►Ndetail | Namespace for implementation details of QoreValue functions |
CQoreValueCastHelper | Used in QoreValue::get() |
CQoreValueCastHelper< bool > | Used in QoreValue::get() |
CQoreValueCastHelper< double > | Used in QoreValue::get() |
CQoreValueCastHelper< int64 > | Used in QoreValue::get() |
CAbstractCallReferenceNode | Base class for call references, reference-counted, dynamically allocated only |
CAbstractException | Abstract base class for c++ Exceptions in the Qore library |
CAbstractPrivateData | Base class for all data to be used as private data of Qore objects |
CAbstractQoreClassUserData | Abstract class for class-specific external user data |
CAbstractQoreNode | The base class for all value and parse types in Qore expression trees |
CAbstractQoreProgramExternalData | Abstract class for program-specific external data |
CAbstractQoreThreadResource | This class is used by the AbstractThreadResource Qore class to execute the cleanup method |
CAbstractThreadResource | Base class for saving data using Qore's thread resource management system |
CAtomicEnvironmentSetter | Class allowing for multiple updates to the system environment within a single lock in a thread-safe way, can be used on the stack |
CAutoLocker | Safe and exception-safe way to hold locks in Qore, only to be used on the stack, cannot be dynamically allocated |
CAutoUnlocker | Safe and exception-safe way to release and re-acquire locks in Qore, only to be used on the stack, cannot be dynamically allocated |
CAutoVLock | AutoVLock is a container for safely managing global variable and object lock handovers, required for functions accessing global variables and object data where locking is necessary |
CBinaryInputStream | Private data for the Qore::BinaryInputStream class |
CBinaryNode | Holds arbitrary binary data |
CBinaryOutputStream | Private data for the Qore::BinaryOutputStream class |
CBufferedStreamReader | Private data for the Qore::BufferedStreamReader class |
CBuiltinFunctionExternalVariant | External function variable |
CConstHashIterator | Constant iterator class for QoreHashNode, to be only created on the stack |
CConstListIterator | For use on the stack only: iterates through elements of a const QoreListNode |
CCounter | This is the implementation of the "Counter" Qore class (private data) |
Ccstr_vector_t | Non-thread-safe vector for storing "char*" that you want to delete |
CCurrentProgramRuntimeExternalParseContextHelper | Allows for the parse lock for the current program to be acquired by binary modules |
CDataLineIterator | Private data for the Qore::DataLineIterator class |
CDatasource | Base class for accessing databases in Qore through a Qore DBI driver |
CDateTime | Holds absolute and relative date/time values in Qore with precision to the microsecond |
CDateTimeNode | Qore's parse tree/value type for date-time values, reference-counted, dynamically-allocated only |
CDateTimeNodeValueHelper | Manages calls to AbstractQoreNode::getDateTimeRepresentation() when a DateTimeNode value is required |
CDateTimeValueHelper | Manages calls to AbstractQoreNode::getDateTimeRepresentation() when a simple DateTime value is required |
CDBIDriver | This class provides the internal link to the database driver for Qore's DBI layer |
CDBIDriverList | This class is used to register and find DBI drivers loaded in qore |
CEncodingConversionInputStream | Private data for the Qore::EncodingConversionInputStream class |
CEncodingConversionOutputStream | Private data for the Qore::EncodingConversionOutputStream class |
CExceptionSink | Container for holding Qore-language exception information and also for registering a "thread_exit" call |
CFeatureList | STL-like list containing all presently-loaded Qore features |
CFileInputStream | Private data for the Qore::FileInputStream class |
CFileLineIterator | Private data for the Qore::FileLineIterator class |
CFileOutputStream | Private data for the Qore::FileOutputStream class |
Cfree_ptr | Functor template for calling free() on pointers |
CFunctionCallReferenceNode | Call reference to a user function |
CHashAssignmentHelper | Use this class to make assignments to hash keys from a pointer to the key value |
CHashIterator | Iterator class for QoreHashNode, to be only created on the stack |
CInputStream | Interface for private data of input streams |
CInputStreamLineIterator | Private data for the Qore::InputStreamLineIterator class |
CInputStreamWrapper | Implements the private data for all subclasses of Qore::InputStream implemented in the Qore language |
CListIterator | For use on the stack only: iterates through a the elements of a QoreListNode |
CLocalFunctionCallReferenceNode | Call reference to a user function from within the same QoreProgram object |
CLocalMethodCallReferenceNode | Call reference to a static user method |
CLocalStaticMethodCallReferenceNode | Call reference to a static user method |
Cltchar | For char less-than comparisons |
Cltcstrcase | For simple c-string case-insensitive less-than comparisons |
