41#include <qore/InputStream.h>
42#include <qore/OutputStream.h>
43#include <qore/AbstractPollState.h>
52#include <openssl/ssl.h>
53#include <openssl/err.h>
56#define QSE_RECV_ERR -1
57#define QSE_NOT_OPEN -2
61#define QSE_IN_OP_THREAD -6
77 friend hashdecl qore_socket_private;
80 hashdecl qore_socketsource_private *priv;
130 friend hashdecl qore_socket_private;
131 friend hashdecl qore_httpclient_priv;
132 friend class QoreSocketObject;
134 friend class HttpClientRecvHeaderPollState;
135 friend class HttpClientRecvChunkedPollState;
136 friend class HttpClientRecvUntilClosePollState;
137 friend class HttpClientConnectSendRecvPollOperation;
138 friend class my_socket_priv;
218 DLLEXPORT AbstractPollState* startAccept(
ExceptionSink* xsink);
int bind(
const char* name,
bool reuseaddr =
int bind(
int prt,
bool reuseaddr);
int bind(
const char* iface,
int prt,
bool reuseaddr =
int bind(
const struct sockaddr *addr,
int addr_size);
int bind(
int family,
const struct sockaddr *addr,
int addr_size,
int socktype =
int bindINET(
const char* name,
const char* service,
bool reuseaddr =
int family =
int send(
const char* buf,
size_t size);
int recvi1(
int timeout_ms,
char* val);
int recvi2(
int timeout_ms,
short *val);
int recvi4(
int timeout_ms,
int* val);
int recvu1(
int timeout_ms,
unsigned char* val);
int recvu2(
int timeout_ms,
unsigned short *val);
int recvu4(
int timeout_ms,
unsigned int* val);
int recvu2LSB(
int timeout_ms,
unsigned short *val);
int sendHTTPMessage(
const char* method,
const char* path,
const char* http_version,
const QoreHashNode* headers,
const void* data,
size_t size,
int source = QORE_SOURCE_SOCKET);
int sendHTTPResponse(
int code,
const char* desc,
const char* http_version,
const QoreHashNode* headers,
const void* data,
size_t size,
int source = QORE_SOURCE_SOCKET);
1563 const char* http_version,
const QoreHashNode* headers,
const void* data,
size_t size,
int source,
int asyncIoWait(
int timeout_ms,
bool read,
bool write)
void clearStats();
static void doException(
int rc,
const char* meth,
int timeout_ms,
ExceptionSink* xsink);
int setNoDelay(
int nodelay);
int getNoDelay()
1975 hashdecl qore_socket_private *priv;
static void convertHeaderToHash(
QoreHashNode* h,
char* p);
1986class QoreSocketTimeoutHelper {
1988 class PrivateQoreSocketTimeoutHelper* priv;
1990 DLLEXPORT QoreSocketTimeoutHelper(
QoreSocket& s,
const char* op);
1991 DLLEXPORT ~QoreSocketTimeoutHelper();
1994class QoreSocketThroughputHelper {
1996 class PrivateQoreSocketThroughputHelper* priv;
1998 DLLEXPORT QoreSocketThroughputHelper(
QoreSocket& s,
bool snd);
1999 DLLEXPORT ~QoreSocketThroughputHelper();
void finalize(
int64 bytes);
The base class for all value and parse types in Qore expression trees.
Definition: AbstractQoreNode.h:57
holds arbitrary binary data
Definition: BinaryNode.h:41
container for holding Qore-language exception information and also for registering a "thread_exit" ca...
Definition: ExceptionSink.h:50
defines string encoding functions in Qore
Definition: QoreEncoding.h:83
provides thread-safe access to FTP servers through Qore data structures
Definition: QoreFtpClient.h:71
This is the hash or associative list container type in Qore, dynamically allocated only,...
