Qore ZeyosRestClient Module Reference  1.1

ZeyosRestClient Introduction

The ZeyosRestClient module provides an API for calling REST services with zeyos.com CRM ERP system.

To use this module, use "%requires ZeyosRestClient" in your code.

All the public symbols in the module are defined in the ZeyosRestClient namespace.

The main classes are:

#!/usr/bin/env qore
%requires ZeyosRestClient
ZeyosRestClient zeyos(
"url": "https://name:pass@cloud.zeyos.com/test",
"appsecret": "8df3cc8be92d300edb9ff9b9a680d22eacbf2ee5"
hash<auto> action_data = {
"name": "Action name 1",
"description": "description",
"effort": 48,
"actionnum": 7771,
"status": 0,
hash<auto> response = zeyos.put("/api/v1/actionsteps", action_data, NOTHING, NOTHING);
printf("Response body: %N\n", response.body);

Release Notes

ZeyosRestClient v1.1

  • implemented support for a data provider scheme cache and rich option information for connections (issue 4025)

ZeyosRestClient v1.0

  • the initial version of the ZeyosRestClient module
string printf(string fmt,...)