36#include <qore/AbstractQoreNode.h>
47 return n ? (unsigned)n->
size() : 0;
55 return n ? (unsigned)n->
size() : 0;
66 if (!n)
return nullptr;
98#define HARD_QORE_VALUE_OR_NOTHING_PARAM(name, Type, list, i) Type* name = get_hard_value_or_nothing_param<Type>(list, i)
101#define HARD_QORE_VALUE_PARAM(name, Type, list, i) Type* name = get_hard_value_param(list, i).get<Type>()
104#define HARD_QORE_VALUE_INT(list, i) get_hard_value_param(list, i).getAsBigInt()
107#define HARD_QORE_VALUE_FLOAT(list, i) get_hard_value_param(list, i).getAsFloat()
110#define HARD_QORE_VALUE_NUMBER(list, i) get_hard_value_param(list, i).get<const QoreNumberNode>()
113#define HARD_QORE_VALUE_BOOL(list, i) get_hard_value_param(list, i).getAsBool()
116#define HARD_QORE_VALUE_STRING(list, i) get_hard_value_param(list, i).get<const QoreStringNode>()
119#define HARD_QORE_VALUE_DATE(list, i) get_hard_value_param(list, i).get<const DateTimeNode>()
122#define HARD_QORE_VALUE_BINARY(list, i) get_hard_value_param(list, i).get<const BinaryNode>()
125#define HARD_QORE_VALUE_LIST(list, i) get_hard_value_param(list, i).get<const QoreListNode>()
128#define HARD_QORE_VALUE_HASH(list, i) get_hard_value_param(list, i).get<const QoreHashNode>()
131#define HARD_QORE_VALUE_REF(list, i) get_hard_value_param(list, i).get<const ReferenceNode>()
134#define HARD_QORE_VALUE_OBJECT(list, i) const_cast<QoreObject*>(get_hard_value_param(list, i).get<const QoreObject>())
137#define HARD_QORE_VALUE_OBJ_DATA(vname, Type, list, i, cid, dname, cname, xsink) HARD_QORE_VALUE_PARAM(obj_##vname, const QoreObject, list, i); Type* vname = reinterpret_cast<Type*>(obj_##vname->getReferencedPrivateData(cid, xsink)); if (!vname && !*xsink) xsink->raiseException("OBJECT-ALREADY-DELETED", "cannot complete call setup to %s() because parameter %d (<class %s>) has already been deleted", cname, i + 1, dname)
140#define TAKE_HARD_QORE_VALUE_OBJ_DATA(vname, Type, list, i, cid, dname, cname, xsink) HARD_QORE_VALUE_PARAM(obj_##vname, const QoreObject, list, i); Type* vname = reinterpret_cast<Type*>(const_cast<QoreObject*>(obj_##vname)->getAndClearPrivateData(cid, xsink)); if (!vname && !*xsink) xsink->raiseException("OBJECT-ALREADY-DELETED", "cannot complete call setup to %s() because parameter %d (<class %s>) has already been deleted", cname, i + 1, dname); else if (vname) const_cast<QoreObject*>(obj_##vname)->doDelete(xsink)
143#define HARD_QORE_VALUE_OBJ_OR_NOTHING_DATA(vname, Type, list, i, cid, xsink) HARD_QORE_VALUE_OR_NOTHING_PARAM(obj_##vname, const QoreObject, list, i); Type* vname = obj_##vname ? reinterpret_cast<Type*>(obj_##vname->getReferencedPrivateData(cid, xsink)) : 0;
DLLEXPORT const QoreEncoding * QCS_DEFAULT
the default encoding for the Qore library
DLLEXPORT QoreEncodingManager QEM
the QoreEncodingManager object
defines string encoding functions in Qore
Definition QoreEncoding.h:83
static DLLEXPORT const QoreEncoding * findCreate(const char *name)
finds an encoding if it exists (also looks up against alias names) and creates a new one if it doesn'...
This is the list container type in Qore, dynamically allocated only, reference counted.
Definition QoreListNode.h:52
DLLEXPORT size_t size() const
returns the number of elements in the list
DLLEXPORT QoreValue retrieveEntry(size_t index)
returns the element at "index" (first element is index 0)
DLLLOCAL detail::QoreValueCastHelper< T >::Result get()
returns the value as the given type
Definition QoreValue.h:214
DLLEXPORT qore_type_t getType() const
returns the type of value contained
Qore's string value type, reference counted, dynamically-allocated only.
Definition QoreStringNode.h:50
parse type: reference to a lvalue expression
Definition ReferenceNode.h:45
const qore_type_t NT_REFERENCE
type value for ReferenceNode
Definition node_types.h:64
static T * get_hard_value_or_nothing_param(const QoreListNode *n, size_t i)
returns the given type for hard typed parameters
Definition params.h:86
static QoreValue get_hard_value_param(const QoreListNode *n, size_t i)
returns the given type for hard typed parameters
Definition params.h:92
static unsigned num_args(const QoreListNode *n)
returns the number of arguments passed to the function
Definition params.h:46
static unsigned num_params(const QoreListNode *n)
returns the number of arguments passed to the function
Definition params.h:54
static const ReferenceNode * test_reference_param(const QoreListNode *n, size_t i)
returns a ReferenceNode pointer for the argument position given or 0 if there is no argument there or...
Definition params.h:65
static const QoreEncoding * get_value_encoding_param(const QoreListNode *n, size_t i, const QoreEncoding *def=QCS_DEFAULT)
returns the QoreEncoding corresponding to the string passed or a default encoding
Definition params.h:146
#define HARD_QORE_VALUE_STRING(list, i)
returns a const QoreStringNode* from a hard typed string param
Definition params.h:116
static QoreValue get_param_value(const QoreListNode *n, size_t i)
returns the argument in the position given or 0 if there is none
Definition params.h:78
#define HARD_QORE_VALUE_PARAM(name, Type, list, i)
returns a hard typed parameter
Definition params.h:101
The main value class in Qore, designed to be passed by value.
Definition QoreValue.h:279