35#include "qore/OutputStream.h"
58 buf->preallocate(count);
59 memcpy(
const_cast<void *
>(buf->getPtr()), ptr, count);
62 args->push(buf.release(), xsink);
virtual const char*
override {
71 return "OutputStreamWrapper";
holds arbitrary binary data
Definition: BinaryNode.h:41
container for holding Qore-language exception information and also for registering a "thread_exit" ca...
Definition: ExceptionSink.h:50
Interface for private data of output streams.
Definition: OutputStream.h:44
Implements the private data for all subclasses of Qore::OutputStream implemented in the Qore language...
Definition: OutputStreamWrapper.h:40
virtual DLLLOCAL const char * getName() override
Returns the name of the class.
Definition: OutputStreamWrapper.h:70
OutputStreamWrapper(QoreObject *self)
Definition: OutputStreamWrapper.h:47
virtual DLLLOCAL void close(ExceptionSink *xsink) override
Flushes any buffered (unwritten) bytes, closes the output stream and releases resources.
Definition: OutputStreamWrapper.h:50
DLLLOCAL bool isClosed() override
Returns true is the stream has been closed.
Definition: OutputStreamWrapper.h:66
virtual DLLLOCAL void write(const void *ptr, int64 count, ExceptionSink *xsink) override
Writes bytes to the output stream.
Definition: OutputStreamWrapper.h:54
This is the list container type in Qore, dynamically allocated only, reference counted.
Definition: QoreListNode.h:52
the implementation of Qore's object data type, reference counted, dynamically-allocated only
Definition: QoreObject.h:61
DLLEXPORT QoreValue evalMethod(const QoreString *name, const QoreListNode *args, ExceptionSink *xsink)
evaluates the given method with the arguments passed and returns the return value,...
a templated class to manage a reference count of an object that can throw a Qore-language exception w...
Definition: ReferenceHolder.h:52
manages a reference count of a pointer to a class that takes a simple "deref()" call with no argument...
Definition: ReferenceHolder.h:127
long long int64
64bit integer type, cannot use int64_t here since it breaks the API on some 64-bit systems due to equ...
Definition: common.h:260