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/acl/get
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/acl/insert
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/acl/list
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/acl/patch
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/acl/update
  • calendar events:
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/events/delete
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/events/get
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/events/import
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/events/insert
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/events/instances
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/events/list
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/events/move
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/events/patch
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/events/quickAdd
    • calendars/<calendar_id>/events/update

To use this data provider, you will need a connection that has already executed the OAuth2 authorization code flow and acquired a token to communicate with the Google API.

Google Calendar Data Provider Factory

The name of the Google calendar data provider factory is gcal.

Google Calendar Data Provider Examples

These examples are with qdp, the command-line interface to the Data Provider API.

API Example: Retrieve Metadata for All Calendars
qdp gcal-conn/calendarList/list dor
API Example: Retrieve Metadata for the Primary Calendar
qdp gcal-conn/calendars/primary/get dor
API Example: Update Calendar Description
qdp gcal-conn/calendars/calendar_name/patch dor description="new description"
API Example: Retrieve Calendar Event
qdp gcal-conn/calendars/primary/events/get dor id=event_id
API Example: Quick Add a Calendar Event
qdp gcal-conn/calendars/primary/events/quickAdd dor text="Lunch at Burger Bar from 12:30-13:30 today"
API Example: Update a Calendar Event
qdp gcal-conn/calendars/primary/events/update dor id=event_id,summary="Lunch Today"
API Example: Delete a Calendar Event
qdp gcal-conn/calendars/primary/events/delete dor id=event_id

Release Notes

GoogleCalendarDataProvider v2.0

  • split to a separate module
  • refactored to be generated from the Discovery API
  • added support for the data provider action catalog API (issue 4808)

GoogleCalendarDataProvider v1.0

  • initial release of the module