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Qore Programming Language 1.19.5
This is the complete list of members for QoreFtpClient, including all inherited members.
connect(ExceptionSink *xsink) | QoreFtpClient | |
cwd(const char *dir, ExceptionSink *xsink) | QoreFtpClient | |
del(const char *file, ExceptionSink *xsink) | QoreFtpClient | |
disconnect() | QoreFtpClient | |
get(const char *remotepath, const char *localname, ExceptionSink *xsink) | QoreFtpClient | |
get(const char *remotepath, OutputStream *os, ExceptionSink *xsink) | QoreFtpClient | |
getAsBinary(const char *remotepath, ExceptionSink *xsink) | QoreFtpClient | |
getAsString(const char *remotepath, ExceptionSink *xsink) | QoreFtpClient | |
getAsString(ExceptionSink *xsink, const char *remotepath, const QoreEncoding *encoding=QCS_DEFAULT) | QoreFtpClient | |
getControlPeerInfo(ExceptionSink *xsink, bool host_lookup) const | QoreFtpClient | |
getControlSocketInfo(ExceptionSink *xsink, bool host_lookup) const | QoreFtpClient | |
getDataPeerInfo(ExceptionSink *xsink, bool host_lookup) const | QoreFtpClient | |
getDataSocketInfo(ExceptionSink *xsink, bool host_lookup) const | QoreFtpClient | |
getHostName() const | QoreFtpClient | |
getMode() const | QoreFtpClient | |
getNetworkFamily() const | QoreFtpClient | |
getPassword() const | QoreFtpClient | |
getPort() const | QoreFtpClient | |
getSSLCipherName() const | QoreFtpClient | |
getSSLCipherVersion() const | QoreFtpClient | |
getTimeout() const | QoreFtpClient | |
getURL() const | QoreFtpClient | |
getUserName() const | QoreFtpClient | |
isDataSecure() const | QoreFtpClient | |
isSecure() const | QoreFtpClient | |
list(const char *path, bool long_list, ExceptionSink *xsink) | QoreFtpClient | |
mkdir(const char *remotepath, ExceptionSink *xsink) | QoreFtpClient | |
priv | QoreFtpClient | private |
put(const char *localpath, const char *remotename, ExceptionSink *xsink) | QoreFtpClient | |
put(InputStream *is, const char *remotename, ExceptionSink *xsink) | QoreFtpClient | |
putData(const void *data, size_t len, const char *remotename, ExceptionSink *xsink) | QoreFtpClient | |
pwd(ExceptionSink *xsink) | QoreFtpClient | |
QoreFtpClient(const QoreString *url, ExceptionSink *xsink) | QoreFtpClient | |
QoreFtpClient() | QoreFtpClient | |
rename(const char *from, const char *to, ExceptionSink *xsink) | QoreFtpClient | |
rmdir(const char *remotepath, ExceptionSink *xsink) | QoreFtpClient | |
sendControlMessage(const char *cmd, const char *arg, ExceptionSink *xsink) | QoreFtpClient | |
setControlEventQueue(ExceptionSink *xsink, Queue *q, QoreValue arg, bool with_data) | QoreFtpClient | |
setDataEventQueue(ExceptionSink *xsink, Queue *q, QoreValue arg, bool with_data) | QoreFtpClient | |
setEventQueue(ExceptionSink *xsink, Queue *q, QoreValue arg, bool with_data) | QoreFtpClient | |
setHostName(const char *h) | QoreFtpClient | |
setInsecure() | QoreFtpClient | |
setInsecureData() | QoreFtpClient | |
setModeAuto() | QoreFtpClient | |
setModeEPSV() | QoreFtpClient | |
setModePASV() | QoreFtpClient | |
setModePORT() | QoreFtpClient | |
setNetworkFamily(int family) | QoreFtpClient | |
setPassword(const char *p) | QoreFtpClient | |
setPort(int p) | QoreFtpClient | |
setSecure() | QoreFtpClient | |
setTimeout(int timeout_ms) | QoreFtpClient | |
setURL(const QoreString *url, ExceptionSink *xsink) | QoreFtpClient | |
setUserName(const char *u) | QoreFtpClient | |
verifyPeerCertificate() const | QoreFtpClient | |
~QoreFtpClient() | QoreFtpClient |