Definition: QoreHashNode.h:51
the implementation of Qore's object data type, reference counted, dynamically-allocated only
Definition: QoreObject.h:61
represents an X509 certificate, reference-counted, dynamically-allocated only
Definition: QoreSSLCertificate.h:42
provides access to a private key data structure for SSL connections
Definition: QoreSSLPrivateKey.h:40
provides access to sockets using Qore data structures
Definition: QoreSocket.h:129
DLLEXPORT bool captureRemoteCertificates(bool set)
sets the capture SSL certificate flag
DLLEXPORT int send(int fd, qore_offset_t size, int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
sends untranslated data from an open file descriptor
DLLEXPORT int getRecvTimeout() const
get recv timeout in milliseconds
DLLEXPORT int recvi2LSB(int timeout_ms, short *val)
reads a 2-byte signed integer in LSB (Most Significant Byte first, little endian) format from the soc...
DLLEXPORT int send(const char *buf, size_t size)
sends binary data on a connected socket
DLLEXPORT int connectSSL(ExceptionSink *xsink, const char *name, int timeout_ms, QoreSSLCertificate *cert=nullptr, QoreSSLPrivateKey *pkey=nullptr)
connects to a socket, negotiates an SSL connection, and returns a status code, Qore-language exceptio...
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * recv(qore_offset_t bufsize, int timeout_ms, int *prc)
receive a certain number of bytes with a timeout value and return a QoreStringNode,...
DLLEXPORT int recvi8LSB(int timeout_ms, int64 *val)
reads an 8-byte signed integer in LSB (Most Significant Byte first, little endian) format from the so...
DLLEXPORT AbstractPollState * startRecvUntilBytes(ExceptionSink *xsink, const char *pattern, size_t size)
Starts a non-blocking receive operation on a connected socket.
DLLEXPORT int connectINET(const char *host, int prt, int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink=nullptr)
connects to an INET socket by hostname and port number and returns a status code, Qore-language excep...
DLLEXPORT void setSslVerifyMode(int mode)
sets the SSL verification mode
DLLEXPORT int64 recvu1(int timeout_ms, unsigned char *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
reads a 1-byte unsigned integer from the socket with a timeout value and returns the value read as an...
DLLEXPORT int connectINET2SSL(ExceptionSink *xsink, const char *name, const char *service, int family, int sock_type, int protocol, int timeout_ms, QoreSSLCertificate *cert=nullptr, QoreSSLPrivateKey *pkey=nullptr)
connects to an INET or INET6 socket by hostname and port number or service name and returns a status ...
DLLEXPORT int send(const BinaryNode *msg, ExceptionSink *xsink)
sends binary data on a connected socket
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * getPeerInfo(ExceptionSink *xsink, bool host_lookup) const
returns peer information for a connected socket
DLLEXPORT void setEncoding(const QoreEncoding *id)
sets the character encoding for strings sent and received with this socket
DLLEXPORT int sendHTTPResponse(ExceptionSink *xsink, QoreHashNode *info, int code, const char *desc, const char *http_version, const QoreHashNode *headers, const void *data, size_t size, int source, int timeout_ms)
send an HTTP response message on the socket
DLLEXPORT int setSendTimeout(int ms)
set send timeout in milliseconds
DLLEXPORT AbstractPollState * startSend(ExceptionSink *xsink, const char *data, size_t size)
Starts a non-blocking send operation on a connected socket.
DLLEXPORT int sendHTTPMessage(QoreHashNode *info, const char *method, const char *path, const char *http_version, const QoreHashNode *headers, const void *data, size_t size, int source=QORE_SOURCE_SOCKET)
send an HTTP request message on the socket
DLLEXPORT bool pendingHttpChunkedBody() const
returns true if a HTTP header was read indicating chunked transfer encoding, but no chunked body has ...
DLLEXPORT bool isDataAvailable(ExceptionSink *xsink, int timeout_ms=0) const
returns true if data is available on the socket in the timeout period in milliseconds
DLLEXPORT bool getAcceptAllCertificates() const
returns the current value of the "accept all certificates" flag
DLLEXPORT int connectINET(const char *host, int prt, ExceptionSink *xsink=nullptr)
connects to an INET socket by hostname and port number and returns a status code, Qore-language excep...
DLLLOCAL Queue * getQueue()
returns the event queue (not part of the library's public API)
DLLEXPORT int close()
closes the socket
DLLEXPORT int recvu4(int timeout_ms, unsigned int *val)
reads a 4-byte unsigned integer in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian, network) format from...