Cltstr | For simple c-string less-than comparisons |
Cltstrcase | For std::string case-insensitive less-than comparisons |
CModuleManager | Manages the loading of Qore modules from feature or path names. Also manages adding module changes into QoreProgram objects |
CObjScopeGuardImpl0 | Scope guard class |
CObjScopeGuardImpl1 | Scope guard class |
CObjScopeGuardImpl2 | Scope guard class |
COptLocker | Safe and exception-safe way to hold optional locks in Qore, only to be used on the stack, cannot be dynamically allocated |
COutputStream | Interface for private data of output streams |
COutputStreamWrapper | Implements the private data for all subclasses of Qore::OutputStream implemented in the Qore language |
CParseOptionMap | Access to parse option information |
CPipeInputStream | Private data for the Qore::PipeInputStream class |
CPipeOutputStream | Private data for the Qore::PipeOutputStream class |
CPrivateDataRefHolder | Convenience class for holding AbstractPrivateData references |
CProgramRuntimeExternalParseContextHelper | Allows for the parse lock for the current program to be acquired by binary modules |
Cq_user_tld | Data structure for user thread-local data |
Cqore_dbi_method_list | This is the data structure Qore DBI drivers will use to pass the supported DBI methods |
Cqore_i2_u | Used to swap 2-byte integers |
Cqore_i4_u | Used to swap byte order of 4-byte values |
Cqore_i8_u | Used to swap byte order of 8-byte values |
Cqore_mod_api_compat_s | Element of qore_mod_api_list; |
Cqore_option_s | Definition of the elements in the qore_option_list |
Cqore_tm | For returning broken-down time information |
Cqore_value_u | This is the union that stores values in QoreValue |
CQoreAddrInfo | Interface to getaddrinfo |
CQoreAutoRWReadLocker | Safe and exception-safe way to hold read locks in Qore, only to be used on the stack, cannot be dynamically allocated |
CQoreAutoRWWriteLocker | Safe and exception-safe way to hold write locks in Qore, only to be used on the stack, cannot be dynamically allocated |
CQoreBreakpoint | Class implementing breakpoint for debugging |
CQoreBuiltinClass | Creates a builtin class |
CQoreCallStack | Qore call stack |
CQoreCallStackElement | Call stack element; strings must be in the default encoding for the Qore process |
CQoreClass | Defines a Qore-language class |
CQoreClassConstantIterator | Iterates class constants |
CQoreClassDestructorHierarchyIterator | Iterates the class hierarchy in the order of destructor execution |
CQoreClassHierarchyIterator | Iterates the class hierarchy in the order of constructor execution |
CQoreClassHolder | Allows for temporary storage of a QoreClass pointer |
CQoreClassMemberIterator | Iterates normal (non-static) members of a class |
CQoreClassStaticMemberIterator | Iterates static members of a class |
CQoreCondition | Thread condition class implementing a wrapper for pthread_cond_t |
CQoreCounter | Simple thread-safe counter object; objects can block on it until the counter reaches zero |
CQoreDebugProgram | Supports parsing and executing Qore-language code, reference counted, dynamically-allocated only |
CQoreDeserializationContext | Deserialization context object used in builtin deserializer methods |
CQoreDir | Controlled access to the filesystem through directories |
CQoreEncoding | Defines string encoding functions in Qore |
CQoreEncodingManager | Manages encodings in Qore |
CQoreExternalConstant | External wrapper class for constants |
CQoreExternalMemberBase | External wrapper base class for class and hashdecl members |
CQoreExternalMemberVarBase | External wrapper base class for class members |
CQoreExternalMethodVariant | External wrapper class for method variants |
CQoreExternalNormalMember | External wrapper base class for class normal members |
CQoreExternalProgramCallContextHelper | Allows the program call context to be set by external modules |
CQoreExternalProgramContextHelper | Allows a program to be used and guarantees that it will stay valid until the destructor is run if successfully acquired in the constructor |
CQoreExternalProgramLocation | External wrapper class for source code location information |
CQoreExternalProgramLocationWrapper | Returns a custom Qore program location for external modules to generate runtime exceptions with the source location |
CQoreExternalRuntimeStackLocationHelper | Sets the stack location for external modules providing language support |
CQoreExternalStackLocation | Stack location element abstract class for external binary modules |
CQoreExternalStaticMember | External wrapper base class for class static members |
CQoreExternalVariant | External wrapper class for function and call variants |
CQoreFile | Controlled access to file data through Qore data structures |
CQoreForeignThreadHelper | Use this class to temporarily register and deregister a foreign thread to allow Qore code to be executed and the Qore library to be used from threads not created by the Qore library |
