Qore sysconf Module  1.0.0
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Qore Sysconf Module

Contents of this documentation:


The sysconf module provides Qore the possibility to obtain runtime system infomation from the underlying operating system. The functionality is provided by standard C library.

This module is released under the LGPL 2.1 and is tagged as such in the module's header (meaning it can be loaded unconditionally regardless of how the Qore library was initialized). This version of the module requires Qore 0.8.0+ to compile and run.

To use the module in a Qore script, use the %requires directive as follows:

%requires sysconf

Short example;

%requires sysconf
printf("Count of CPUs: %N\n", sysconf(Sysconf::SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN));


See Sysconf Functions

