34#ifndef _QORE_QORENET_H
36#define _QORE_QORENET_H
int q_gethostbyname(
const char* host,
struct in_addr* sin_addr);
QoreHashNode* q_gethostbyname_to_hash(
const char* host);
QoreStringNode* q_gethostbyname_to_string(
const char* host);
char* q_gethostbyaddr(
const char* addr,
int len,
int type);
QoreStringNode* q_addr_to_string(
int address_family,
const char* addr);
int q_addr_to_string(
int address_family,
const char* addr,
QoreString& str);
QoreStringNode* q_addr_to_string2(
const struct sockaddr* ai_addr);
int q_addr_to_string2(
const struct sockaddr* ai_addr,
QoreString& str);
int q_get_port_from_addr(
const struct sockaddr* ai_addr);
134 hashdecl addrinfo* ai;
container for holding Qore-language exception information and also for registering a "thread_exit" ca...
Definition: ExceptionSink.h:50
provides an interface to getaddrinfo
Definition: QoreNet.h:132
DLLLOCAL hashdecl addrinfo * getAddrInfo() const
returns the hashdecl addrinfo * being managed (may by 0)
Definition: QoreNet.h:159
DLLEXPORT ~QoreAddrInfo()
destroy the object
DLLEXPORT void clear()
clears the current results, if any
DLLEXPORT QoreListNode * getList() const
returns a list of hashes of address info, if an addrinfo structure is being managed
static DLLEXPORT QoreStringNode * getAddressDesc(int address_family, const char *addr)
returns a descriptive string for the address family and an address string (ie AF_INET6,...
DLLEXPORT int getInfo(ExceptionSink *xsink, const char *node, const char *service, int family=Q_AF_UNSPEC, int flags=0, int socktype=Q_SOCK_STREAM, int protocol=0)
get address info with the given parameters, if any errors occur, a Qore-language exception is thrown
static DLLEXPORT const char * getFamilyName(int address_family)
returns the name of the address family as a string (ie AF_INET = "ipv4", etc)
DLLEXPORT QoreAddrInfo()
create an empty structure
This is the hash or associative list container type in Qore, dynamically allocated only,...
Definition: QoreHashNode.h:51
This is the list container type in Qore, dynamically allocated only, reference counted.
Definition: QoreListNode.h:52
Qore's string type supported by the QoreEncoding class.
Definition: QoreString.h:93
Qore's string value type, reference counted, dynamically-allocated only.
Definition: QoreStringNode.h:50
#define Q_AF_INET
cross-platform define for AF_INET
Definition: common.h:61
#define Q_AF_UNSPEC
cross-platform define for AF_UNSPEC
Definition: common.h:58
platform-independent define for SOCK_STREAM
Definition: common.h:67