CQoreFtpClient | Thread-safe access to FTP servers through Qore data structures |
CQoreHashNode | This is the hash or associative list container type in Qore, dynamically allocated only, reference counted |
CQoreHTTPClient | Way to communicate with HTTP servers using Qore data structures |
CQoreHttpClientObject | Way to communicate with HTTP servers using Qore data structures |
CQoreIteratorBase | Abstract base class for iterator private data |
CQoreListNode | This is the list container type in Qore, dynamically allocated only, reference counted |
CQoreListNodeEvalOptionalRefHolder | For use on the stack only: manages result of the optional evaluation of a QoreListNode |
CQoreMethod | Method in a QoreClass |
CQoreMethodIterator | To be used to iterate through a class's normal (non-static) methods |
CQoreModuleInfo | Qore module info |
CQoreNamespace | Constants, classes, and subnamespaces in QoreProgram objects |
CQoreNamespaceClassIterator | Allows classes in a namespace to be iterated |
CQoreNamespaceConstantIterator | Allows constants in a namespace to be iterated |
CQoreNamespaceConstIterator | Allows all namespaces of a namespace to be iterated (including the namespace passed in the constructor) |
CQoreNamespaceFunctionIterator | Allows functions in a namespace to be iterated |
CQoreNamespaceGlobalVarIterator | Allows global variables in a namespace to be iterated |
CQoreNamespaceIterator | Allows all namespaces of a namespace to be iterated (including the namespace passed in the constructor) |
CQoreNamespaceNamespaceIterator | Allows local namespaces to be iterated |
CQoreNamespaceTypedHashIterator | Allows typed hashes (hashdecls) in a namespace to be iterated |
CQoreNodeAsStringHelper | Safely manages the return values to AbstractQoreNode::getAsString(), stack only, cannot be dynamically allocated |
CQoreNothingNode | Qore's "NOTHING" parse tree/value type, not-referenced counted, not dynamically allocated |
CQoreNullNode | Qore's SQL "NULL" parse tree/value type, not-referenced counted, not dynamically allocated |
CQoreNumberNode | Qore's arbitrary-precision number value type, dynamically-allocated only, reference counted |
CQoreNumberNodeHelper | Manages conversions of a QoreValue to a QoreNumberNode |
CQoreObject | Implementation of Qore's object data type, reference counted, dynamically-allocated only |
CQoreObjectContextHelper | Allows binary code to set the current object and class context |
CQoreObjectWeakRefHolder | Convenience class for holding temporary / weak references to objects |
CQoreParentClassIterator | Iterates parent classes for a class with inheritance access information |
CQoreProgram | Supports parsing and executing Qore-language code, reference counted, dynamically-allocated only |
CQoreProgramContextHelper | Allows for external modules to set the current Program context explicitly |
CQoreProgramHelper | Safely manages QoreProgram objects; note the the destructor will block until all background threads in the qore library terminate and until the current QoreProgram terminates |
CQoreRecursiveThreadLock | Implements a recursive lock |
CQoreReferenceCounter | Atomic reference counting to Qore objects |
CQoreRWLock | Simple POSIX-threads-based read-write lock |
CQoreSafeRWReadLocker | Safe and exception-safe way to hold read locks in Qore, only to be used on the stack, cannot be dynamically allocated |
CQoreSafeRWWriteLocker | Safe and exception-safe way to hold write locks in Qore, only to be used on the stack, cannot be dynamically allocated |
CQoreSerializationContext | Serialization context object used in builtin serializer methods |
CQoreSimpleValue | Base value class; parent of QoreValue; designed to be passed by value |
CQoreSocket | Access to sockets using Qore data structures |
CQoreSourceLocation | Qore source location; strings must be in the default encoding for the Qore process |
CQoreSSLBase | Offers static functions to help with translating openssl data structures to Qore data structures |
CQoreSSLCertificate | X509 certificate, reference-counted, dynamically-allocated only |
CQoreSSLPrivateKey | Access to a private key data structure for SSL connections |
CQoreStackLocation | Stack location element abstract class |
CQoreStandardException | Abstract base class for c++ Exceptions in the Qore library |
CQoreStaticMethodIterator | To be used to iterate through a class's static methods |
CQoreString | Qore's string type supported by the QoreEncoding class |
CQoreStringNode | Qore's string value type, reference counted, dynamically-allocated only |
CQoreStringNodeValueHelper | This class is used to safely manage calls to AbstractQoreNode::getStringRepresentation() when a QoreStringNode value is needed, stack only, may not be dynamically allocated |
CQoreStringValueHelper | This class is used to safely manage calls to AbstractQoreNode::getStringRepresentation() when a simple QoreString value is needed, stack only, may not be dynamically allocated |
CQoreThreadLocalStorage | Access to thread-local storage |
CQoreThreadLock | Mutually-exclusive thread lock |