DLLEXPORT long verifyPeerCertificate() const
returns the peer certificate verification code if an SSL connection is in progress
DLLEXPORT int64 recvi2LSB(int timeout_ms, short *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
reads a 2-byte signed integer in LSB (Most Significant Byte first, little endian) format from the soc...
DLLEXPORT QoreSocket()
creates an empty, unconnected socket
DLLEXPORT int asyncIoWait(int timeout_ms, bool read, bool write) const
returns 1 if the event was satisfied in the timeout period, 0 if not (= timeout), or -1 in case of an...
DLLEXPORT int sendHTTPMessageWithCallback(ExceptionSink *xsink, QoreHashNode *info, const char *method, const char *path, const char *http_version, const QoreHashNode *headers, const ResolvedCallReferenceNode &send_callback, int source, int timeout_ms)
send an HTTP request message on the socket with a timeout value with a chunked message body using a c...
DLLEXPORT int64 recvi8(int timeout_ms, int64 *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
reads an 8-byte signed integer in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian, network) format from ...
DLLEXPORT int getPort()
returns the TCP port number, also assigns the interal port number if it must be discovered
DLLEXPORT int acceptAndReplace(SocketSource *source)
accepts a new connection on a listening socket and replaces the current socket with the new connectio...
DLLEXPORT AbstractPollState * startRecv(ExceptionSink *xsink, size_t size)
Starts a non-blocking receive operation on a connected socket.
DLLEXPORT QoreSocket * accept(SocketSource *source, ExceptionSink *xsink)
accepts a new connection on a listening socket and returns a new QoreSocket object for the new connec...
DLLEXPORT int connectUNIXSSL(ExceptionSink *xsink, const char *p, QoreSSLCertificate *cert=nullptr, QoreSSLPrivateKey *pkey=nullptr)
connects to a UNIX domain socket, negotiates an SSL connection, and returns a status code,...
DLLEXPORT bool isSecure() const
returns true if an SSL connection is active
DLLLOCAL int64 getObjectIDForEvents() const
returns a unique ID for the socket to be used in event messages
DLLEXPORT int acceptAndReplace(int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
accepts a new connection on a listening socket and replaces the current socket with the new connectio...
DLLEXPORT int sendi2LSB(short i)
sends a 2-byte (16bit) binary integer in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, little endian) format thr...
DLLEXPORT int connect(const char *name, ExceptionSink *xsink=nullptr)
connects to a socket and returns a status code, Qore-language exceptions are raised in the case of an...
DLLEXPORT int send(const BinaryNode *msg)
sends binary data on a connected socket
DLLEXPORT void acceptAllCertificates(bool accept_all=true)
with peer verification enabled, all certificates are accepted regardless of the validity of the Certi...
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * recv(int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
receive with a timeout value and return a QoreStringNode, caller owns the reference count returned
DLLEXPORT int sendi1(char i)
sends a 1-byte binary integer data to a connected socket
DLLEXPORT int64 recvu4LSB(int timeout_ms, unsigned int *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
reads a 4-byte unsigned integer in LSB (Most Significant Byte first, little endian) format from the s...
DLLEXPORT QoreSocket * acceptSSL(ExceptionSink *xsink, int timeout_ms, QoreSSLCertificate *cert=nullptr, QoreSSLPrivateKey *pkey=nullptr)
accepts a new connection on a listening socket, negotiates an SSL connection, and returns a new QoreS...
DLLEXPORT bool isDataAvailable(int timeout_ms=0) const
returns true if data is available on the socket in the timeout period in milliseconds
DLLEXPORT int sendi8LSB(int64 i, int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
sends an 8-byte (64bit) binary integer in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, little endian) format th...
DLLLOCAL void setEventQueue(ExceptionSink *xsink, Queue *q, QoreValue arg, bool with_data)
sets the event queue (not part of the library's pubilc API), must be already referenced before call
DLLEXPORT int64 recvi8LSB(int timeout_ms, int64 *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
reads an 8-byte signed integer in LSB (Most Significant Byte first, little endian) format from the so...
