Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- t -
- take() : Qore::TreeMap
- toBase() : <float>, <int>, <number>
- toBase64() : <binary>, <string>
- toBase64Url() : <binary>, <string>
- toBinary() : <string>
- toBool() : <value>
- toFloat() : <value>
- toHex() : <binary>, <string>
- toInt() : <string>, <value>
- toMD5() : <binary>, <string>
- toNumber() : <value>
- toSHA1() : <binary>, <string>
- toSHA224() : <binary>, <string>
- toSHA256() : <binary>, <string>
- toSHA384() : <binary>, <string>
- toSHA512() : <binary>, <string>
- toString() : Qore::SQL::DatasourcePool, Qore::Thread::ThreadPool, <binary>, <number>, <value>
- toUnicode() : <int>
- transactionTid() : Qore::SQL::Datasource
- tryEnter() : Qore::Thread::Gate
- trylock() : Qore::Thread::AutoLock, Qore::Thread::Mutex
- tryReadLock() : Qore::Thread::RWLock
- tryWriteLock() : Qore::Thread::RWLock
- type() : <value>
- typeCode() : <binary>, <bool>, <callref>, <closure>, <date>, <float>, <hash>, <int>, <list>, <nothing>, <number>, <object>, <string>, <value>