CQoreTypeSafeReferenceHelper | Helper class to manage variable references passed to functions and class methods, stack only, cannot be dynamically allocated |
CQoreURL | Helps with parsing URLs and provides access to URL components through Qore data structures |
CQoreValue | The main value class in Qore, designed to be passed by value |
CQoreXSinkException | Class for C++ exception based on an ExceptionSink object |
CReferenceArgumentHelper | Allows a reference to be passed as an argument to Qore code |
CReferenceHolder | Templated class to manage a reference count of an object that can throw a Qore-language exception when dereferenced |
CReferenceNode | Parse type: reference to a lvalue expression |
CRefHolder | Templated class for ScopeGuard to hold a c++ reference |
CResolvedCallReferenceNode | Base class for resolved call references |
CReverseConstHashIterator | Reverse constant iterator class for QoreHashNode, to be only created on the stack |
CReverseHashIterator | Reverse iterator class for QoreHashNode, to be only created on the stack |
Crobject_dereference_helper | |
CRootQoreNamespace | Root namespace of a QoreProgram object |
CRunTimeObjectMethodReferenceNode | Run-time call reference to a method of a particular object |
CRunTimeResolvedMethodReferenceNode | Run-time call reference to a method of a particular object where the method's class |
CSafeDerefHelper | Helps dereference values outside of locks |
CSafeLocker | Exception-safe way to manage locks in Qore, only to be used on the stack, cannot be dynamically allocated |
CScopeGuardImpl0 | Scope guard class |
CScopeGuardImpl1 | Scope guard class |
CScopeGuardImpl2 | Scope guard class |
CScopeGuardImpl3 | Scope guard class |
CScopeGuardImplBase | Scope guard class |
CSetSelfFunctionCallNode | Used in arguments background expressions to ensure that the object context is set for the call |
Csimple_delete | Functor template for deleting elements |
Csimple_deref | Functor template for dereferencing elements |
CSimpleQoreNode | The base class for all types in Qore expression trees that cannot throw an exception when deleted |
CSimpleRefHolder | Manages a reference count of a pointer to a class that takes a simple "deref()" call with no arguments |
CSimpleValueQoreNode | Base class for simple value types |
CSocketSource | Helper class for getting socket origination information |
CSQLStatement | This is the public class for DBI drivers supporting Qore's new prepared statement API |
CStderrOutputStream | Private data for the Qore::StderrOutputStream class |
CStdoutOutputStream | Private data for the Qore::StdoutOutputStream class |
CStreamBase | Base class for private data of stream implementations in C++ |
CStreamPipe | Private data for the Qore::StreamPipe class |
CStreamReader | Private data for the Qore::StreamReader class |
CStreamWriter | Private data for the Qore::StreamWriter class |
CStringInputStream | Private data for the Qore::StringInputStream class |
CStringOutputStream | Private data for the Qore::StringOutputStream class |
CSystemEnvironment | Class used to safely manipulate the system environment |
CTempEncodingHelper | Use this class to manage strings where the character encoding must be specified and may be different than the actual encoding in the string |
CTempString | Class used to hold a possibly temporary QoreString pointer, stack only, cannot be dynamically allocated |
CThreadCleanupList | List of functions to be run when a thread ends; required for some external libraries that require explicit cleanup when a thread terminates |
CTransform | Interface for private data of transformations |
CTryPrivateDataRefHolder | Convenience class for holding AbstractPrivateData references |
CTypedHashDecl | Typed hash declaration |
CTypedHashDeclHolder | Allows for temporary storage of a TypedHashDecl pointer |
CTypedHashDeclMemberIterator | Allows iteration of a hashdecl's members |
CUniqueDirectoryList | Non-thread-safe unique list of strings of directory names |
CUniqueValueQoreNode | This class is for value types that will exists only once in the Qore library, reference counting is disabled |
CUnresolvedProgramCallReferenceNode | Unresolved call reference, only present temporarily in the parse tree |
CUnresolvedStaticMethodCallReferenceNode | Unresolved static method call reference, only present temporarily in the parse tree |
CValueEvalOptimizedRefHolder | Evaluates an AbstractQoreNode and dereferences the stored value in the destructor |
CValueEvalRefHolder | Evaluates an AbstractQoreNode and dereferences the stored value in the destructor |
CValueHolder | Holds an object and dereferences it in the destructor |
CValueHolderBase | Base class for holding a QoreValue object |
CValueOptionalRefHolder | Allows storing a value and setting a boolean flag that indicates if the value should be dereference in the destructor or not |
CVarRefTryModuleErrorNode | |
Cversion_list_t | List of version numbers in order of importance (i.e. 1.2.3 = 1, 2, 3) |