DLLEXPORT bool isWriteFinished(int timeout_ms=0) const
returns true if all write data has been written within the timeout period in milliseconds
DLLEXPORT int sendHTTPMessage(ExceptionSink *xsink, QoreHashNode *info, const char *method, const char *path, const char *http_version, const QoreHashNode *headers, const void *data, size_t size, int source, int timeout_ms)
send an HTTP request message on the socket with a timeout value
DLLEXPORT int getSslVerifyMode() const
returns the SSL verification mode
DLLEXPORT int shutdownSSL(ExceptionSink *xsink)
shuts down an active SSL connection
DLLEXPORT int recvu2LSB(int timeout_ms, unsigned short *val)
reads a 2-byte unsigned integer in LSB (Most Significant Byte first, little endian) format from the s...
DLLEXPORT BinaryNode * recvBinary(int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
receive with a timeout value and return a BinaryNode, caller owns the reference count returned
DLLEXPORT const QoreEncoding * getEncoding() const
returns the character encoding associated with this socket
DLLEXPORT int recv(int fd, qore_offset_t size, int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
receive data on the socket and write it to a file descriptor
DLLEXPORT int upgradeServerToSSL(ExceptionSink *xsink, int timeout_ms=-1, QoreSSLCertificate *cert=nullptr, QoreSSLPrivateKey *pkey=nullptr)
negotiates an SSL connection from the client side
DLLEXPORT void cleanup(ExceptionSink *xsink)
posts deleted message and removes any event queue
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * recv(qore_offset_t bufsize, int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
receive a certain number of bytes with a timeout value and return a QoreStringNode,...
DLLEXPORT int send(const BinaryNode *msg, int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
sends binary data on a connected socket
DLLEXPORT int bind(const char *name, bool reuseaddr=false)
binds to a UNIX domain socket or INET interface:port using TCP and returns a status code
DLLEXPORT int recvi1(int timeout_ms, char *val)
reads a 1-byte signed integer from the socket with a timeout value and returns the value read as an o...
DLLEXPORT int bind(const hashdecl sockaddr *addr, int addr_size)
binds an INET TCP socket to a specific socket address - do not use, deprecated, use bind(int family,...
DLLEXPORT bool isWriteFinished(ExceptionSink *xsink, int timeout_ms=0) const
returns true if all write data has been written within the timeout period in milliseconds
DLLEXPORT int sendi8(int64 i)
sends an 8-byte (64bit) binary integer in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian,...
DLLEXPORT QoreSocket * acceptSSL(ExceptionSink *xsink, SocketSource *source, QoreSSLCertificate *cert, QoreSSLPrivateKey *pkey)
accepts a new connection on a listening socket, negotiates an SSL connection, and returns a new QoreS...
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * getPeerInfo(ExceptionSink *xsink) const
returns peer information for a connected socket
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * readHTTPChunkedBody(int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink, int source=QORE_SOURCE_SOCKET)
receive a string message in HTTP chunked transfer encoding, caller owns QoreHashNode reference count ...
DLLEXPORT int getSocket() const
returns the file descriptor associated with this socket
DLLEXPORT int connectUNIX(const char *p, ExceptionSink *xsink=nullptr)
connects to a UNIX domain socket and returns a status code, Qore-language exceptions are raised in th...
DLLEXPORT BinaryNode * recvBinary(int timeout_ms, int *prc)
receive with a timeout value and return a BinaryNode, caller owns the reference count returned
DLLEXPORT int listen(int backlog)
sets an open socket to the listening state
DLLEXPORT AbstractQoreNode * readHTTPHeader(QoreHashNode *info, int timeout_ms, int *prc, int source=QORE_SOURCE_SOCKET)
read and parse HTTP header, caller owns AbstractQoreNode reference count returned
DLLLOCAL void setAccept(QoreObject *o)
sets backwards-compatible members on accept in a new object - will be removed in a future version of ...
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * recv(int timeout_ms, int *prc)
receive with a timeout value and return a QoreStringNode, caller owns the reference count returned
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * readHTTPHeaderString(ExceptionSink *xsink, int timeout_ms, int source=QORE_SOURCE_SOCKET)
read a HTTP header, caller owns QoreStringNode reference count returned
DLLEXPORT int connectINETSSL(ExceptionSink *xsink, const char *host, int prt, int timeout_ms, QoreSSLCertificate *cert=nullptr, QoreSSLPrivateKey *pkey=nullptr)
connects to an INET socket by hostname and port number, negotiates an SSL connection,...
DLLEXPORT int bind(const char *iface, int prt, bool reuseaddr=false)
binds to a TCP INET (ipv4 only) port on the given interface and returns a status code
DLLEXPORT int bindUNIX(const char *name, int socktype, int protocol=0, ExceptionSink *xsink=nullptr)
binds to a UNIX domain socket and returns a status code
DLLEXPORT int recvi4LSB(int timeout_ms, int *val)
reads a 4-byte signed integer in LSB (Most Significant Byte first, little endian) format from the soc...
DLLEXPORT int recvu2(int timeout_ms, unsigned short *val)
reads a 2-byte unsigned integer in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian, network) format from...
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * getSocketInfo(ExceptionSink *xsink) const
returns information for the current socket; the socket must be open
DLLEXPORT int sendHTTPResponse(ExceptionSink *xsink, int code, const char *desc, const char *http_version, const QoreHashNode *headers, const void *data, size_t size, int source=QORE_SOURCE_SOCKET)
send an HTTP response message on the socket
DLLEXPORT bool isOpen() const
returns true if the socket is open
DLLEXPORT int connectINET2(const char *name, const char *service, int family=Q_AF_UNSPEC, int sock_type=Q_SOCK_STREAM, int protocol=0, int timeout_ms=-1, ExceptionSink *xsink=nullptr)
connects to an INET or INET6 socket by hostname and port number or service name and returns a status ...
DLLEXPORT int recv(int fd, qore_offset_t size, int timeout_ms)
receive data on the socket and write it to a file descriptor
DLLEXPORT int sendi4(int i, int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
sends a 4-byte (32bit) binary integer in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian,...
DLLEXPORT int64 recvi1(int timeout_ms, char *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
reads a 1-byte signed integer from the socket with a timeout value and returns the value read as an o...
DLLEXPORT int sendi4(int i)
sends a 4-byte (32bit) binary integer in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian,...
DLLEXPORT int send(const char *buf, size_t size, int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
sends binary data on a connected socket
DLLEXPORT int connectINETSSL(ExceptionSink *xsink, const char *host, int prt, QoreSSLCertificate *cert=nullptr, QoreSSLPrivateKey *pkey=nullptr)
connects to an INET socket by hostname and port number, negotiates an SSL connection,...
DLLEXPORT int sendHTTPMessage(const char *method, const char *path, const char *http_version, const QoreHashNode *headers, const void *data, size_t size, int source=QORE_SOURCE_SOCKET)
send an HTTP request message on the socket
DLLEXPORT int sendi2(short i, int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
sends a 2-byte (16bit) binary integer in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian,...
DLLEXPORT AbstractPollState * startSslConnect(ExceptionSink *xsink, QoreSSLCertificate *cert=nullptr, QoreSSLPrivateKey *pkey=nullptr)
Starts a non-blocking upgrade to an SSL connection on a connected client connection.
DLLEXPORT int connectUNIXSSL(ExceptionSink *xsink, const char *p, int socktype, int protocol, QoreSSLCertificate *cert=nullptr, QoreSSLPrivateKey *pkey=nullptr)
connects to a UNIX domain socket, negotiates an SSL connection, and returns a status code,...
DLLEXPORT int recvi8(int timeout_ms, int64 *val)
reads an 8-byte signed integer in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian, network) format from ...
DLLEXPORT const char * getSSLCipherName() const
returns the name of the SSL Cipher for the currently-connected control connection,...
DLLEXPORT QoreSocket * accept(int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
accepts a new connection on a listening socket and returns a new QoreSocket object for the new connec...
DLLEXPORT int connectUNIX(const char *p, int socktype, int protocol=0, ExceptionSink *xsink=nullptr)
connects to a UNIX domain socket and returns a status code, Qore-language exceptions are raised in th...
DLLEXPORT int send(int fd, qore_offset_t size=-1)
sends untranslated data from an open file descriptor
DLLEXPORT int recvu4LSB(int timeout_ms, unsigned int *val)
reads a 4-byte unsigned integer in LSB (Most Significant Byte first, little endian) format from the s...
DLLEXPORT int send(const QoreString *msg, ExceptionSink *xsink)
sends string data on a connected socket, converts the string encoding to the socket's encoding if nec...
DLLEXPORT int64 recvi2(int timeout_ms, short *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
reads a 2-byte signed integer in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian, network) format from t...
DLLEXPORT int upgradeClientToSSL(ExceptionSink *xsink, int timeout_ms=-1, QoreSSLCertificate *cert=nullptr, QoreSSLPrivateKey *pkey=nullptr)
negotiates an SSL connection from the client side
DLLEXPORT int send(const QoreString *msg, int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
sends string data on a connected socket, converts the string encoding to the socket's encoding if nec...
DLLEXPORT int64 recvu2(int timeout_ms, unsigned short *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
reads a 2-byte unsigned integer in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian, network) format from...
DLLEXPORT int recvu1(int timeout_ms, unsigned char *val)
reads a 1-byte unsigned integer from the socket with a timeout value and returns the value read as an...
DLLEXPORT int listen()
sets an open socket to the listening state
DLLEXPORT int recvi4(int timeout_ms, int *val)
reads a 4-byte signed integer in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian, network) format from t...
DLLEXPORT AbstractQoreNode * readHTTPHeader(int timeout_ms, int *prc, int source=QORE_SOURCE_SOCKET)
read and parse HTTP header, caller owns AbstractQoreNode reference count returned
DLLEXPORT AbstractPollState * startConnect(ExceptionSink *xsink, const char *name)
Starts a non-blocking connection to a socket and returns a status code.
DLLEXPORT int bindINET(const char *name, const char *service, bool reuseaddr=true, int family=Q_AF_UNSPEC, int socktype=Q_SOCK_STREAM, int protocol=0, ExceptionSink *xsink=nullptr)
binds an INET or INET6 TCP socket to a specific socket address
DLLEXPORT int setRecvTimeout(int ms)
set recv timeout in milliseconds
DLLEXPORT int sendi8(int64 i, int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
sends an 8-byte (64bit) binary integer in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian,...
DLLEXPORT const char * getSSLCipherVersion() const
returns the version string of the SSL Cipher for the currently-connected control connection,...
DLLEXPORT int getSendTimeout() const
get send timeout in milliseconds
DLLEXPORT BinaryNode * recvBinary(qore_offset_t bufsize, int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
receive a certain number of bytes with a timeout value and return a BinaryNode, caller owns the refer...
DLLEXPORT int bind(int prt, bool reuseaddr)
binds to a TCP INET (ipv4 only) port on all interfaces and returns a status code
DLLEXPORT int sendHTTPResponse(ExceptionSink *xsink, int code, const char *desc, const char *http_version, const QoreHashNode *headers, const void *data, size_t size, int source, int timeout_ms)
send an HTTP response message on the socket
DLLEXPORT int64 recvu4(int timeout_ms, unsigned int *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
reads a 4-byte unsigned integer in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian, network) format from...
DLLEXPORT int send(const QoreStringNode &msg, int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
sends string data on a connected socket, converts the string encoding to the socket's encoding if nec...
DLLEXPORT int sendHTTPResponse(int code, const char *desc, const char *http_version, const QoreHashNode *headers, const void *data, size_t size, int source=QORE_SOURCE_SOCKET)
send an HTTP response message on the socket
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * readHTTPHeader(ExceptionSink *xsink, QoreHashNode *info, int timeout_ms, int source=QORE_SOURCE_SOCKET)
read and parse HTTP header, caller owns QoreHashNode reference count returned
DLLEXPORT int sendi4LSB(int i, int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
sends a 4-byte (32bit) binary integer in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, little endian) format thr...
DLLEXPORT int sendHTTPMessage(ExceptionSink *xsink, QoreHashNode *info, const char *method, const char *path, const char *http_version, const QoreHashNode *headers, const void *data, size_t size, int source=QORE_SOURCE_SOCKET)
send an HTTP request message on the socket
DLLEXPORT int sendi1(char i, int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
sends a 1-byte binary integer data to a connected socket
DLLEXPORT int64 recvu2LSB(int timeout_ms, unsigned short *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
reads a 2-byte unsigned integer in LSB (Most Significant Byte first, little endian) format from the s...
DLLEXPORT ~QoreSocket()
disconnects if necessary, frees all data, and destroys the socket
DLLEXPORT QoreObject * getRemoteCertificate() const
returns a remote certificate if available
DLLEXPORT int sendi2(short i)
sends a 2-byte (16bit) binary integer in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian,...
DLLEXPORT int64 getConnectionId() const
returns a connection ID to help identifying when new connections are made
DLLEXPORT int bindUNIX(const char *name, ExceptionSink *xsink=nullptr)
binds to a UNIX domain socket and returns a status code
DLLEXPORT int connectSSL(ExceptionSink *xsink, const char *name, QoreSSLCertificate *cert=nullptr, QoreSSLPrivateKey *pkey=nullptr)
connects to a socket, negotiates an SSL connection, and returns a status code, Qore-language exceptio...
DLLEXPORT BinaryNode * recvBinary(qore_offset_t bufsize, int timeout_ms, int *prc)
receive a certain number of bytes with a timeout value and return a BinaryNode, caller owns the refer...
DLLEXPORT int bind(int family, const hashdecl sockaddr *addr, int addr_size, int socktype=Q_SOCK_STREAM, int protocol=0)
binds an INET or INET6 TCP socket to a specific socket address
DLLEXPORT int sendi4LSB(int i)
sends a 4-byte (32bit) binary integer in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, little endian) format thr...
DLLEXPORT int shutdown()
calls shutdown on the socket
DLLEXPORT int sendi8LSB(int64 i)
sends an 8-byte (64bit) binary integer in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, little endian) format th...
DLLEXPORT int64 recvi4LSB(int timeout_ms, int *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
reads a 4-byte signed integer in LSB (Most Significant Byte first, little endian) format from the soc...
DLLEXPORT int64 recvi4(int timeout_ms, int *val, ExceptionSink *xsink)
reads a 4-byte signed integer in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian, network) format from t...
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * getSocketInfo(ExceptionSink *xsink, bool host_lookup) const
returns information for the current socket; the socket must be open
DLLEXPORT int send(const char *buf, size_t size, ExceptionSink *xsink)
sends binary data on a connected socket
DLLEXPORT int sendi2LSB(short i, int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink)
sends a 2-byte (16bit) binary integer in LSB (Least Significant Byte first, little endian) format thr...
DLLEXPORT QoreHashNode * readHTTPChunkedBodyBinary(int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink, int source=QORE_SOURCE_SOCKET)
receive a binary message in HTTP chunked transfer encoding, caller owns QoreHashNode reference count ...
DLLEXPORT int connect(const char *name, int timeout_ms, ExceptionSink *xsink=nullptr)
connects to a socket and returns a status code, Qore-language exceptions are raised in the case of an...
DLLEXPORT int recvi2(int timeout_ms, short *val)
reads a 2-byte signed integer in MSB (Most Significant Byte first, big endian, network) format from t...
Qore's string type supported by the QoreEncoding class.
Definition: QoreString.h:93
Qore's string value type, reference counted, dynamically-allocated only.
Definition: QoreStringNode.h:50
base class for resolved call references
Definition: CallReferenceNode.h:109
a helper class for getting socket origination information
Definition: QoreSocket.h:76
DLLEXPORT const char * getAddress() const
returns the host address string as a C string
DLLEXPORT ~SocketSource()
destroys the object and frees all memory
DLLEXPORT SocketSource()
creates an empty object
DLLEXPORT const char * getHostName() const
returns the hostname string as a C string
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * takeHostName()
returns the hostname string field and leaves the object's hostname field empty; the caller owns the Q...
DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * takeAddress()
returns the host address string field and leaves the object's host address field empty; the caller ow...
#define Q_AF_UNSPEC
cross-platform define for AF_UNSPEC
Definition: common.h:58
platform-independent define for SOCK_STREAM
Definition: common.h:67
intptr_t qore_offset_t
used for offsets that could be negative
Definition: common.h:76
long long int64
64bit integer type, cannot use int64_t here since it breaks the API on some 64-bit systems due to equ...
Definition: common.h:260
The main value class in Qore, designed to be passed by value.
Definition: QoreValue.h:279